Hey! I thought I would drop in and greet everyone before I started to assail each of you with questions.
1. Name - Zoey, or just call me Z. I'm rather comfortable with just Z.
2. What sort of RP experience do you have if any? Oh Mama do I. I've played table-top roleplaying games since I was exceptionally young. In the past two or three years I've taken to GMing those games and absolutely adored it. Aside form table-top I've dabbled in a few other role-playing sites, especially ones themed for adult or sexual content. After 3 or 4 years playing in those I've struck out looking for something a little more permanent, and perhaps a little more serious.
3. How did you find us? I googled the phrase "fantasy roleplaying site." Maybe I included the word "best?" Maybe, I can't quite remember. But I definitely just googled around looking for a place to play.
4. What sort of RP style is your favorite? I'm not really sure what this question is asking.... Play-By-Post is something I'm very accustomed to. Perhaps more comfortable with it than table-top. I think my answer is lacking. But I'm not sure what you mean when you stay "style."
5. What do you like to write about - not write about? I think it'd be harder for me to describe what I don't like to write about, so I'll start there.
I don't really enjoy writing stories that lack a grey area. Perfect people befuddle me, and I adore writing stories between characters that are just as evil as they are good. Even if it's as simple as an evidently evil action having kind-hearted motives.
6. Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far? I adore the individually of the site, but I'm sure that's a rather typical thing to be complimented. On top that, I adore the stores of knowledge that have been developed, even if it does generate a rather large learning curve. I adore having a world to dive into and relish in.
7. What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far? It's a doubled-edged sword isn't it? The large learning curve means I will heavily commit to a character, personality, location, and background. That's not a problem, it just makes me fear that the location and/or background will leave me with little writing to do other than solo stories. Most likely a paranoid thought, but one that did frustrate me.
8. What would you like out of the mizahar experience? A friendly community filled with enough writing partners and GMs (Moderators here I suppose) to enjoy a player experience without having to dive into a table-top game that will be a stereo-typically built, and devised, good and evil story. Where the heroes beat the necromancer.
9. Is there anything you'd like to see expanded? I'm typing up a Symenestra right now, and although their lore isn't lacking, they're location, Kalinor, is closed. It doesn't upset me, because I understand the work having each location open would take for the admins. But it does slightly disappoint me that I wouldn't be able to start there.
10. Anything else you want to talk about? I'm sure I'll think up a few questions beyond this one, but just 1 for now.
As I mentioned, I'm currently crafting a Symenestra. Within their culture it's unlikely for someone to leave their web. I'm trying to think of a good reason that my character would walk away, and end up not coming back. At least not come back for a long while. Right now I'm thinking along the lines of her leaving to pursue a Gleaning, and then not wanting to return to a life of boredom and motherhood. Does that sound decent, or perhaps a little too out of the racial stereotypes?
Thanks for stopping by! Say hello, shoot me a PM if you're bored some time. I love writing prompts.