Hello everyone!
My name is Nesota and I stumbled in a couple of days ago. I typed in "Fantasy Forum RPG" on Google and Mizahar was the first link that came up. I decided to give it a click, and here I am!
In all honesty, to give compliments where they are well due, I admire the time, energy and sheer dedication you have all put into Mizahar. The amount of lore that came at me was almost staggering and these first couple of days I've done nothing but immersing myself into what was written. Really, you have all done a magnificent job!
About me... there's really not that much to tell. I've started writing about twelve years ago, around my sixteenth year (this will probably make me an oldtimer right from the start), and these past years have mostly been spent on sci-fi RPGs. Mostly Star Wars, although I've dabbled in some Star Trek as well here and there. I once stumbled onto another fantasy RPG about ten years ago; it had an amazing amount of lore, just like Mizahar, but while it's most likely around no more I nevertheless started looking for it a while ago because I hoped to stumble onto a new place. Well... that's basically how I ran into Mizahar and became ensnared in the lore.
So far I've already had the pleasure of meeting Miss Tierra, Chameleon, Alassa and Belugnir in chat. These are all great people who have been very friendly to me, and I can't wait to meet everyone else!