Welcome to my scrapbook! I'm not sure what will go in here in the future... but as a jumping point, I wanted to talk about my character. Pretentious? No! I want to show people what resources and inspirations took me from a point A to point B. Well, anyhow... When I first found this site, I was... well, bored. I had been writing stories and plot lines for a character I've had since I was a teenager, but I had nowhere to RP him... and nowhere to share those stories. Obviously, I realized I was wasting time creating background and story for a character no one would ever see (and I would once again forget about for a year or two). So, I googled RP sites. Mizahar wasn't the first one I found, but after investigating several boards that seemed decrepit and bland I clicked a link that led me to a brown homepage. Fantasy RP? Well, I would have preferred modern times... but I looked into it anyway. Holy crap. For all the same reasons anyone who is reading this registered, I did too. I first latched onto the Kelvic race. Shapeshifters? That seemed cool. After reading the wiki though, they seemed a bit more complicated than I would have liked. I also realized I was trying to re-create my old character here in MIzahar, and so I clicked back on my browser. At this point, I found the Nuit race... and I liked it. I posted my introduction, had grand ideas... I even wrote a pretty long back story for this character and drew a sketch of what I would have wanted my intial body to look like. This was the first incarnation of Pain in my mind. To your right, you'll see Nuit Pain. I toyed with this idea for a while, liking the Nuit race because it would give me ample chances to draw both male and female figures (the latter which I needed the most practice). I initially wanted to be wizard of sorts, utilizing Hypnotism and interrogation as my primary skills. I don't know when it hit me, but I slowly felt the urge to do something radically different. My old character had used illusions as his weapon, and hypnotism and the Gnosis gifts I were looking at for my Nuit seemed to almost replicate his skillset entirely. So, I wondered... i've never really done a melee combat character. Why not? Obviously, Nuits aren't suited for that. I abandoned my Nuit, trashed my character history, and started over fresh. I was pretty rusty in my RP, and though the Akalak seemed to be the perfect fit, I really wanted a female character. Not only would it be different for me, but I wanted to practice drawing women. So, I chose human. Sometimes I regret it, as there are so many cool races in Mizahar... I especially love the Chaktawe. But, my "ninja chick" as Panna Cotta has dubbed her was destined to be a simple human. Now, the real work began. I had come up with the name Pain for my Nuit, and I liked it. I had already gotten to know a few people in chat under the name, and I didn't want to abandon it... so I wrote it in. I gave my character a full name, but inserted Pain as her alias and tried as hard as I could to justify it in my background without making it seem forced. That was honestly easier than I thought, I just started writing and it came to me as I went. I got it written in one sitting, but what of aesthetics? If she's a fighter, how does she fight? Well, to be honest I don't know much about martial arts. I mean, i'm familiar with a couple different names but that was all. So, I jumped into my car and went to Barnes and Noble. I picked up two books on anatomy that had lots of reference poses, as well as two other books on fighting. Muay Thai, and Krav Maga. So, from there, I created Pain's fighting style and I still use those references whenever she's fighting in my RP. Her aesthetic came together from a myriad of influences. The two primary sources? Gina Carano and Faith, from Mirror's Edge. I wanted Gina's physique and Faith's looks, and I also took a little bit more from each. Gina Carano uses a bit of Muay Thai herself, and Faith's character in Mirror's Edge is a free runner. I wanted Pain to be a kick ass fighter like Gina, but also really acrobatics and atheletic like Faith. Boom. So, it all came together in the end. The picture on the left was the drawing of Pain that really defined her aesthetic to me. I had done a couple previously, but this one really sealed it for me. With the aesthetic firmly in place, I inserted a few character flaws and quirks (somewhat stupid and uneducated, reckless and temperamental, and lonely). I've expanded on those things quite a bit as I've gone along with Pain, and I must say i'm enjoying the hell out of the ride so far. As far as what Pain will do in the future... well, here is what i've got on my plate right now.
Well, that's how I got to where I am with my PC. I think about creating alts often, I've come very close. The idea of RPing a more challenging race or a different type of character is a fun one, but I always come back to Pain. Oh, one last thing. Now that Pain is getting up there with her unarmed skill, I have found the perfect mix of Muay Thai and movie bullcrap that can be pulled off in a fantasy setting. For insight onto the kind of stunts you may see Pain beginning to pull off soon... check this out. |