Why hello there! I am a full time barista, part time wannabe novelist from Houston Texas. It's been a very very very very very long time since I've done any sort of rping, outside of a few one on one things with friends, so I'm super excited to dive into something as detailed as Mizahar! I'm hoping for an opportunity to fine-tune my writing skills. Roleplaying is a different sort of art than just writing on your lonesome, so I'm looking forward to a chance to flex old and unused muscles. I'm also looking forward to the change to socialize with other writerly people. I've been missing out on that in my life!
To be entirely honest I just put "Fantasy roleplay" into google and Mizahar was the first link to pop up. I clicked it, browsed for about three hours (so much content!), then started pestering people on the discord.
So here I am. Greatly looking forward to the change to do some detailed roleplaying!