60 Winter 510 AV
Winter had set in. Sunberth's roofs were heavy with the fallen snow and ice. It's denizens went about their obscure businesses and hurried back home to find solace in the warmth of their lodgings and family. The streets were a mixture of frozen mud and trash and a filthy goo resulting from passing feet and carriadges. It clung to Adder's heels and trousers.
Being half Dhani made him dislike the cold and he found he wasn't quite as agile as he normally would be. With a sigh and puffs of breath he drew his cloak closer around him. The moon was looming high overhead, a gleeming white sickle in a clear star dotted sky. To the west Adder saw the burning pyre of Sunberth slag heap. It's smoke cringled skyward.
Rayne took his normal route home though he found the location rather unalluring. This was not a night to spend alone, but seeing as he didn't want to pay for company he'd seek out his literary friends and heroes. And he knew he still had that stolen bottle of brandy on his table.
The snow in the small street here was still fresh and made cracking sounds under his boots. He cursed the cold and hurried forth. What the hell is that? - he thought. Small footprints dotted the white snowy canvas. Animal footprints. Canine footprints, but too large to be from a city mongrel. They led to an alleyway and he could vaguely hear a crunching sound...
Curious as he was, Adder snuck closer to inspect.
Consternation befell him as he discovered it was a wolf in the alley. It was eating something which he thought was a rat, hence the crunching sound. Rapidly Rayne's hand flew to his dirk. Wolves! Here in the city? Sunberth had no walls so there was no telling how this beast had gotten in.
The wolf growled and turned around, bearing its fangs. Adder's look turned grim and he was about to pull out his dirk to fend of the creature should it attack. Blood mixed with salive dribled from its mouth...
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