Lessons from a Guardian

Sayana and Tierra meet again

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Lessons from a Guardian

Postby Sayana on October 1st, 2017, 3:23 pm

Fall 26, 517 AV

Sayana appeared at the entrance to the orphanage dressed finely, but as herself. She was trying to make a true effort to follow Clyde’s wishes. To not hide herself using magic and instead rise above and over the problem rather than slinking beneath it.

The Eypharian wore a favourite dress. Floor lengthed, red and black, and of a fine material. Black boots clicked upon the steps to the orphanage as she approached the door. She had still chosen to wear a black fur trimmed shawl, rather than leaving her multiple shoulders bare. It was a new acquirement and one that spoke of wealth. White soft rabbit fur as the season grew colder. Instead of the usual daggers at her hip, she had a pair of small ones fastened to her shins. After all, she was visiting a place with children and it would not do well to openly display weaponry.

However, in a low hand she did carry a small bag, almost purse-like with three items. In was another small dagger, but meant for smaller hands, a tiny jar of climbing resin, and a length of silk rope.

She knocked three times upon the large oak door of the orphanage. Several ticks passed and she raised her right high to knock again, however this time the door slowly opened. A young servant girl stood in the doorway.

“There’s a child I would like to meet with. I knew her mother. Could you take me to someone in charge so I might learn whether the orphan indeed resides here?”

The servant was momentarily startled at the request. It was not often that distant relations were found, be it by blood or otherwise. These children were those who truly had nowhere to go. No family, distant or otherwise, to take them in.

As Sayana was ushered in, the servant led her to an office with seats and a desk. After being asked to wait, a rather pristine and stoic looking woman stepped in.

“Good afternoon, are you the woman asking about one of the orphans? My name is Miss Sonja.” She spoke and offered a hand to shake.

Sayana reached out with her mid right and clasped the lady’s hand. However, at the same time her shoulders shrugged off the shawl somewhat and it became evidently clear that she was far from human by Ravok standards. There was a sudden hardening of Sonja’s eyes and the hand that Sayana was shaking clenched.

“My name is Sayana, and I knew the mother of an orphan who I believe resides here. The girl would be about ten or twelve now. Her name would be, Tie…” The Eypharian feigned trying to recall a name from an age ago, letting it hang in the air.

“Tierra?” Sonja replied sharply. “Look. I don’t know who you think you are or why you’ve come here. But if you dare lay a hand on these children… I’d like to see your citizenship papers. Now.”

“I beg your pardon?” Sayana answered as though taken aback. However, she met Sonja’s glare with a fierce gaze of her own. Unlike the mistress of the orphanage, Sayana was prepared for the confrontation. Like a coiling snake she grasped at the woman’s fears and concerns. With their intense gaze, it took but a moment for the hypnotist to release her djed, strengthening the caretaker’s concern for the children, wanting them to be safe, to be protected, to have a good life, to…

In the last moment of their stare, a sudden idea would spring to the mind of Miss Sonja. What if the orphanage wasn’t enough? What if Tierra could have a chance at a real family?

The seed of doubt would flicker through the mistress’s mind as Sayana broke the stare and settled back on the chair in a relaxed manner, arms out. She was no longer going to hide.

“Look, I have no intention of harming anyone. Least of all children. Only those who are truly despicable harm the innocent.” Sayana had no weapons on her visibly, and she opened out her arms to show she had ill intentions.

There was a long pause from Miss Sonja. The seed had been planted but it had not yet fully taken root.

“So how come I haven’t heard of you before. ‘Miss’ Sayana. It’s been twelve years. Why didn’t you come sooner?”

“Tierra’s mother was by no means my closest friend, but she was still a friend. I have not been in Ravok for many years, and when I found out that she was… Well. To say the least, I needed to know if her daughter was alive and well.”

A slow smile curled over Sonja’s face. Like a spider leading its prey into a trap she chose her words carefully.

“And Tierra’s mother. What was her name?”

Sayana smiled slowly, her tongue and lips tingling with the sweet and sour taste of djed. With a finger she beckoned the lady forwards to lean over the desk as she whispered in her ear. However, when she spoke the faintest of words, they were not words of Common or any other language. They were mere gibberish, spoken softly yet passionately. However they were laced with so much hypnotic magic that only a single thought could readily surface upon the caregiver’s mind. Of course that’s Tierra’s mother’s name.

After that, it didn’t take long for Sayana to be granted private audience with the girl, who Sayana now knew to be Tierra as her full name. One of the staff would bring the orphan to the office, but with little explanation, since Sayana had said that she didn’t want to get the girl’s hopes up if problems arose and a home and family were no longer possible.

Sayana for her part waited patiently, with the small bag placed neatly in her lap.

Receipt :
Shawl with rabbit fur (using 'half-cape' as base price, wool super fine, dyed, fur-trim) - 11gm
Dagger - 2gm
Climbing resin - 10gm
Silk rope - 10gm

Total: 33gm

Credit: Shimoje
Last edited by Sayana on October 24th, 2017, 1:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Placeholder - Meeting (Tierra)

Postby Tierra on October 1st, 2017, 3:38 pm

Tierra was busy dusting off banisters, it was painful to handle work but the orphan did it without much complaining. Her notebook was clutched tightly in her other hand, always primed to be flipped up and scribbled in if the thought struck her. It was also evident in her posture as Tierra moved from step to step downward that she was watching and listening to the orphans that ran past her. Each spindle of wood was carefully wiped down with the increasingly darkening rag that she was using.

“Tierra, you are needed in Miss Sonja's office.” It was one of the head lady's assistants that called up to the orphan. It took the orphan by surprise, she didn't expect to hear an adult voice, let alone one saying she was expected in the office. Nodding Tie dropped her rag between two of the spindles that ran up and down. Transferring the notebook to her bruised hand, the digits trembling as they curled around the paper book, this was so Tie could use her less trampled on hand to pull herself up onto her feet. Grimacing Tie transferred the notebook over to her good hand again and started down the stairs, taking them one at a time.

“Might I ask who is looking for me?” The assistant just shrugged and motioned for her to follow. I am in trouble. I know it. I made him mad, somehow I did. She followed quietly though, not making a sound until she was brought into the office. Sitting in the chair as the door closed Tie thought she recognized the person. Not at first but something about her looked familiar.

The caregiver Miss Sonja motioned towards the seated lady and spoke, “This is Miss Sayana...”

Shyke. She nodded, no words came to Tie's lips as the girl had no idea how to respond to this... Unexpected visit, her face tightened in a painful smile, the bruising around her right eye a deep purple, the green eye underneath all the deep dark colors was hidden yet it strained to appear.

“Oh my manners.” Tierra squeaked out as the orphanage head gave the orphan a look that could kill if looks could. She walked around so that the 'possible adopter' could see the orphan and curtsied. “Pleased to meet you ma'am.” Her notebook fell from her hand as it brushed against her skirt. Falling open to where the pencil was tucked into the groove it was clearly being used. Unfortunately, it was not easily readable at first glance.

With phrases like 'URMW GSV OLLPLFG. DSRMB ELRXV. BLFMT YLB. HFN LMV XLNRM'.' and 'Urmw Xsziolggv Xzrimhdziivm nzpv svi gzop'*link below for the encoded messages. it was clear that whatever was being written in the notebook Tierra didn't want others to see. Stooping down she flipped the book closed, picking it up with her non-bruised hand, and stood up, the messages hidden once again. Looking at the caregiver Tie tried to look innocently as she pleaded, “Can I have some time alone with her? I promise if anything goes wrong I will call out.” It was clearly troubling for Miss Sonja to do so, but reluctantly she did so. As the caregiver walked past the two she muttered something about Tie's mother and a friend. Did Sayana lie to me or her?

Once the office door clicked shut again Tie turned on Sayana, “Why here?” She slumped down into a nearby chair, the material of her skirt shifted briefly but long enough to reveal the bruising across her legs, oddly lumpy shapes, some had dark markings that resembled possible toe or foot ridges, others showed the gap between fingers clearly marked in their fist oval shapes. Once the orphan was settled in the chair she leaned against the desk, placing the notebook on it before her. “Why would you come here? You want to rat me out? By Rhysol's mercy, don't do that.” She pleaded quietly, Tierra didn't need to have more trouble walking than she already did.

If she works for the Black Sun though she would know about my apprenticeship... Maybe she wants an update or something for... him. Tie gulped, she had nothing so far. Nothing of note at least. Just a note about a map and eleven number pairs that tell me shyke.

WC: 714

OOC: Link as mentioned above for messages
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Lessons from a Guardian

Postby Sayana on October 29th, 2017, 6:12 pm

As the door opened and Sayana began to smile at the familiar face… except it was not like the face she had seen last. There was definite bruising around the young orphan’s eye, hardly even able to open fully. The girl seemed to walk hesitantly, almost with a limp and she certainly favored on hand over the other.

The Eypharian’s gaze hardened at the obvious injuries but she said nothing, merely acknowledging the girl with a nod. When the small notebook dropped, she frowned. She doubted she could have read the contents with any sort of speed, yet at the same time, they seemed as though they were in a different language entirely.

She gave a welcoming gesture to sit and soon they were alone. Yet now Sayana was more sharply picking out the details of Tierra’s injuries. A left hand ran over her right mid wrist. It had only been recently that she had stopped wearing the bandages and wrappings around it. Neither she nor Tie was immune to the dangers of Ravok.

“This is as comfortable a place as any, is it not?” Sayana replied rhetorically and gestured to the office around them. “Besides, I wanted to meet your caregivers here. Much better than trying to slip you out unseen, or meet in some dark alley. After all, I did say that I would be returning once you had more information. But first, tell me, what happened? You look all roughed up. An accident? A fight? Your black eye suggests the latter.”

Her voice was formal, yet concerned and she leaned forwards with a couple arms upon the desk. Her low hands still clutched the small bag and she spoke as though addressing an adult. Despite her concern, she had already decided that the girl could look after herself, and if she couldn’t… well Sayana would have to teach her to.

Sayana would let Tie explain the situation, whatever story she was willing to tell, and then she would press on with follow up questions.

“Now, how do you plan to deal with this situation? There’s both the short-term actions and the long-term plans. I was about your age, twelve if I recall, when I first started learning how to defend myself with this.”

She pulled out the small dagger from the bag and placed it upon the desk. It was a simple design, no embellishments and came with a small sheath. She removed her arms from the desk and crossed her highs casually over her chest as she watched the girl. Either the orphan would take on a keen interest or shy away from the blade. Either action would provide useful insight into Tierra’s personality and whether Tie was a fighter.

Credit: Shimoje
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Lessons from a Guardian

Postby Tierra on November 2nd, 2017, 12:37 am

As soon as Tierra had sat down, her notebook once more securely sat before her the orphan looked at the Eypharian. She is here to ask me about my apprenticeship, as a member of the Black Sun that man must have told her something. When the comment about this place being as comfortable as another the girl just snorted, to the orphan this place was currently Hai on Mizahar.

Then it went into the conversation of the caretakers of the orphanage and this Tierra shrugged to – they were there and they didn't do her any undue harm or punishments. “They keep me fed, clothed, dry. Punish when I step out of line. And are... an education. I can't really complain. Better than leaving on the streets when one does not have a mother around.” Yet when it came to why she was bruised Tie looked at her savior. Her eyes steeled a bit in thought as she tried to figure out the correct response to emphasis what happened. A fight was not accurate, nor was an accident. Most children must call what happened as one of those two. Those... Are lies. I can – and will – trust Sayana. She after all did catch me from falling out of a very high window. What is the truth though? Ambush? Bullying? Neither are wrong, but they don't seem fitting either...


Granted it was one word , but that one word spoke more than a whole sentence could in summing up her encounter. Tierra felt it though that it might need some backing up, first though the orphan allowed that word to just hang there for several ticks, emphasizing the word's weight. “The reason isn't important. I also wouldn't call a bunch of kids ganging up on me and beating me much of a fight.” But each and every one of those petching fools will pay.

There was silence then for a bit of time before Sayana spoke about being about Tierra's age before she learned how to use 'this'. This being a dagger, evident to the orphan as her multi-armed 'possible adopter' pulled out a small dagger.

Picking up the dagger Tierra first noticed that it was a bit heavier than a kitchen blade. It was also sharp along both edges leading into a tapered point. This differed than a kitchen knife as they were normally just a single edge sharpened. Her eyes started at the tip and 'walked' down the blade, examining the flat of the weapon to see the center was a perfectly honed ridge caused from the angles of the sharpened blade. There was a small hand guard that Tierra only assumed was meant to protect the wielder's hand from another blade of some time. The hilt itself though was wrapped in leather Tierra assumed, she had no idea what the material was. It was soft enough to be comfortable, but she could clearly feel the wooden core of the grip as she held it.

“I plan to teach them a lesson. All of them. This though?” She lifted the weapon in a way to indicate what she was talking about, tipping the blade some every time the girl spoke the word this. “This is not going to be a part of the lesson plan. This is too messy. This would be something they would use. Childish, foolish.” Setting the weapon back down Tierra looked Sayana right in the eyes, it was clearly seen in the girl's visible eye that she wanted these bullies to feel true pain.

“I want them to understand what it feels like to hurt someone. Physical pain will fade in time. Yet I will never forget how helpless, how defenseless I felt.” Tierra gulped down the urge to cry. Her hand ached fiercely, but she couldn't forget how she felt when her arms were yanked from her face.

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Lessons from a Guardian

Postby Sayana on November 6th, 2017, 12:05 am


The single word explained a lot and gave a wealth of insight to Tierra’s personality. The orphan, no matter what the situation was and how events may have turned poorly for her, from her lack of parents to the fight she had recently been in, was either arrogant, proud, narcissistic or all three. She had something, be it personality, drive, or material wealth that she was certain others envied. And envied enough to beat her up because of it. This was not some little girl who cowered in the corner, but someone who took pleasure in knowing that they had something that others did not.

A subtle smile crossed Sayana’s lips. This was an orphan she could work with.

The Eypharian watched as Tie examined the dagger. She didn’t expect the girl to have much experience with weapons, not yet, but she had decided that now was as good a time as any. Yet Tierra’s response was unexpected. Messy? Childish? A frown crossed the Eypharian’s lips as she met the gaze of the bruised orphan. Her next words bordered upon sadism yet she also felt a pang of empathy for the young girl. Uncomfortably, Sayana clasped her mids together in her lap, recalling all too well the feeling of helplessness. Her now healed right wrist, a stark reminder of such.

“Weaknesses, fears. That’s where you can start. But revenge on its own does not prevent future occurrences. Not unless everyone knows that you were the one who did the revenge. And then you have to ask yourself, is that really what you want? Actions, whether physical or psychological, still can have consequences.”

She reached out a high left hand upon the desk. Palm up, open, inviting. She could tell the girl was in distress and if Tierra needed or wanted a hand to hold… But back to business.

“Despite these… recent events, do you have any updates on the sorts of information I requested from our first meeting? We can work on these schemes for revenge, but only if you can show me that you are doing your part in supplying me information.”

She expected no less from the orphan who seemed to be arrogant or at least proud. Despite being curious of the details of the ‘fight’ she still wanted to keep the girl on track with the ‘work’ she had assigned. Briefly, Sayana’s eyes roamed the small office. She didn’t quite expect any eavesdroppers, but there was a slight possibility for such.

WC: 415

Credit: Shimoje
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Lessons from a Guardian

Postby Tierra on December 15th, 2017, 5:27 pm

“Revenge is only for the one seeking. I don’t seek revenge. I seek to deliver a message. The message… That can be seen as a message from Rhysol.” Tierra spoke calmly; there was no need to hide the truth. “If it was known that I was the messenger then I would be the one targeted, and I don’t feel like having to always look over my shoulder.” When the Eypharian spoke about what Tie really wanted the girl only paused long enough to allow her mind to take in everything that she was just told. Fear… Weaknesses. Starting points. Actions have consequences. That they do… And those that harmed me shall be harmed. Tierra made up her mind on this, her eyes narrowing as she thought about her targets.

“Eye for an eye…” She spat through clenched teeth, “Fear is only just as personal as revenge.” This was a truth without the girl really knowing what she was saying there. Yet when Sayana placed an open palmed hand on the table Tie stared at it. Part of her wanted to throw herself into the lady’s arms and sob and cry and wish it all gone. Another part wanted to reach forward snatch the dagger from the table and plunge it into the open palm – as a message for Sayana to take heed of ‘calling’ Tierra weak. Instead she placed her hand in it, the bruised knuckles of her hand standing out against the pale white that was encased in the richer brown of Sayana’s.

“I have… Some things.” Tierra pushed the notebook forward with her other hand, it was not much to be told and what was there was mixed between class notes and scribbled nonsense. It was all ‘encoded’ in a basic cipher though; one with some logical thinking Sayana would be able to break quickly enough. Watching her savior’s eyes roam around Tie wanted to smirk, but she refrained, “I suspect you are as wary as I am in this office. It feels… Like a cage.” Tierra spoke with some level of shuddering in her words. This office always gave Tie the feeling of being in trouble and in a cage – even if she did nothing wrong.

“I will need the notebook back though. I only have the one right now and supplies are only given when necessary. They will ask me how I went through a notebook so quickly.” The orphan tapped fingers against the notebook cover. Her fingers purposely tapping beneath the dirt footprints that look to be an original design of the notebook’s covering. They were instead a permanent reminder to the orphan of that horrible ambush.

WC: 442

OOCI will eventually get a journal up regarding everything so I have a single place to store the encrypted stuff.
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Lessons from a Guardian

Postby Sayana on February 16th, 2018, 4:20 am

As Sayana reached for the notebook, the office door slammed open.

“Out out! Seize her!” Shouted a man pointing at the Eypharian. Sayana recoiled, grabbing the notebook in one of her lower hands and trying to get to her feet. But in short few ticks, there was heavy set city guard on both sides of her, grasping the upper part of her high arms.

“For spreading heresy and blasphemy to our precious and vulnerable orphans. If you come willingly, we will remove you from the premises and take you to your place residence without harm. No more shall you be allowed in this orphanage or interaction with the orphans of any kind. If you should resist… Rhysol has methods that will break even the most resilient.”

Sayana gritted her teeth, looking from face to face trying to burn their features into her mind. There were only three of them, two were clearly city guards but the leader seemed to lack any distinguishing features that would suggest the motivation for all this. Were they really working on behalf of the Black Temple? Or was it a convenient ruse in the moment?

“Make your decision. We will need to see your citizenship papers at once.” The leader pressed.

Sayana visibly paled. She didn’t have them with her. She had dressed finely today. Her purse too small, her dress without pockets.

“I-I… They’re not with me. They’re at my home. I swear. By Rhysol’s blood and lies and…” Her demeanor was slipping fast as the words tumbled from her lips.

“Please, I will come willingly. Just let me show you the papers.” She rose shakily to her feet. As she did so, she tossed the small bag of ‘goods’ to the floor so it slid under Tierra’s chair. If the despite the tense circumstances, she wanted to fulfill what she had originally set out to do.

The leader of the three raised an eyebrow at the gesture, but one of the two guards spat on the ground as he yanked at Sayana’s shawl. Her multitude of shoulders were suddenly quite visible and there was little she could do to keep her race discreet. For a moment the guards weren’t entirely sure which arms they should be restraining, but after a moment’s confusion they led her out of the office. Sayana glanced back once at the young girl before turning to face the crowd of people that awaited outside.

Both staff and orphan alike crowded around the office as the Eypharian was escorted out, the small notebook clutched tightly in hand. Clearly someone had either known more than they should or they had seen through her charade. Sayana tried to retain a hard stare with her eyes as she passed through the crowd but inwardly her heart pounded, hoping that the guards would indeed see her to her home.

She was both thankful and nervous that she had left her daggers behind. The guards would probably not accuse her of planned harm to the orphans, unless they did a full body search of her, but at the same time she was not in a position to defend herself. Surprisingly, she returned to the Sullin’s Residence without any further incident. She was quick to find her citizenship papers and after a bit of scrutiny, they let her be. However, it was going to be a long time until she would get up the nerve to visit the orphanage again.

Once home, and after the guards were decidedly gone, she was calm enough to open the notebook and glance curiously at its pages.

OOCSince I am unsure if and when I'll be back on Miz, I'm giving this thread some closure. Sorry about the notebook, but sometimes orphans have to learn things the hard way. It was lovely writing with you.

Credit: Shimoje
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