by Sayana on October 1st, 2017, 11:20 am
So I've been seeing a lot of new NPCs being written up for Ravok (myself included), and I wanted to bring up a bit of a pet peeve that's been bugging me. Children NPCs, less than 15 or so, should not be experts in any field. They simply haven't lived long enough to reach that level. You might have the rare autistic or incredibly driven child/teen who has one skill in which they are passionate about, and thus have reached expert, but their personality would be slightly skewed to meet that.
Now in terms of competence, you might have a teen who is reasonably competent in one or two skills. It's definitely plausible. But if you look at NPCs who are 10 or less... would you really trust a young child to be competent in the desired field? Would you pay them to complete said skill? Or are they really just a child who hasn't matured enough?
One last point, I say this for NPCs and it does not apply to PCs. Why? Because PCs are meant to be exceptional people and characters. NPCs should not overwhelm your PCs unless they are fulfilling special roles (eg. Druvin etc.).
Alright, there's my little rant. I'm certainly no voice of authority, but I hope people will give a second thought to the skills they are assigning to make them feel realistic.