[Verified by Luminescence] Saiyin

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Postby Saiyin on March 17th, 2018, 3:41 pm


Full name: Saiyin Sesr
DoB/Age: 37 Spring 493 (25 yrs)
Birthplace: Lhavit
Current residence: Lhavit
Housing: A cottage at the Okomo Estates
Occupation: Glassblower
Workplace: Sesr Glassworks
Languages: Common (fluent), Arumenic (conversational), Fratava (poor)
Last edited by Saiyin on June 13th, 2018, 3:41 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Saiyin on March 17th, 2018, 4:02 pm


Saiyin is plain. Her natural resting face is pleasant. She has light auburn, messy, flyaway hair that is just a touch longer than shoulder length. She usually keeps it in a single plait. Her eyes are hazel with a touch of green. She is, by most accounts, entirely ordinary. She is an average height and weight, although she has a few muscles that show in her endurance.

ImageA small, white burn scar on the inner side of her right hand thumb.


Saiyin is not a rich girl, and she only has one pair of clothes, but she makes sure she looks after them carefully. She wears a sturdy green shirt whose sleeves are easily rolled in warmer weather, brown leather trousers, and hard-wearing but lightweight shoes. In bad weather, she wears a light grey, hooded cloak.

Clothing List
Green shirt SP
Brown leather trousers SP
Brown shoes SP
Light grey hooded cloak SP
Leather apron (glassblowing apparel)
Underwear SP
Last edited by Saiyin on August 5th, 2018, 10:33 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Saiyin on March 17th, 2018, 4:16 pm


I'm Normal
Saiyin does not seek danger. She does not want adventure. She does not have a burning idea that threatens to overcome her, because she is just a regular girl in an irregular world. Some might say she is boring, but she'd disagree. Who needs to infuse their lives with drama to become interesting?
I'm A Tinkerer
She'd always seen a particular joy in disassembling things and seeing how they worked. She picks up new interests as easily as breathing and finds the world to be an endlessly fascinating place.She enjoys hard work, equally at home working the earth or using her hands, but she isn't a huge fan of writing or bookwork as things just come more naturally to her if she does things rather than writes about them.
I'm Shaped By Myself, Not My Past
Although she hasn't had a good childhood, Saiyin has overcome the desire to wallow in her misfortune and instead seeks only to live as contentedly as possible. She is open-minded and would seize a good opportunity if it came her way.
Last edited by Saiyin on March 17th, 2018, 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Saiyin on March 17th, 2018, 4:33 pm


Skill XP Total
Astronomy +1 exp 1/100
Cleaning +1 exp 1/100
Cooking +2, +1 exp 3/100
Cosmetology +1 exp 1/100
Dancing +1 exp 1/100
Drawing 5 SP 5/100
Endurance +1, +2 exp 3/100
Gadgeteering 5 SP, 15 RB 20/100
Gardening 5 SP, +1 exp 6/100
Logic +1 exp 1/100
Meditation +1 exp 1/100
Negotiation +1 exp 1/100
Organisation +2 exp 2/100
Planning +2, +1 exp 3/100
Persuasion +1 exp 1/100
Rhetoric +2 exp 2/100
Singing +2 exp 2/100
Socialisation +2, +4, +2, +1, +4 exp 13/100
Teaching +1 exp 1/100
Weapon: Quarterstaff 10 SP, +3, +1 exp 14/100
Wilderness Survival +2, +1 exp 3/100

Skill XP Total
Glassblowing 25 SP, +3, +5, +4, +5, +1 (seasonal xp) exp 43/100
Observation +4, +5, +4, +2, +3, +4, +3, +3, +2, +3 exp 33/100

Skill XP Total

Skill XP Total


Allocation :
  • Skill (Lores that accompany skills)
  • Mizahar Knowledge, including:
    • Places and City Information
    • Races, Animals & Plants
    • Religion and Gnosis
    • Language
  • About People (e.g., Bob: Loves to Talk)
  • Personal Knowledge/Misc. (e.g., Saiyin: Loves the Sunrise)

Lore Gained
Flickering, blue-tinted star @ACF

Lore Gained
Porridge @GWH
Basic stirring technique @GWH

Lore Gained
How to brush hair @GWH

Lore Gained
Requires multitasking @DBD

Lore Gained
Planting carrots @GU

Lore Gained
Sourcing cobalt? @BB

Lore Gained
Correct materials for a clear glass Starting
Cobalt makes blue glass @GWH
Simple blowpipe technique @GWH
Simple soffieta use @GWH
Colour of glass indicates temperature @GWH
Reheating glass before it cools @GWH
Importance of maintaining movement of glasswork in progress @GWH
Basic vase design @GWH
How to release the finished product from the blowpipe @GWH
How to maintain the furnace @TS
How to gather glass onto blowpipe @TS
Saiyin finds the release tricky @TS
Using leather as a smoothing tool @TS
Using jacks in vessel making @TS
Need to increase speed for greater efficiency @TS
Glass as 'glue' @TS
Basic cup design @TS
Simple bowl design @GfaS
Simple jar design @MTtDG
Maintaining uniformity across an order @GfaS
Soffieta: Use in creating circular holes @GfaS
Inspecting work for cracks @GfaS
Using wet leather to smooth @GfaS
Lore of the marver @MTtDG
Using the marver to uniformly smooth @MTtDG
Vertical grip of blowpipe @MTtDG
Jacks grip for higher accuracy @MTtDG
Glass 'glue': Make a dimple to hide the irregularity @MTtDG
The release: Use three gentle taps @MTtDG

Lore Gained
Making educated guesses about what a customer wants @BB

Land Navigation
Lore Gained
From home to Sesr Glassworks @GfaS

Lore Gained
Counting breaths to keep calm @TS

Lore Gained
Suggesting an alternative @BB

Lore Gained
Analysing appearance to give hints to a person's job @DBD

Lore Gained
Time management @BB

Lore Gained
Anticipating a goal @BB

Lore Gained
Accentuating the benefits rather than the negatives @BB

Lore Gained
Song: "In the Great Mountains" @MTtDG

Lore Gained
Communicating in crowds @DBD
Making an introduction @DBD

Lore Gained
Basic layout of Lhavit @GU

Weapon, Quarterstaff
Lore Gained
Weapon: Quarterstaff @ACF
The importance of grip @ACF
Simple thrust attack @ACF
Rudimentary spin @HYStMM?
Basic defensive hold @HYStMM?

Wilderness Survival
Lore Gained
Taught how to build fire by father @GWH
Fire needs air as well as fuel @GWH
Putting a small fire out @GWH
Simple flint and tinder technique @ACF

Miz Knowledge
Place & City Information
Lore Gained
Layout of Lhavit Starting
Lhavit Location: The Azure Market @ACF
Lhavit Location: Basic weapons shop in the Azure Market @ACF
The Sunrise Nook: Opens when the sun rises @BB
Midsummer's Festival: Traditions @DBD
Shinya: Guardians of Lhavit @GU
Lhavit: Location of Haneht's house @GU
Lhavit Location: The Trail of Waterfalls @SatF
Lhavit Location: Rainbow Falls @SatF

Lore Gained
Yaheba: City in the desert @SatF

Races, Animals, and Plants
Lore Gained
Eypharians: 6-armed people from the desert @GWH

Lore Gained
Okomo: Free reign across Okomo Estates @GWH

Religion & Gnosis
Lore Gained
Leth: God of the moon @ACF
Morwen: Missing goddess of Winter @SatF

Lore Gained

About People
Lore Gained
Ajah: Red-headed owner and cook of the Sunrise Nook @BB
Haneht: Charming Eypharian neighbour @GU
Hessel: A good friend with many stories @GWH
Hessel: Ex-step-mother @GWH
Hessel: won't work at Sesr Glassworks @TS
Parents: Both dead @GWH
Mother: Once owned an okomo statue @GWH
Mara: Red-headed sister of Raeyn @DBD
Paaie: Painter-woman at Rainbow Falls @SatF
Paaie: Snapshot of life in the desert @SatF
Paaie: A Kelvic cat! @SatF
Person: Strange cloaked man on the mountainside @HYStMM?
Raeyn: Attractive red-head hunter of Lhavit @DBD
Raeyn: Family originally from Wind Reach @DBD

Lore Gained
Saiyin: Generally content with her situation @GWH
Saiyin: Learning through doing rather than reading @GWH
Dream: Of Being a warrior in childhood @ACF
Saiyin: It is cathartic to cry @ACF
Saiyin: Setting up Sesr Glassworks @TS
Saiyin: Worried Hessel thinks she is foolish @TS
Saiyin: 'In debt' to Hessel for her kindness @TS
Saiyin: Thoughts on personal ambition @GfaS
Saiyin: Enjoyment in repetitive tasks @GfaS
Saiyin: Fascinated with fire @DBD
Childhood: A head in the clouds @MTtDG
Self: Unpleasant first kiss @HYStMM?
Lore of the magic muffin tin @HYStMM?
Loneliness hurts in the long-run @SatF
Childhood on the Trail of Waterfalls @SatF
Proposition: The Artist's Challenge with Paaie @SatF

Lore Gained
Sesr Glassworks: Needs an assistant @TS
Sesr Glassworks: In debt to Lhavit @TS
Sesr Glassworks: Thoughts on different methods of advertising @BB
Sesr Glassworks: Difficulty of owning a business @BB
Sesr Glassworks: Could benefit from an extra worker @BB
Lore of professional demeanour @BB
Sesr Glassworks: Commission from the Sunrise Nook @GfaS
Sesr Glassworks: Buy a smoothing 'flat tool' @MTtDG
Last edited by Saiyin on September 12th, 2018, 12:11 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Postby Saiyin on March 17th, 2018, 4:47 pm


Saiyin started in Spring 518 AV
518 AV
Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 ki 100 ki
Etched quarterstaff -3 ki 97 ki
Hooded lantern -7 ki 90 ki
5 pounds of oats -3.5 ki 86.5 ki
1 gallon of milk -0.5 ki 86 ki
Leather apron -0.6 ki 85.4 ki
Leather scraps *5 pounds leather trade goods -1.5 ki 83.9 ki
Hoe -3 ki 80.9 ki
Seeds, carrot -0.5 ki 80.4 ki
Spring wages (1, 2) +910 ki 990.4 ki
Seasonal expenses (common) -135 ki 855.4 ki
Debt repayment -775 ki 80.4 ki

518 AV
Purchase Cost Total
- - 80.4 ki
Contest +200 ki 280.4 ki

518 AV
Purchase Cost Total

518 AV
Purchase Cost Total


  • Backpack with rations (1 week's worth) SP
  • Oats (5lbs): 5 4 3 servings left
  • Goat's milk (1 gal): 10 9 8 servings left

Lost or Destroyed

List :
  • Carrot seeds (12 viable out of 25 seeds): zero seeds left


  • Waterskin SP
  • Wooden comb SP
  • Wooden brush SP
  • Soap SP
  • Razor SP
  • One eating knife SP
  • Flint & steel SP
  • Etched quarterstaff (ACF)
  • Hoe
  • Hooded lantern
  • Muffin tin
    Details :
    ImageThis battered brass tin looks unassuming. It's dented, tarnished, and has seen a lot of miles under its rather decorative lid. Latched by a simple mechanism, when this tin is opened, there will be one large steaming hot muffin as if fresh from the oven inside. The muffin's flavor and style will vary each time the lid is lifted. However, each muffin will prove to be nutritious and filling. If the muffin is removed and the lid closed, then opened again, another yet different fresh hot from the oven muffin will be present. If the muffin is left in place and the lid dropped, the same muffin will remain in the tin - fresh and hot - until it is removed. 

    There will be an unlimited amount of muffins in this tin. This magic item can be used to provide a whole host of muffins to a crowd, however, there is no way to control the flavors and sometimes the flavors will vary drastically. The 'banana nut' are particularly tasty as are the 'chocolate chunk' ones. However, the 'raw meat' flavored ones may not appeal to everyone. Any flavor of muffin is possible, even perhaps flavors one didn't know existed. The muffins will never be poisonous.
***Clothing listed with appearance. See above.***


A glassblower's toolkit, gifted to her by her step-mother Hessel for her birthday.
This toolkit consists mainly of a clay blowpipe and a collection of simple clay molds capable of creating basic shapes out of glass.
Last edited by Saiyin on September 1st, 2018, 7:47 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Postby Saiyin on March 17th, 2018, 5:26 pm

Sesr Glassworks

Sesr Glassworks sits nestled on the slopes of Tenten Peak, this location deliberately chosen to place the owner in the centre of Lhavit for Imageeasy access to the various institutions that might seek her services.

On first approach the Glassworks looks quite unassuming, with the only eye-catching feature being a brilliant blue door and a small sign on a carefully positioned pole that tells the visitor what shop they are standing in front of. There is one window that allows light into the shopfront and shoppers to peer through into the room from outside. There are paving stones that line the entrance and the owner has planted a young willow tree close to the entrance which will one day provide welcome shade.

Inside is the shop, which is drab but neat. Several shelves line the walls, and rows of plain glassware sit meekly in place on the wooden surfaces. There is a list of prices lying on the counter for those that wish to read them. The room is usually quiet and cool as the walls are thick and made of stone. Thin light filters through the window to alight on the stock. The air usually smells of either burning coal or flowers, dependant on whether the furnace has been running recently or not.

Beyond lies a tiny back room with a few loose items or broken shards of glass shooed into corners, as well as a simple candle sconce to allow a small amount of light into the otherwise windowless room.

Another door leads into the workshop, where the business of glassblowing actually happens. This room is somewhat larger than the shop, and has a window Imagethat lies away from the street and offers views of the mountainside rather than out over the rest of the city. There is a large furnace with three separate entrances. The first hatch contains a pool of molten glass which is the basis of Saiyin's work, and the other two entrances to the furnace are used for first re-heating and then allowing glassware to cool slowly so as not to let it shatter.
There is a table with a slab of marble to work the glass upon, and a selection of various tools lie on this surface also.

A simple door leads to the storage room, in which the raw ingredients are kept. Namely coal and sand, each in separate crates. From this room there is a door that leads outside so that Saiyin can easily transport the raw materials in and out without disturbing the rest of the shop.

The Building
Purchase Cost Total
Workshop, Elaborate 2000ki 2000ki
Shop, Simple 600ki 2600ki
Storage, Simple 250ki 2850ki

The Materials
Purchase Cost Total
Carry over - 2850ki
Coal, 400lbs 40ki (.1ki/lbs) 2890ki
Sand, 1000lbs Free (from beaches) 2890ki
2x30 cubic ft crates 3ki 2893ki
Leather scraps *Bought with personal kinas N/A 2893ki

Total debt to Lhavit: 2893ki

Items sold: (Prices taken from price list, converted to kinas)
Custom commissions available on request.
Item Price
Beakers and vials, 1-6 oz .5 ki/ oz
Bottles and Decanters, Ounce .05 ki/ oz
Bottles and Decanters, Pint .5 ki/ pint
Bottles and Decanters, Gallon 5 ki/ gal
Bowls, Ounce .07 ki/ oz
Flasks, Ounce .1 ki/ oz
Flasks, Pint 1 ki/ pint
Cups/Goblets/Mugs, 8 oz .6 ki
Cups/Goblets/Mugs, Pint 6 ki
Jar, 8 oz .5 ki
Jar, Pint 6 ki
Pitcher, 2-Quart 2 ki
Pitcher, Gallon 7 ki
Vase 5 ki
Glass Ball, 1-36" .5 ki/ inch diam

7ki base glassblower/day.
At competent:
Average seasonal earning: 910ki
Deduct common living expenses (-135ki): 775ki
Will be able to pay back Lhavit after: 1 year.

Loan Repayment:
Total debt: 2893 ki
Season Job Threads Wages Debt Paid Debt Remaining
Spring 518 1, 2 910 ki 775 ki 2118 ki
Last edited by Saiyin on August 5th, 2018, 10:50 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Saiyin on March 17th, 2018, 5:27 pm


There was always something amiss in the Sesr household. Something afoot. Saiyin was born in Spring under the pastels of a pre-dawn sky and on the soft, springy, grassy garden of her childhood home. She was born in the garden because her father, a highly-strung man, had cast his pregnant wife and the midwife out so that Saiyin's untimely birth wouldn't be daubed in the bad luck he thought was currently infesting the house. The labour had started in the afternoon and finished as the sun started to think about rising and the moon was reluctantly leaving the sky.

Her childhood was an unusual one. Her mother was just as prone to flights of fancy as her husband, and they struggled to bring up Saiyin in any kind of normal way. Amythystia (bearing the kind of name that would make Saiyin cringe to say out loud) was an explorer and a writer who tended to get into trouble. Her father, Marius, was a religious wizard who dabbled with too many things. They were not very adept as parents, with their only good parenting technique being that they encouraged and believed in Saiyin.

Her childhood was a mixture of education and friendship, and it was good. Her mother got in an accident involving a ravine and died when the girl was just twelve, but as Amythystia had told her each and every time she left the house, "I'm likely to die on this mission, Saiya! It's dangerous and I love you," Saiyin was prepared even if she did struggle with grief for several years.

Marius was forced to sell some possessions in order to pay for the funeral and to keep the two alive, but life was good even despite the tragedy. Saiyin had always been a mother's child, but now she found comfort in her father's study and the two developed a good rapport. Marius taught her some of his mother-tongue, which being a Svefra meant that Saiyin came away mumbling daft phrases about seagulls and oceans in Fratava. She was happy when her father found a new wife, because despite being somewhat silly he was a kind-hearted man.

Saiyin's step-mother was a lovely Eypharian named Hessel who moved into the Sesr household when Saiyin was 19. Teenage Saiyin got along well with Hessel, who was down-to-earth and quite unlike her bumbling father. They talked a-plenty and when Saiyin expressed an interest in her home, she began to teach her Arumenic to sate her curiosity. For a couple of years the family simply existed in a state of contented happiness, but then her father began an experiment.

It was clear to the two women in the house that Marius should not be going down the route he was taking. There was an aura of stress and worry that only Marius seemed oblivious to, although his face was sheened with sweat and anxiety. Hessel tried to talk him out of it, and when that failed Saiyin stepped in to try and convince him, but it was too little too late. Marius left the house and plunged himself into the sea to drown to death, a victim of overgiving and guilt.

It was a hard time for Saiyin, who had just turned 22. She and Hessel arranged for the few remaining possessions to be sold off give them a few mizas with which to work. Hessel left the house a few months after her husband's death, but Saiyin didn't blame her for leaving her. The house was a place of sadness now, but life had to go on.

For half a year, the young woman wallowed in her pains and despaired. Then in the Autumn of 514, a childhood friend knocked on the door at let himself in. He visited her every other day for a season, making her see sense and reason, telling her that she couldn't give up. It was a dark period of her life, but finally she realised the truth- that there was no point in living in a dark place when there was still so much light in the world, and so she looked around and celebrated her parents rather than feeling mournful that they were gone. She began to go for long walks around Lhavit, talking to people, making new friendships and acquaintances.

Now she works and studies and enjoys herself. She still speaks to Hessel from time to time, and to her friend that pulled her from her dark place, but she is independent and free-spirited. She doesn't define herself by the tragic deaths of her parents, but nor does she forget the danger they constantly placed themselves in, and the magic that ended her father's life. She knows that danger is part and parcel of life on Mizahar, but she is sensible and that is good enough for her.

Hessel's Teachings
Hessel was a woman of art, and her particular brand was glassworking. Saiyin knew about her fascination with the tricky artistry of glass, but it wasn't until Saiyin had inherited her own home and knew Hes as more of a friend that she too became interested in the artform. Although Hessel only tinkers in a workshop in her own home, she was happy to let Saiyin learn what she could from her and the two bonded over this shared interest in the mechanics and the beauty of glassblowing. The two women regularly craft glass together and experiment with what they know.
Last edited by Saiyin on June 6th, 2018, 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Saiyin on June 6th, 2018, 7:44 pm

Thread List
Graded Ongoing Abandoned
~ Unknown

516 AV

517 AV

518 AV
Spring - Saiyin's story starts here. Calendar

Summer - Calendar
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