"Common" | "Fratava" | "Tukant"
Anibesa heard Merevaika snort before saying that the chickens were bad, and Anibesa swallowed anxiously, stepping slightly further back as Mere questioned her proximity to the chickens. The sound of feathers fluttering and the clucking caused Anibesa to jump back even more, shocked and scared by the seeming viciousness of the chickens as they tried to get the feed, aggressively pecking at where the feed fell.
She was shocked by how wild and feral the chickens were. Were they worth keeping? They must have worth it in some aspects, otherwise she doubted that they’d still be here.
Then came more words from Merevaika, and she checked how much feed she’d given the chickens. It didn’t seem like much. She’d given the chickens about half a handful, but now she was overly conscious of how much she was giving them and she instead watch the chickens, seeing them eat everything and attempt to steal more from her. Each time they changed their movement slightly, she jumped.
Determined not to give them too much, Anibesa decided not to give them anymore. She figured that if she hadn’t given them enough, Merevaika would be able to give them more later. She doubted that underfeeding them once would affect them too negatively. Not until a few times of being underfed.
She didn’t doubt that Merevaika knew how to look after the creatures, and that was something that she would have to try and learn from the woman. Maybe if she could catch some animals and breed them, she could feed herself without trying to hunt for the animals each time she was hungry? Though it was highly unlikely that she’d be able to even attempt to raise animals for slaughter. She’d have to learn how to slaughter animals too in that situation.
”Did you get the chickens here? Is that why they’re aggressive?” she asked, trying to make conversation before turning to see Merevaika beckoning her over to a fire that she’d recently lit!
Grinning, she walked over to Merevaika, sitting on the floor next to the woman with her legs bent to the side as she lent back on her hands.
”Yeah, it seemed to be north west. I think it was deep in the jungle, and the lights? Couldn’t really see them that well? They could have been all over!” she suggested, before turning to look at Merevaika in time to hear her outburst. The woman was obviously annoyed by the goings on, and Anibesa shrugged in agreement. ”Maybe it’s a one time thing? If it happens again, we’ll get a look at it properly. See if we can see where the lights are coming from.” she suggested with a smile, before opting to change the conversation.
”So, what’s it like looking after so many animals? Time consuming I can imagine.” she grinned, looking towards Merevaika and glancing over her and taking in her firelit appearance. She was quite glad to have spent more time with the woman. She seemed like she could be a good friend to have in the settlement.