Name: Gira of the Broken Spear Clan
Race: Myrian
DoB: Winter 23rd of 483 A.V.
PoB: Taloba
Title: Big Sister
Skills: Weapon: Tiger Hook Sword- 55
Unarmed Combat - 51
Intimidation - 53
Agility - 36
Gnosis: Prowess L2
Additional Info: Gira was born in Taloba thirty six years ago. She grew up like most Myrians did; she has a deep love for her people and most of all for her goddess Myri. It was not long after getting marked by her patron goddess and earning her tiger; that the woman settled down with a mate and had her own child. As the child got older, she began to put the same pressure on her. The mother was ecstatic when Zukai made it through her training and passed her test to join the army. With the child still being too young she took her and left the city.
It took several seasons to make it to Sunberth. But after just a short time, Gira had joined the Daggerhand gang. Expecting her daughter to do the same, she began dragging her to training sessions. After some time Zukai got into a heated argument with her mother and left. It was not a day later that Gira saw her daughter again with the Sun's Birth branded on her hand. With a glare, the woman got her tattoo put on the opposite hand knowing sooner or later the pair would face off on the battlefield.