Grade Complete: XP Award!
Name: Gwen
XP Award
Negotiation- 5 XP Intelligence- 2 XP
Gwen is very persistent in her desire to sell meat along with the knives that the men make, but she refuses to do so without making a little extra money for the work she does in the endeavor. Her drive to accomplish this (and the amount of times she brings it up in the thread) earns her 3 XP in negotiation. She attempts to get herself a dagger for “free” which is another way of negotiating and earned her another two points. Her observation of the sights and sounds outside Hrafn’s workshop earned her a point in intelligence since she used them to notice when Mant came back, and her knowledge of meat prices earned her another intelligence point. Lore Award
Determination to Make a Deal Observing a Blacksmith at Work Being Better than Regular Animals Buying Large Quantities of Meat Forgetting Requests Ledger
- 225 gold mizas (salted deer meat) - 1 gold mizas, 5 silver mizas (sacks for meat) - 2 gold mizas, 5 silver mizas (delivery fee) - 5 gold mizas (storage fee for 7 days) + 450 salted deer cuts + 15 sacks for meat + storage space for 7 days in Syliras (not in a merchant’s home)
Grade Complete: XP Award!
Name: Hrafn
XP Award
Negotiation- 5 XP Blacksmithing- 2 XP Intimidation- 1 XP
Hrafn is no fool. He is allowing a girl to spend time in his workshop and be part of a group, though she hasn’t yet proven her worth. When she brings up the idea of trading in meat, as well, he sees it as her way of pulling her own weight and does not want to pay her a lot to do so. The fact that he has come to that conclusion and tells her so (multiple times) earns him 3 XP in negotiation. He also tried to get a good deal on iron at the Great Bazaar (twice), which earned him his extra negotiation skill points. His work on the knives earned him points in blacksmithing, and his picking on the boy at the Bazaar earned him an Intimidation point. Lore Award
Overreacting Mute Pycon Communication Heavy Lifting Sharpening Knives Composing a Ditty Bullying a Clerk Suddenly Deciding to Leave Syliras? Ledger
- 4 gm (8 lbs of iron at price list price) - 4 gm (wheelbarrow fee, to Mant) - 5 sm (knife at price list price) - 2 gm, 5 sm (5 lbs iron at price list price) + 8 lbs of iron + 5 finished knives + 1 knife from Bazaar (at price list price) + 5 lbs of iron
(+ 500 gm) (- home and/or shop in Syliras)
***The last two are only possibilities since I’m not sure if Hrafn is actually going to sell/leave Syliras. Just add them to your ledger if you decide to take him elsewhere, or ignore them if you change your mind, I suppose.***
Grade Complete: XP Award!
Name: Mant
XP Award
Cooking- 2 XP Negotiation- 3 XP Gathering- 1 XP
Mant really got into his morning meal. He noticed the different ingredients in his food, the levels of flavor and how they were probably combined to make the breakfast in front of him- earning him 1 XP in cooking. His knowledge of the yogurt later in the thread earned him another cooking point. Mant also earned 2 XP in negotiation for his careful purchase of a grindstone and a wheelbarrow, and another point in negotiation for his aversion of answering Gwen’s question without talking it over. He got a point in gathering for getting all the sticks (partially because gathering can be a good skill to have alongside cooking). Lore Award
Shopping in Syliras Testing Equipment Heavy Lifting Needing a Break Reporting Disliking Crowds and Menial Tasks Ledger
- 4 sm (common breakfast) - 1 sm (mug of ale) - 25 gm (grindstone) - 5 gm (wheelbarrow) - 1 sm (loading fee) + 4 gm (wheelbarrow fee from Hrafn) + common (regular sized) grindstone + sturdy wheelbarrow
Your price range at the beginning of the thread is probably better suited to the Rearing Stallion Tavern than the Golden Dragon, hun, though there is less choice as to what Mant would be eating. I changed a few of your prices (throughout the thread) to make it a bit more fair- I hope you don’t mind.
Additional Note:
Thank you for letting me read your second group thread. I’m very glad to see all of you still working and writing together to make a cooperative story (though I’m not sure if that will continue since Hrafn decided to leave so suddenly at the end). It’s nice to see a group form that complements each other like you three. I would, however,
again ask for you to read a little into some of the lore (and ask any questions you may have in chat or by PMing of any of the storytellers of an area) before writing about a place. Some of the claims
each character made, whether it be pricing and value or findings in specific locations, were inaccurate. I only ask this of you because it is easier to keep everything the same for everyone (as well as grade fairly) if the lore sections are read and abided by, rather than each person making things up on their own. I hope that makes sense. I’m sorry if that sounds like criticism or seems unfair, but we have to keep things the same for everyone, and I’m willing to answer any questions you may have or help mod trading/interactions between shopkeepers and your characters if you would like to try to haggle, etc. I know negotiation is a skill so your characters would be able to get better prices if they have higher points in it, but that is something you usually have to have modded for it to work- otherwise the price list price stays. Thank you for understanding, and I hope you all keep writing.
I just started a new job where I occassionally work 12hour shifts (somehow?)- so please bear with me. I'll probably only be able to hardcore grade/be online on the weekends and other times I'll only get to about 1 thread per night. If there's anything that needs immediate attention, please PM me and I'll bump it up the list. Thanks in advance for the understanding. ^_^