Timestamp: 29th of Winter, 517 AV
Jaren had sent her OUT. Kelski didn't know what that meant, really, only that he wanted her out of his hair for a few bells and out of his rooms. She made noise, smells, and kept unreasonable hours all in the name of doing work for him. And he needed some privacy for ... something? She wasn't sure. All she knew was he marched into her workshop - his spare room - and pointed towards his main door and said 'Out! ... for at least a few bells...'
And now he wanted something special for a very special person and told her to go OUT and get inspiration for it. He had asked for something unusual, reminiscent of Sunberth, and something that would cause her skill to shine but also be a sort of kick in the head to the person receiving it who was someone who could not refuse a gift form Jaren. The Kelvic was uncertain what would fall under that category so she headed out to look.
And she was hungry, so she swung by The Gold Lodge with her very polite and very visible dog collar tag on and was fed thin soup and given two end crusts of hard bread. She ate the soup - like it was her only meal - and pocketed the two end cuts of bread to nibble on later when she was hungry again. When she was done, Kelski had to annoyingly wait for Darvin to finish his meal before she could set off again.
It was a hard journey, wandering through the desolate streets of Sunberth looking for inspiration. There was nothing but mud, filth, and desperate people. The worst part was that the air was full of crows. It hurt her almost physically to watch them fly while she had no access to her wings. So while Darvin watched her back the Kelvic wandered not paying attention to where her feet took her watching the birds fly overhead and swoop down into the streets with a sheen that almost looked suspiciously like tears in her eyes.
"Girl, we need to get back. Them birds... they are skull crows.... they are bad luck. Seeing um.... especially this many ... means death. Our deaths." He said superstitiously.
Kelski shook her head. "I can't... can't go back. Jaren... I mean Master... ordered me out for at least two or three bells. It hasn't even been half that time yet." Kelski affirmed glancing up at the sky just in time to see Darvin draw a dagger and toss one directly at one of the soaring crows. She saw the metal pierce its breast and heard its death squawk as if fell from the sky. Tumbling to a halt near her, Kelski bent over and examined the corpse. The Kelvic reached down and plucked the skull off the dead crow thinking the practice the crow was doing was morbid.
Darvin retrieved his dagger, and looked around again. In a fit of rage at having to babysit her, he brought down a few more birds. Kelski collected their skulls as he collected his daggers, and tucked them in her skirt pocket. Darvin was obviously drunk, so rather than stay sedentary where it would just make him more surly, Kelski kept roaming.
The Kelvic was already planning what she was going to do. The skulls would be perfect. She'd either line them with silver or another metal or maybe even cast them for a lost wax carving so they'd be solid metal and then decorate them so heavily that Jaren's target couldn't refuse. She'd need more wax than she had, but she could probably acquire it in town while she was here. Then, tonight, she could start on the project back in town.
Already her mind was filled with swirls and delicate etched lines she'd add to the skulls and the chain she'd cast for holding them on. Kelski was excited. Here was her inspiration. Darvin AND Jaren be damned... the Kelvic kept walking, a lighter spring in her step.
Soon she was surrounded by what she could only consider a tent and wooden shanty town. They were on the far edge of the city, nearing the slag heap, and had been passing by the tents for some time as Kelski had been looking up tracking the crows rather than where her feet took her. Darvin looked extremely uncomfortable even leaving his hand on his daggers across his chest.
The Kelvic couldn't believe how some of the people lived. It brought her mind into perspective at her situation as one of Jaren's possessions. Half starved and stinking of filth, the denizens here were in dire straights and looked as hard as the ground they camped on. She passed more slowly now, Darvin trailing more beside her than behind her, as they strolled the winding eddies in the tent city.
She came out nearer the slag heap finally, after following the maze of what passed for streets in the area. There, an old woman - surprising for this city and this age - was awkwardly trying to tear apart what looked like some sort of scavenged pallet and re-nail the boards up on the side of what looked like a little wooden building with a canvas roof. The woman's frail hands were having a hard time with her clawed foot hammer prying the nails and out and straightening them so they could be reused.
Kelski stepped forward, despite Darvin's attempt to grab her shoulder and restrain her and was kneeling by where the old woman was before she could stop herself. "I have young strong hands. Would you like me to pry your nails out for you?" She asked, in a soft gentle voice.
The old woman peered at Kelski as if suddenly seeing her. She took in her unique coloring and her odd mannerism and abruptly handed the hammer over. "Don't be stealing it now, its all I have." The woman said, her eyes turning towards the guard with Kelski. She knew what this was. Most likely a rich lady out to feel better by staring at the poor and maybe helping them....
The woman thought uncharitably until she caught sight of Kelski's slave collar. That cleared the picture even more. Not a rich woman, a rich person's pet. The old woman began to chatter then, opening up, as she identified someone who was probably in a worse situation than her, albeit a gilded cage.
Meanwhile Kelski carefully tapped on the wood, pulling two pieces apart and once the nails were loose enough, grabbing them with the claw of the hammer and carefully prying them free. She started to make a neat little pile next to the wood of both nails and freed lumber.