Season of Winter, Day 10, 510 AV
Once more Alenias was wandering about Nitrozian Plaza, her dark eyes looking here and there as she wandered seemingly at random. The plazas were a fun place to walk around, with so many people just leaving all kinds of interesting things laying about for the taking. She stuck to the Nitrozian plaza though, as Treanas had told her to stay away from the Dark Delight Plaza, though he'd never said why.
With her rather wild hair, and dirty piece of cloth that served as a dress, the people of the market were giving her two kinds of attention. Either looks of disgust and contempt, as they assumed she was a beggar that would ask them for money, or none at all, ignoring her presence as they would a piece of garbage. Neither really gave Alenias much concern, but the second did make it much easier for her to snatch the various bits people left about.
Normally she would come here looking for something or other that Treanas had asked her to find, but with him having been gone for a while she was mostly here to wander, and to eat some. Her head turning this way and that, she smelled the air, and the faint scent of fresh bread caught her nose. Pausing in her steps she looked for the source of the smell, and spotting it, made her way towards the stall that was selling various breads.
Creeping up carefully, so as to avoid notice, she waited for the merchant to be distracted by a customer before sneaking a small roll off of the table top. Holding tightly to the piece of bread she made her way away from the stall and to a dark corner between two buildings, where she crouched down and started to slowly eat the bread one small bite at a time. Between each bite she would glance left, and then right, her eyes blinking as she kept a watch for anything threatening.