Impossible to post!

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Impossible to post!

Postby Reihn on December 18th, 2009, 9:15 pm

I just tried to post my character sheet, but this incredibly buggy text window is impossible to use once u get a couple hundred words in it. Not only is this text box all glitchy and slow when you're typing and trying to make a post, but it jumps up and down and does all sorts of crazy stuff when you fill up the screen (and it scrolls downward).

I used Microsoft Word to do up my character sheet, and then copied and pasted into this buggy text window, but when I tried to insert bold and italics into my nearly finished sheet, the chat window jumped around so much it was impossible!

Am I the only one with this issue? How do you fix this annoying problem?
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Re: Impossible to post!

Postby Stitch on December 18th, 2009, 9:41 pm

I have this problem too, I have just made do, really. I mentioned it once or twice, but no one else seemed to be suffering from it, and I had no idea how to describe it. But yeah, I have this exact problem too. If you need, Tarot, I might can get a video of it.

Reihn, what web browser do you use, and what operating system does your computer run?

I am on IE8, and run Vista.
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Re: Impossible to post!

Postby Reihn on December 18th, 2009, 9:59 pm

I just use Intenet Explorer. Windows XP.

I figured out what I can do. I can just put in all the coding and everything into Word before I copy and paste it into the text box.

Maybe I'll have to try using Firefox and see if that will fix it.
Last edited by Reihn on December 18th, 2009, 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Impossible to post!

Postby Tarot on December 18th, 2009, 10:03 pm

Okay, I'll try to fix this (and it's a section of code I haven't even tampered with, so it's not my fault for once ;) ). I don't have easy access to IE, but I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile, I suggest applying bbcode manually, which could even be faster than the button.
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Re: Impossible to post!

Postby Gossamer on December 18th, 2009, 10:09 pm

Do you two have this problem every time? I know I saw the mess Stitch ended up with when he tired to post his CS, but truthfully in all the posts (and there are thousands) this is the first time I've seen it... Reihn is the second time (in so many days) I've heard of this.

Reihn, while you wait for Tarot to chase this down, why don't you do what Stitch and I did to get his CS sheet posted? Post yourself a character sheet thread with just something like... 'testing' in it... then edit it and slowly put your stuff in like Tarot suggested, manually. Just do a little at a time.

I totally believe that your having problems. Though truthfully if I hadn't seen the mess that was Stitch's post, I probably would have been like 'dude, its on your end!'. Anyhow.. even if you have to just get me on AIM and send me the word doc with it in there, we can get it up. It's probably an error in the bbc code.

Tarot - I'm totally totally sorry I deleted that goobered up page of stitches so you couldn't see it too... you'd probably have a really good idea of what was happening otherwise. I'll never erase the evidence again!
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Re: Impossible to post!

Postby Stitch on December 18th, 2009, 10:15 pm

With the post Goss is talking about, take the bottom half of her post, and move it to the top of this page, over where the topic was started. Only take the darker shade of her box, along with the lower half of her post, her signature, and completely move it to the top. It looked like a different layer too, like it was on top of the actual page.

I have no idea if me describing this has helped at all. >>'

But yes, it happens almost every time to me. I can remember only one time it didn't happen, but only that one time.

Also, when I go to a topic, it instantly jumps me down to the Quick Reply box. If I go to another page, once again, instantly jumps me down. Seems to be related.
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Re: Impossible to post!

Postby Reihn on December 18th, 2009, 10:20 pm

Yep, I get the glitchy mess everytime I try to make a post. It even happens in the quick reply window.

If it helps, the crazy glitchiness and delayed keystrokes do not occur when I send a private message.

Thnx. I can just do all the coding in word.

Yes! I always instantly get popped down to the quick reply box as well!
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Re: Impossible to post!

Postby Tarot on December 21st, 2009, 11:01 am

I think I've fixed this mysterious IE bug. Let me know if this works for you now (be sure to empty your cache if it doesn't at first). The scrolling to the last post is still unresolved to me and probably a javascript thing with text areas going into focus. Please bear with me a little longer!
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Re: Impossible to post!

Postby Reihn on December 22nd, 2009, 5:49 am

Wow, yep.

Tarot, now the text window does not go all crazy glitchy on me when there's 200+ words in the post.

Thanks a bunch for looking into the issue for me (and Stitch)!!

*thumbs up*
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