by Carus Nothus on February 12th, 2018, 7:21 am
Character History
Carus was born on a calm autumn day in his parents big mansion in Syliras. His mother always said that he was so happy and cheerful that he must have been blessed by Sivah, something that Carus clung to. His mother also used to say that the blessings of Sivah attracted him, which was quite clear as he got older. Partying, drinking, gambling and womanising was without a doubt Carus favourite pass time when he got a bit older.
His parents didn’t spend too much time with him as he was growing up. They gave him things and money as he wished, and without a doubt they did love him. However he was mostly raised by servants, who he learned even from a young age that he could treat as he wished and they wouldn’t really do anything about it, afraid of losing their jobs no doubt. From his parents he still got the most affection from his mother, who spoiled him a lot more than his father ever did.
The time he did spend with his father was done hunting. His father was rather proud of this, as it was the only skill he had managed to pass on to Carus, as it was the only thing he had tried to teach him that he seemed to actually enjoy. They only hunted for sport of course, only keeping and eating the best of their kills. They mostly hunted deer, but had taken a boar now and then as well.
As Carus got older he spent more time out with friends, mostly gambling and drinking. People clung to him, doing everything to be in his good graces. This was because he was quite generous to his friends, paying for their drink and company of women with no care in the world. Not all his friends where quite as rich as he was, and he had no problem with paying for their things as long as they knew their place below him. That’s not to say that he had poor friends either, you couldn’t be too poor and still be allowed in Carus good graces.
As Carus got older he should probably have noticed how his parent’s started to act differently and the things that happened around him. His parents suddenly decided that he wouldn’t be allowed to spend their money as frivolously as before, and they had to start letting some of their servants go. Instead of seeing this as a sign that not everything was right, Carus saw it like his parents was just trying to spite him. So he spent their money anyway, using his father's name to get credit at establishments or stealing the money from his parents. Not even when people started showing up at the door, big burly men who obviously weren’t of the kind sort, did he stop his spending. It was first when he overheard a conversation between his father and two of these men that he realised his father had borrowed a lot of money from the wrong sort of people. So he decided to that night go out on one last hurrah before he couldn’t spend anymore.
Oh what a night it was, the drinks flowed for him and his friends, and the company of women was bought for all of them. It was late at night when he stumbled home towards his house. He could see the flames from afar but refused to think it was his house until he was close enough to feel the heat. He could see his parents bodies outside, they had tried to run but had obviously caught fire before they ran outside, unable to stop the burning before it killed them. He stood in shock for a while, before he hurried to the stables, took his horse and ran off as fast as he could, only having the clothes on his back, the money that was left in his pocket and the hunting knife he had gotten from his father.
For the next few years he traveled with caravans, mostly going wherever the next caravan happened to go. Sure, he could have stayed in Syliras when his parents died. He could probably have went to a friend. But the shame would have been too large, and he was afraid that the people who had set the house on fire would be after him next. He mostly stayed in the Sylira’s region, using his father’s name for credit for as long as he could, before the news of his death had travelled too far. Then he stole, scammed and conned his way for a living. Doing everything from gambling and stealing to keeping the companies of women he had no desire in simply for their money. But after awhile, most establishments in most towns in the region had him barred, and the law was after him in most of them as well, which is how he ended up in Sunberth.
Last edited by
Carus Nothus on February 12th, 2018, 1:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.