Unlike Lhavit's OOC thread, discussions in this thread are exclusively for the development of the city. If you are planning to make a submission for a new location, NPC, or animal, you might want to first discuss the idea here before writing it up.
You can also use this thread for suggestions, such as seasonal goals and events, possible future quests, and anything else you can think of that would benefit Lhavit. Or if you have an idea that you want to see developed, but don't want to write it yourself, you can suggest it here and someone else may decide to take it on. Final submissions must be posted in the Development Submissions thread in order to be looked over and approved.
Just remember to remain respectful when critiquing other people's ideas, no matter how crazy they sound. Anyone ignoring this rule will be crushed under the full weight of an adult okomo!
You can also use this thread for suggestions, such as seasonal goals and events, possible future quests, and anything else you can think of that would benefit Lhavit. Or if you have an idea that you want to see developed, but don't want to write it yourself, you can suggest it here and someone else may decide to take it on. Final submissions must be posted in the Development Submissions thread in order to be looked over and approved.
Just remember to remain respectful when critiquing other people's ideas, no matter how crazy they sound. Anyone ignoring this rule will be crushed under the full weight of an adult okomo!