1st of Autumn, 517 AV
For the first time in my life I am alone. No clatter of dice, no stomping of feet, no songs rising from the main deck. At least it is not silent, I don't think I could stand that. The birds and insects scream from within the jungle, as if each one is trying to out-do the other. The waves crash upon the shore within sight of my camp, at least the tide carries the breath of Laviku, that at least is familiar.
Jem helped me move my things....my things. What a strange concept ownership is. I am not unfamiliar with it, mother of course explained the unique perspective of the Svefra, but it feels strange. My camp is like my ship now, and my belongings are like my Atani. They are seen as things that I am holding.
In a day or so I will venture to the clinic to see if anyone there needs an apprentice. If they do not I suppose I will have to find another occupation, but it would be very strange indeed to not heal others as my main focus. I am no master, but I am competent and that is all that was needed before. I hope to become a master healer someday, perhaps receive a second gnosis of Rak'keli. I hear the Akalak at the clinic have their second mark. They would be good for me to apprentice under I think.
I don't want to burn away all my oil on my first night here, but I can't quite get to sleep. I suppose I shall lay on the beach and count the stars.