Meteors and Missing Constellations
The 80th of spring, 518 AV
Early morning, after the dawn rest
Early morning, after the dawn rest
Lhavit had been in a state of panic the past few days. It was mostly contained; between the Shinya and Zintila's loyal followers, the general population was by and large kept calm and reassured. But that didn't stop the whispers that spread like a wildfire throughout the skyglass city.
When earlier in the season a shower of meteors had passed overhead, the people of Lhavit had been borderline ecstatic. Meteor showers were not a rare thing, but they were always seen as a good thing; a sign, an omen, of good luck and fortune to come. As always, a small group of Zintila's Constellations had left to retrieve what they could of the skyglass seeds.
The mountainous forest surrounding Lhavit was not kind; unforgiving in both nature and name, it was not for just anyone to venture deep into the trees. Accidents happened, tragedies occurred; natural disasters, monster attacks, carelessness. It was not unheard of for people to not return from ventures into the wilderness, even if they were as well-prepared as possible.
But what wasn't normal was for an entire group of those closest to the Star Lady to simply vanish, and when they finally reappeared, to be injured and missing several of their original numbers.
Theories and rumours had been spreading ever since the Constellations had returned, hushed and fearful. What had attacked them? Wild animals, desperate for food? Zith on a hunt? Monsters full of rage? Something even more sinister? Nobody knew for certain; those involved had been tight-lipped, even when the announcement of the search and the request for volunteers had gone out.
Nilen had made the announcement herself several days prior; letters had been slipped under doors, tacked to walls, and word had passed quickly from mouth to mouth. Now, on the morning of the 80th, she stood by the Amaranthine Gate, waiting to see who had answered her call for help.
She was dressed in sturdy clothing, a backpack on her shoulders and a dagger at her hip. She had no experience with weaponry, but knew better than to enter the forests of the mountain unarmed.
Glancing around, she paused when she caught sight of a beautiful figure walking towards her, blonde hair and lavender horns shining in the sun. "Talora," Nilen greeted the fallen daughter of Syna, nodding her head and smiling gently.
"Hello Nilen. I do hope you have room for one more?" The Ethaefal stopped in front of Nilen; she was outfitted similarly, clearly ready to join the expedition.
Nilen hesitated, then nodded. "Of course. Your help would be greatly appreciated." Neither of the women had much experience with weapons or wilderness survival, and they were both aware of it; but as figures of leadership in the city, and as ones close to Zintila, they had certain obligations.
"Wonderful." Talora gave a sweet, serene smile. "Do you know who we are expecting?"
"I have no idea," Nilen spoke honestly. The call had gone out with all of the necessary information; that they would be searching for the missing Constellations in the forests surrounding the Misty Peaks, and that anyone willing to help should meet at the Gate just after the dawn rest period. Nilen had no idea who, if anyone, had decided to volunteer, but she had faith in the residents of Lhavit.
Talora nodded, and the two women settled into a comfortable silence as they waited for the appearance of those that had decided to help, the sun slowly creeping over the horizon and bringing Syna's light over the land, the pale morning gradually growing brighter.
Anyone approaching the gate would spot the pair of figures easily, even Nilen's presence diminished in the company of the regal Talora. The two women were clearly waiting, and should someone approach them, they would be greeted with two smiles. One wide and welcoming from Nilen, and one more gentle and warm from Talora, before the women inquired if they were there to join the search party.
When earlier in the season a shower of meteors had passed overhead, the people of Lhavit had been borderline ecstatic. Meteor showers were not a rare thing, but they were always seen as a good thing; a sign, an omen, of good luck and fortune to come. As always, a small group of Zintila's Constellations had left to retrieve what they could of the skyglass seeds.
The mountainous forest surrounding Lhavit was not kind; unforgiving in both nature and name, it was not for just anyone to venture deep into the trees. Accidents happened, tragedies occurred; natural disasters, monster attacks, carelessness. It was not unheard of for people to not return from ventures into the wilderness, even if they were as well-prepared as possible.
But what wasn't normal was for an entire group of those closest to the Star Lady to simply vanish, and when they finally reappeared, to be injured and missing several of their original numbers.
Theories and rumours had been spreading ever since the Constellations had returned, hushed and fearful. What had attacked them? Wild animals, desperate for food? Zith on a hunt? Monsters full of rage? Something even more sinister? Nobody knew for certain; those involved had been tight-lipped, even when the announcement of the search and the request for volunteers had gone out.
Nilen had made the announcement herself several days prior; letters had been slipped under doors, tacked to walls, and word had passed quickly from mouth to mouth. Now, on the morning of the 80th, she stood by the Amaranthine Gate, waiting to see who had answered her call for help.
She was dressed in sturdy clothing, a backpack on her shoulders and a dagger at her hip. She had no experience with weaponry, but knew better than to enter the forests of the mountain unarmed.
Glancing around, she paused when she caught sight of a beautiful figure walking towards her, blonde hair and lavender horns shining in the sun. "Talora," Nilen greeted the fallen daughter of Syna, nodding her head and smiling gently.
"Hello Nilen. I do hope you have room for one more?" The Ethaefal stopped in front of Nilen; she was outfitted similarly, clearly ready to join the expedition.
Nilen hesitated, then nodded. "Of course. Your help would be greatly appreciated." Neither of the women had much experience with weapons or wilderness survival, and they were both aware of it; but as figures of leadership in the city, and as ones close to Zintila, they had certain obligations.
"Wonderful." Talora gave a sweet, serene smile. "Do you know who we are expecting?"
"I have no idea," Nilen spoke honestly. The call had gone out with all of the necessary information; that they would be searching for the missing Constellations in the forests surrounding the Misty Peaks, and that anyone willing to help should meet at the Gate just after the dawn rest period. Nilen had no idea who, if anyone, had decided to volunteer, but she had faith in the residents of Lhavit.
Talora nodded, and the two women settled into a comfortable silence as they waited for the appearance of those that had decided to help, the sun slowly creeping over the horizon and bringing Syna's light over the land, the pale morning gradually growing brighter.
Anyone approaching the gate would spot the pair of figures easily, even Nilen's presence diminished in the company of the regal Talora. The two women were clearly waiting, and should someone approach them, they would be greeted with two smiles. One wide and welcoming from Nilen, and one more gentle and warm from Talora, before the women inquired if they were there to join the search party.