Darvin continued the lesson. “Most attacks you get on the streets, Kelski, are ambushes, not duels. No one is going to fight fair and no one is going to try to avoid harming you. If you get attacked they are after a limited number of things… your coin pouch, your pussy, or your death. And if they get you, they’ll get all three.” He said crudely, reiterating his initial point. “I want to teach you to look for the attack the aggressors don’t intend to for you to see coming. A man might brush up against you and accidentally bump you in a crowd. He’s not doing it to feel that pretty ass… more than likely hes doing it to stick a dagger between your ribs or puncture your skin that has one of my brews on it so all he has to do is follow you until you go down.” He added. “Most of your attackers, if they are serious threats, won’t verbally or physically threaten you at all. They will keep their weapons concealed until they strike. Their intention is not to get what they want through intimidation or to coerce you. They want to eliminate you, Kelski.” Darvin said firmly, driving his point home by pacing back and forth in front of her.
The Kelvic took the lesson to heart. It was exactly in human society as it was in nature. Predators didn’t want prey to know they were coming and that they were hungry. They wanted their chosen victims to go down fast and easy. If the prey looked like it wasn’t going down fast and easy, the predator would move on to something that would. She said as much to Darvin. “I don’t want to look like an easy target, Darvin. How do I look like a more difficult one so these people we speak of will want to move on to something easier to hurt.” She said.
He laughed. “Ain’t going to happen, little bird. It’s the curse of your face. It’s unusual and it makes men rock hard. You stand out in a crowd and no matter how you dress or how well you train, you will always stand out and not make men stand down. That’s why I’m turning you into a weapon. Who in the Ukalaks knows… maybe you can even defend that worthless shit Jaren one of these days when hes distracted. He’s probably one of the best swordsmen in Sunberth, don’t get me wrong, but he does some stupid shit that makes him vulnerable. No one is going to expect the pretty little slave at his side to have claws.” He added.
Kelski snorted. “Talons.” And corrected him gently. He made a dismissive motion with his hands.
“Doesn’t matter. He aint giving you your wings anytime soon, little birdy. We both know you’d fly away.” He added, laughing slightly.
“Anyhow back to the lecture. The person, in almost all the cases, will keep their weapon hidden until they decide to attack, and you won’t know they are attacking because they are going to distract you immediately before they do. Distractions are simply opportunities to attack. That is true also if the person’s back is to you or your back is to the person attacking. Don’t hesitate to drive a dagger into someone’s back, Kelski. Its not cowardly to live. Just remember that.” He added, pacing again.