The blonde had just casually watched the consultations while the pair waited. She yawned some starting to tire from being out all day, though there was still so much to do when they finished there. The woman's chipper voice caused her to turn and focus on the task at hand once more. The new Drykas seemed to be very tired and worn down from her trip there. With a nod the girl agreed before helping her companion up if needed. Jasmine once again took lead without realizing it. Figuring the pair better walk in order to keep the girl awake; she made sure the girl kept up. Sure they were no farther than outside the tent, but still.
"I'm more then happy to help. Let's walk and stretch our legs shall we?" Jasmine asked with a smile and took hold of Chaser's yvas.
It did not take the pair long to find a good place for the girl to set up her home. Turning around the blonde helped get the tarp unrolled and stretched out. Once the tent was completely open, the woman grabbed the poles and made note of where they needed to be. Grabbing her dagger from her boot the girl stabbed the dirt to loosen it up. Putting the weapon down just a short distance away, she grabbed a pole and put it in before packing dirt around it. Standing under she wiggled it to see if it needed to be packed more. Happy with its strength the girl moved to the next copying the movements, each time making sure the poles would not give. If there was even the slightest sway when Taurina walked in or out of her home; it could collapse on top of her or even on a fire pit within.
Blowing some hair out of the way, Jasmine wiped her brow before folding one half over the other to where the middle was exposed. Again her movements mirrored those of the outside. This time however she grabbed the pole and put it in place on the underside of the tent. Raising it up a little the woman pulled the tarp back over to the other side, so it would not be difficult to attach later. Using her head as a sort of lever the girl put the tall rod into place.