She turned and looked at him. Her smile spoke volumes as she entwined her fingers with his and looked thoughtful.
"How about equal measures; Labor and Distraction. I do enjoy both." She said thoughtfully, still smiling. There was something soothing walking along the road with Hatot and Radris. His hand left hers though, roaming to her rear which made her turn bright pink with embarrassment. If they hadn't been so out in the open, she wouldn't have minded, but Kavala was shy about public displays of affection, even when there was no one around. It wasn't so much what Hatot was doing. It was more what Radris was WILLING to do. Careful flirting was one thing, but with Radris dwelling within, it could easily turn in to far more of a public show.
Hatot was well disciplined, but Radris had no qualms about lounging beside Kavala in a very public place and proceeding to make her very uncomfortable by discretely slipping a hand beneath her skirt or blouse. Kavala liked Radris, for all his rough ways. And often, though she loved Hatot, the Konti wished to spend time with the darker half alone. There were lingering effects from her slavery, pain that equated to the Konti's brain as pleasure, that only Radris was truly suited to help her with. It was not a secret she kept from Hatot, though it was nothing they ever talked about. She just needed Radris to be Radris sometimes.
The road to Sanctuary would be no obstacle to him.
But Kavala kept smiling and walking beside Hatot, listening to his plans. He seemed to have it all laid out in his mind. Kavala had a suggestion.
"Maybe we should sit down on the veranda back at Sanctuary and start working up a building plan. I can do the artwork if you tell me where you want things arranged. I have a feeling the builders will be here tomorrow to start dropping off wood. If we can lay out the floor plan, maybe put some tent takes and stretch out string so we can decide where the foundation will need to go, that will be a big step in getting ready. The site is already flat and dry year round so it won't take much preparation for building. You don't have to haul anything in or set the building up to prevent flooding. It's a really great location." She said, enthusiastic about his project.
"And you don't need to bring patients over if people get hurt. I can come to them. Just send another student for me." She said, knowing that sometimes it was critical not to move the injured.
"Especially if someone has a neck or back injury, don't move them until you get me. Promise. You'll be teaching a lot of youth and women, I have a feeling, so this is especially important." Kavala said, then smiled as she saw Sanctuary further down the road, perched up on the cliffs. It's fields were filled with horses and though its facade was simple, it was a good solid property. Someday it would be hers.
When they crossed through the gate and walked through the courtyard, Kavala was already rushing ahead to gather the needed supplies for the floor plan endeavor, spreading them out on the main gathering table so Hatot could make his plans. It was exciting, knowing the piece of land across the road was all Hatot's.
"The name will come to you. Definitely. When you least expect it most likely." Kavala said, readying her sketch pad to start taking notes from Hatot.