5th Day of Spring, 517 AV
It was morning when Ialari set out for the place she’d claimed for herself as one of the benefits for having chosen to become a settler in Syka. She left Kajun’tar to his own meanderings around the settlement. When he asked where she was going, she told him that she had to pick up a few things at the Mercantile before heading off into the jungle to collect some materials; that it could take much of the day and maybe into the next. While what she said was true, it depended on one’s point of view. Wanting his own alone time to compare his notes on what the area had once been to what it was currently, Kajun’tar simply nodded before setting to his own work. He’d learned rather quickly not to push too much when it came to figuring out Ialari.
Ialari prepped for her expedition with the basic survival gear, flint and steel and waterskin along with her sea-monster tooth dagger and Stormslinger; the storm-fueled weapon that unleashed blasts of crackling energy. She also packed her first aid kit just in case something came up as well as the special waterproof poncho with chameleon like abilities Kultra have given her. She dressed sparingly as she didn’t plan on traveling too far into the jungle; her black silk loincloth, belt and belt pouch. The rest of what she would be taking would have to be acquired at the Mercantile.
Leaving Kajun’tar to his studies, Ialari made the short walk from her rented ranchero to the Mercantile. There she procured a few items that were essential for the task at hand. She bought a small bag of flour, and handful of eggs and a small bag of salt. In addition, she picked up a small wood bowl, a wooden spoon and a bit of cloth. Before leaving, she carefully wrapped the eggs in the cloth, placed them in the bowl and packed the bowl into her backpack along with the rest of the items she’d purchased all wrapped in the waterproof poncho. When everything was tucked neatly away in her pack, Ialari walked to the beach.
When she reached the beach, she followed it to the west. As was the case before, the beautiful sandy beach, ripe with the scents, sounds and sights that came with it, eventually wrapped around and revealed the great, Stair Step Falls. The awe-inspiring sight was just as impacting as it was the other times she’d seen it. The river cascaded down the stone steps, crashing about in a great streaming shower of beauty. The sounds were near deafening as she got closer. Unlike the first time she’d discovered them, Ialari’s gaze went to the small trail that started at the base of the falls and extended upward toward the top. Following the trail, she made her way to the top where the river extended back further into the jungle. Her destination lay further in.