[Verified by Antipodes] Aer'wyn Grisghul

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Aer'wyn Grisghul

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 15th, 2018, 2:53 pm

Name: Aer’wyn Grisghul (Vellisius)*1d10 Odd numbers - Aer'wyn; Even numbers - Vel
Race: Akalak
Gender: Male
Age: 58
Date of birth: 13th of Summer 460AV
Place of birth: Riverfall
Residence: Sunberth
Occupation: Guard at The Midnight Gem

Skin: midnight blue
Eyes: very pale blue, almost white
Hair: black mohawk
Physique: mountainous

Aer’win is a doe-eyed beauty with thick lashes and corners downturned. For an Akalak he looks friendly, charming and oddly sweet. Some might even mistake him for a face of innocence. With skin dark blue in colour, his facial features are sharp. Defined cheekbones and a nose pointed up to the sky. His black hair is shaved at the sides and nape of his neck with the remained of the mohawk braided elaborately. As expected of his kind, Aer’wyn stands at an impressive 7ft and is built like a warrior.

Image Missing arm Aer’wyn’s right hand has been severed and cauterised below the elbow. A nasty scar remains. One that he’s prepared to go great length to conceal.

Character Overview
On the surface, a friendly and easy to get along with fellow, Aer’wyn conceals a comparatively short yet tragic life. Torn apart by two souls which are both equally determined to keep the other a secret from those who know him, the Akalak lives every day as if it is his last. And it can be for a man who covers one lie with another. Years have passed since life has been simple for Aer’wyn but it is not in his nature to give up on everything he’s come such a long way for.

Light brother: Aer'wyn :
Aer’wyn’s light soul is a soldier though and though. His favourite days are spent training in combat, favouring the bastard swordWhy the bastard sword? Two reasons. It was a favoured weapon of his youth, when he still had 2 arms. He'd spent many years learning the ins and outs of the weapon. More importantly however he thinks it is far less likely that a potential bystander would assume he has just one hand if he carries around a weapon better suited for two handed combat. To hide his shame he if willing to sacrifice battle finesse. as a main weapon for he can no longer use many others. He’s a light hearted, friendly and altruistic soul who revels in the company of others, whether in a friendly spar, or by the fire with a flagon of beer and good stories to tell. The only thing more robust than his sense of humour is his love of good food. It is by far the fastest way to his heart.

There is something however very guarded about Aer’wyn’s light side. He’s very passionate, loyal and romantic; and even though he knows of the consequences of loving those with far shorter lifespans than himself, he cannot imagine himself alone. This results in something of a push and pull dynamic between him and those who know him. There is of course also the far more imminent problem that is his lack of a hand thus he never truly knows how to be completely honest with someone. The light brother is a soul of fear, calculation and deception.

The dark brother is a constant liability in the back of his mind. Every waking moment of his being is spent on hope and attempts of suppressing the darkness. He can never forgive him for killing the love of his life and partly cannot forgive himself either. Therefore Aer’wyn has self destructive tendencies that stem from desperation.

Quirks: Will eat just about anything
Likes: Swordplay, social situations, children
Dislikes: Slavery, dishonour, liars, people who break promises
Goals: To create a secure piece of the world that is just his, settle down and have a family.

Dark brother: Vel :
Vellisius, resents everything to do with magic. His belief is that in order to never repeat the tragedy of the Valterian all mages and magical items from the world should be destroyed. Such power can only truly be wielded correctly by the hands of the gods and the gods alone, thus he’s a zealot of the Akalak racial gods. He’s not suicidal, however. He’d tell no one of his Light brother’s use of Morphing but the very thought of it sickens him.

Vel favours pursuits both scholarly and of martial nature. He values strength and wisdom in both himself and his comrades. When it comes to friendship he is picky, requiring those who wish to get close to him to prove themselves but repays the trials with loyalty above all else. This often result in his trying to destroy or sabotage his light brother's friendships if he deems them wrong.

The Light brother sickens him. If it was possible, Vel would like to strangle Aer’wyn with his own two hands and watch the wretch wither. He believes the deeds of his past to be justified as they were done not only to protect their shared mortal vessel, but also the fate of Mizahar. As far as Vel is concerned every peril that has ever befallen him is the result of Are’wyn’s bad decisions and dishonour.

Quirks: Bit of a drinking problem
Likes: The dogs and those who follow them, books, nighttime, revange
Dislikes: Mages - will kill them on sight, Aer
Goals: Sabotage everything Aer does, take mage lives
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 17th, 2018, 12:24 am, edited 32 times in total.
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Aer'wyn Grisghul
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Aer'wyn Grisghul

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 15th, 2018, 2:56 pm

Morphing 26sp 26 Competent

Brawling +2 2 Novice
Disguise +1 1 Novice
Endurance +1 1 Novice
Interrogation +3 3 Novice
Investigation +1 1 Novice
Negotiation +1 1 Novice
Observation +5+3+5+1 16 Novice
Rhetoric +2 2 Novice
Seduction +1 1 Novice
Socialisation +5+1+5 11 Novice
Stealth +1 1 Novice
Subterfuge +1 1 Novice
Unarmed combat 10rb+2+1 13 Novice
Weapon: bastard sword 24sp+1 25 Novice
Wrestling +1 1 Novice

Fluent: Tukanat
Conversational: Common
Very Poor (Vel): Pavi
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 26th, 2018, 6:31 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Aer'wyn Grisghul
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Aer'wyn Grisghul

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 15th, 2018, 3:00 pm

The taste of Zith blood
Morphing: Akalak arm
Location: Drunken Fish
Location: Byron’s Bank
Location: The Mysterious Slab
Mysterious Slab: Unreadable
Mysterious Slab: Is probably magical
Mysterious Slab: Says Petricious
Kynier: A man of language
Kynier: Speaks some Tukant
Kynier: Draws images for his employer
Self (Vel): Envies being drunk
Unarmed Combat: Size isn’t always an advantage
Unarmed Combat: Don’t strike bone on bone, aim for the fleshy bits
Kreig: Quite a drunk
Kreig: Trains at Tall Johnny’s
Location: No Man’s Land Tavern
Self (Vel): Risking an innocent woman’s life goes against his morals
Self (Vel): No Honor in money
Self (Vel): Lore of hidden bodies
Tove: Sees Honor in her
Tove: Has some sass
Tove: Is Kelvic
Tove: Is a year old
Tove: Dislikes booze
Tove: Thinks she’d be bored outside of Sunberth
Tove: Likes Vel
Tove: Willing to learn more about the gods
The Djed Storm of 512 AV
Karisa: Beloved Drykas to Aer’wyn
Seduction: Kissing the hand of a loved one
Aer’wyn: Grateful to the striders for their care of his Drykas woman
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 26th, 2018, 6:33 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Aer'wyn Grisghul
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Aer'wyn Grisghul

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 15th, 2018, 3:02 pm

+100gm (SP)
-35gm bastard sword
-25gm studded leather armour
-4gm scabbard
-7 sm for broken chair
-4 cm for bottle of beer

Total: 35gm 2sm 6cm
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 27th, 2018, 12:47 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Aer'wyn Grisghul
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Aer'wyn Grisghul

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 15th, 2018, 3:03 pm

Bastard Sword
Studded Leather Armour
Black, simple cloak
Simple set of clothing and shoes
Backpack which contains:
Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
Eating knife
Flint & Steel
Assassins dagger

A thick, leather bound book in which Karisa has noted down her knowledge of morphing over the years. Much of the journal is encrypted and some pages have been ripped out or damaged beyond repair. It is more than just a witch's journal to him. It’s the last remaining thing he has to keep memory of her alive.
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 15th, 2018, 12:35 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Aer'wyn Grisghul

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 15th, 2018, 3:05 pm

A small room at The Midnight Gem.
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 19th, 2018, 1:34 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Aer'wyn Grisghul
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Aer'wyn Grisghul

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 15th, 2018, 3:07 pm


Origin :
Aer’wyn’s arrival on the mortal plane of Mizahar was marked by a roaring thunder and torrential downpour. Being the second healthy born son of the Kelvic Wyn, the boy never met his mother for a few days after his birth, complications took her life. He grew up hearing stories of how she died peacefully in her sleep although how much truth there was to them, that he never found out. In spite of the trials of his early days, Aer’wyn lived quite the ordinary Akalak childhood with his father Aerimir and elder brother Imir’wyn. Both boys took greatly to the martial path, striving to do their father proud and fit well into Riverfal society. The dark soul emerged quite late on although at first the two were not such vengeful enemies as they later became. Vel thought of Are’wyn as stupid and unworthy but never could he imagine the things the light side was capable of. Back in those days the dark brother was easier to suppress.

Rite of Passage :
His elder brother perished during his rite of passage, thus once it was Aer’wyn’s turn to face the same trial, he was prepared. That day he enacted his vengeance on the Zith who took one of his kin. Zith blood healed the wound on his heart but never did it truly prevent a scar. The family name Grisghul was subsequently bestowed upon him by his father in honour of his accomplishments.

Between Then and Now :
Few things have such power over a man as love does and truly Aer’wyn did fall deeply in love with a young human witch named Karisa. As dangerous as she was beautiful, once in love the heart wanted what it wanted and ignored every warning sign until it was too late. He had followed her throughout Cyphrus, chasing a dream of spending a lifetime together. It was she who taught him the basics of Morphing. Their happiness, though sweet, was short lived however for the dark brother stirred just beneath the surface, enraged by the corruption of his light side by magic.

One fateful night, Vel emerged and once he was in control he was not going back. He fought the witch and killed her though not without the spilling of his own blood for before breathing her final breath, she severed his left arm. Drykas hunters found the wounded Akalak and nursed him back to health, embracing him into their society for a time where he lived as Vel. Once the Light brother took back control of the body, he disappeared and fled for Sunberth in hopes of starting anew and healing his broken heart.

Flashbacks :
13th of Spring 512AV - I believe there's a storm a-brewin
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 19th, 2018, 10:17 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Aer'wyn Grisghul
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Aer'wyn Grisghul

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 5th, 2018, 12:00 pm

Thread list
Summer 518AV
In which unlikely friendships are made in the places least expected.
3rd - Pissing off a mountain
6th - Ghosts in the Harbour
13th - The cat that bites
15th - Unsavoury Clientele
18th - Black and blue and red all over
25th - Never walk the streets alone
38th - A tall order
44th - A gem of a time
45th - Break a sweat, and the some
57th - Hard Home
64th - Live to see the Sunrise
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Aer'wyn Grisghul
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