This a summary of the completed skills in the Wiki Skill list, as well as ones that are currently being worked on. Completed articles are stuck through, while WIP articles have a link beside of them. If there is a (WIP) but no link, that means the article has been claimed, but not actually published to the WD forums. Untouched articles are simply named. |
Acrobatics. Acting. Agriculture. Animal Husbandry. Aquiculture. Archaeology. Architecture. Armorsmithing. (WIP) Beekeeping. (WIP) Begging. Birdkeeping. Blind Fighting. Botany. Brewing. Busking. Calligraphy. (WIP) Candlemaking. Camouflage. (WIP) Carpentry. Cartography. Climbing. Cobbling. Composition. Construction. Copying. Cosmetology. Dance (WIP) Dentistry. Drawing. Dyeing (WIP) Embalming (WIP) Escape Artist. Etching. Farming. Fishing. Fletching/Bowing. Flint Knapping. Floristry. Food Preservation (WIP) Forgery (WIP) Fortune Telling. Gardening. Geology. Herbalism (WIP) Hunting. Intimidation. Investigation (WIP) Juggling. Jewelcrafting (WIP) Land Navigation. (WIP) Leatherworking. Locksmithing (WIP) Masonry. Medicine. Meditation. Metalsmithing (WIP) Mining. Mountaineering. Music Composition. Negotiation. Organization. Painting. Papermaking. Perfumery. Persuasion. Philosophy. Play Musical Instrument. Politics. Pottery. Rhetoric. (WIP) Running. Sculpting. Sewing. Singing. Spelunking. Stealth. (WIP) Storytelling. Subterfuge. (WIP) Suvai (WIP) Swimming. Tanning. Tattooing. Tracking. (WIP) Trapping. Undertaking. Vinting. Weapon Fighting (WIP) Weaponry Weaponsmithing Weaving Writing(WIP) |