65th of Fall 517
Somewhere in the Sea of Grass
Somewhere in the Sea of Grass
Already the heat of the coming day made itself present as Syna's rays caressed the back of the Drykas' neck like the stroke of warm feathers. Ashka rode her Strider at a slow pace, both of them keeping most of their energy for when they'll reach the end of the trail they were following. In the sun-bleached grasslands, between dried and yellowed stalks, tracks printed upon the desiccated soil were a god-sent lead, full of hope for the Drykas girl. After the excessive temperatures of the past seasons, the sun kept shining and depleting the land below, making hunting even more difficult and causing doubt and rumours to spread about the return of Morwen for the Winter. Ashka, among many others, feared that the balance of the seasons would not be restored in time, and that this instability would compromise the Drykas people's survival.
It was with concern in her heart that she had left camp early this morning, much earlier than her usual hunting times, with the hope that with the coolness of the night lingering in the Sea of Grass, land creatures would not have deserted the prairie yet. The redhead had stumbled upon a dry hoofprint a half-bell earlier by chance, and had clinged to the irregular trail with hope and determination since that moment. Bow and full quiver hung on her back while she rested her hands on the yvas handles, grey eyes scanning the ground for a fresh clue. A few chimes had passed since she last spotted a sign she was on the right path, and she began to worry she had lost her way.
Ashka sighed, feeling frustration swelling inside her. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly to gather herself and leaned back in the yvas, using her body weight and a sharp click of the tongue to bring her stallion to a stop. Lako took another couple of steps, slowing down gradually, and, feeling the continuing pressure on his back, halted. The Drykas dismounted and rewarded his obedience with a distracted scratch of his cheeks, and set her attention to her immediate surroundings. She walked slowly, eyes staring at the ground intensely like it could make a blinking arrow appear from the ground and point at a potential meal. Step after step, her gaze ran from dying bushes to dusty stalks to barren soil, with no luck.
After five chimes of walking in circles without finding any hint, any track, the girl let out an angry grunt, upset at herself for wasting precious time. Chances were she wasn't alone on this trail, and if another hunter – Drykas or animal – found its end first, she wouldn't have anything to do but begin a new search. Annoyed, she hurried back to her Strider and decided to retrace her steps. Lifting her eyes to the sky, she looked for Syna's bright shape; they had been travelling with her rays warming her back, so now they would have to walk in her direction.
Ashka asked her stallion to turn back, aiding her command by gently pushing his head and neck to a side and encouraging him with her voice. Although not completely awake, the claybank Strider obeyed rapidly and she could mount again. With a short whistle and a pressure of her calves against his flanks, she set their new course towards the Sun-goddess, silently praying for Caiyha to bless their outing.
- Thanks to Aladari Coolwater for the boxcode