PM to join [The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Kelski took a moment to get away and do some shopping, meeting up with someone new. (Tove Please!)

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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Kelski on June 27th, 2018, 2:46 am

Timestamp: 40th of Summer, 518 AV

Kelski really had the urge to do two things… first and foremost expand her reading library. The summer nights were short and cool, but the Kelvic was often restless and didn’t get much sleep. Her mind was on too many things, or maybe just one person, and she hated to admit it… even to herself. Kelski had started to lean on her books to distract her mind and distract her from the ongoing projects she was more and more pressed to produce.

Namely, the Daggerhands had something going on and they were leaning on her heavily about it. Kelski couldn’t afford to isolate the gang. She frankly needed their business due to her heavy loans. But, that didn’t change the fact she needed to get away from her jewelry bench and out into the world to unwind.

Plus, there were people in her life now, so it gave them things to discuss to have more knowledge to thumb through and things to learn. Kelski didn’t like always talking about the same things. She liked learning, growing, and was constantly trying to educate herself. The Sea Eagle was a desperate knowledge seeker and the thought of growing her small library made her happy.

So the trip to the market was with some extra coin money she had which she hoped to get books on religion for Rene, cooking for all of them, and perhaps maybe something of domestic food raising or gardening. Kelski struggled more and more to vary the diet of everyone in the house and wasn’t sure how to do it. None of them were cooks and someone had to learn or be hired else they were all going to starve.

A book would help with that. Even lessons first hand from someone that knew what they were doing would also help. Kelski was on the search for either and the Seaside Market was the first place she decided to visit.

Her wardrobe was also non-existant and that needed to be tended too shortly. Second hand clothing in the market was always a good value. And baring that, some of the nicely made clothing she'd seen there hadn't been unreasonable in price. Kelski had to pick up a few fancier things for when she met clients. A jeweler had to look a certain way, and she had to have enough clothes to fit that look. But all in all, she had simple tastes and the market would do just fine for filling out her wardrobe.

She also had the thought of perhaps picking up a few hens for the eggs. Kelski had no intention of eating another bird, though she would in a pinch, but she’d seen a few in and about town, carefully guarded against street thugs grabbing quick dinners, and wondered if there wasn’t some merit in having fresh breakfast eggs. It would be nothing to build a small shelter for a few chickens off the deck of The Gem… maybe even let a hen or two run around the house.

And so it was Kelski set off to the Seaside Market, plainly dressed, armed to the teeth, and loaded with enough coin to pick up a few books and maybe some chickens. She wore britches, a tank top, a bracer of daggers across her chest, and carried a backpack big enough to fill with a few books or supplies if she found any. Her long ombre hair was braided loosely and her tall black boots were well worn but almost new. She looked happy – happy to be out and about – and on a mission to do something besides spending the day leaning over her jewelers bench cutting stones.
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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Tove on June 28th, 2018, 10:04 pm

Boredom was a vicious thing that Tove had known all too well. It followed her as she wondered about the Seaside market, scanning the many stalls and people that scatter around the market. The Kelvic cared little for shopping, the idea itself never failing to stress her out. She had always been far too indecisive to throw her coin at a merchant without at least looking around the other shops seven times.

“Hello hello, fresh fruit for a lady?”

“Need to slit a throat? Look no further as I sale the finest daggers in Sunberth!”

“Beautiful garments! Need to impress a lovely lady in your life? Buy her a dress!”

The yelling never seemed to end. A little bit of yelling is fine would be fine, even an abundance of yelling somewhat tolerable. The problem wasn't the fact that yelling is loud, it was that it never seemed to cease. Tove had little to distract herself with conversation wise, and so each and every merchant had thought her as the type who is easily persuaded, which meant there was plenty yelling directed at her. It only lasted a chime or so before they found their next victim.

This is the first time she had wondered the market as a free woman. She can eye whatever she wants, for however long she wants to. This would be exciting but Tove had little to no idea what it is she wanted, leaving her in quite the predicament.

Rather than looking at the stalls, Tove had found another source of entertainment. The people. After several chimes of hunting, the Kelvic managed to find a lonely crate to use as a seat of sorts, having pulled herself on top of it without bringing too much attention to herself.

Pale eyes scanned over those who pass. Beautiful women dressed up to the bone, gossiping about something their criminal husbands had gotten into. Small children running about as couriers, carrying messages or packages from one vendor to the next. A sleazy pickpocket trying, and failing, to swipe some coin from a woman’s pocket.

However interesting these people may have been, it did little to fight back against boredom for as long as she would have liked. A grumble escaped her as she loosely crossed her arms over her chest.

Tove had never really thought about her own wants when shopping, having been raised to shop for her owner. Freedom to shop for oneself meant nothing if they didn't even know what they wanted, therefore shopping more often than not left Tove a frustrated mess, hoping that a random thing she wants will pop into her head. The only thing she really wanted to do was survive, but you can’t buy that at a shop, unless…

“Perfect!” The words escaped her without a thought, a weapon can help with survival. Her boots collided the ground with a thump, the girl stumbling a bit. She had not yet honed her cat-like grace within this form. Her excitement had been painfully short-lived as she wandered into an unknown woman, all Tove could make out of the stranger were the long ombre locks and pale skin.

“Oh...” Her eyes locked onto the woman, amazed by her appearance, "How. Strange."

The statement hadn’t been one rooting from a strange desire to be rude, yet to anyone who wasn’t within the Kelvic’s head, it had seemed to be. It would be silly to say the stranger was ugly, the insult did not fit the woman. She was pretty, beautifully strange at that.

Her thoughts were cut off by the realization that she was just standing there staring at a woman that she had ever so rudely bumped into. “Oh, yes. My apologies!”
Last edited by Tove on September 27th, 2018, 3:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Kelski on June 30th, 2018, 8:10 pm

The chickens were brightly colored that Kelski found in a visiting trader’s booth. They had deep dark colors, mostly black, with iridescent feathers. Kelski liked the way they looked and could see that there were one or two eggs in the bottom of their cages where they were kept. The eggs were white with a trace of iridescence as well and the thought of punching into one made her hungry. That meant they were good layers right? She wanted the eggs because she wanted additional sources of food for the group at The Midnight Gem.

Taking care of the new Kelvics and Akalak wasn’t easy, and Kelski was exploring all her options. If she could raise chickens for eggs and meat, she’d have more options for food than just hunting and the market. So Kelski spoke to the vender, ordered a random assortment of young birds – six hens and a rooster – to be delivered to The Midnight Gem in the afternoon. She also requested a bag of feed too. She browsed further because there was no question she was going to have to add some sort of coup onto the end of the building off the deck. For now, though, the chickens could roam around the deck and be relatively safe.

Next, she stopped at a booth where someone was a potter and had sets of plates, bowls, and silverware set up neatly. Kelski looked through the colors and patterns, wincing at the cost of some of the items but also finding some really plain but functional dinnerware for reasonable prices. With three Kelvics, an Akalak, and whomever they might have over for dinner, Kelski needed a set of at least eight. Ten, or twelve, she figured might be better because the Kelvics weren’t easy on things like furniture. Would they be gentle on new tableware? She doubted it.

She spoke to the vendor for quite some time and ordered a full set of twelve of one of the vendor’s patterns. Instead of going plain or incredibly fancy. She went with a middle of the road pattern that had colors of the sunset glazed onto thick sturdy ceramic ware. Kelski liked the colors and thought maybe she could eventually decorate the inside of her home with the colors the dishes inspired. The vendor didn’t have that kind of stock on hand, but he assured her that It could be delivered within a ten day. That was good enough for her and she paid the man 2 gold a place setting for a total of 24 GM which included his tip and the delivery. She’d bargained hard with him and he’d insisted on throwing in some baking dishes and a matching set of platters for the price they agreed on.

Kelski was happy. It was looking like more and more that skipping learning to cook wasn’t going to be an option. Someone under that roof was going to have to learn to cook something or they were all going to starve. Smiling to herself, Kelski continued her search. Next on her list was books. Combing the market, she wasn’t actually able to find anything more useful than rumors of books. When she finally found some, they were usually useless journals or completely blank. The blank books she didn’t understand until a vendor had told her that there was a library where she could copy already written books, or that she could take the blank books and write down important things in them such as recipes or formulas for her work. At that point, Kelski picked up a half dozen. Twenty GM lighter, the Kelvic moved on, glad most vendors would deliver and that the books would be at her place later that afternoon. Ink, quills, and books all would come after she’d hopefully returned home. Slowly, The Midnight Gem was going to start looking more like a home than just a place to stop off and work. That made Kelski smile. She hoped the others felt the same way about the place she did, and were able to look around and add some personal touches as well.

Moving on, Kelski browed further, looking at artwork, décor, and things that would give her home a more personal touch. She found little that she liked and nothing that screamed out… “This is home.” To her. After a time she came to a section of the market that had weapons and she stopped to browse. She liked looking at the blades and often wondered about the longer ones and archery equipment. None of those things she knew how to use and so she didn’t often go close. But she loved daggers and could browse all day.

She moved happily through the setting until she heard the stranger’s words.

Kelski turned to the woman, glanced over at her from where she was standing studying the contents of one of the vendor’s booth, just to see where she was looking. Who looked strange? It turned out the woman was looking directly at her. The Kelvic knew she didn’t look human. No matter how hard she tired and now much she worked to look normal, the first time she smiled or met someone’s gaze with her silver eyes, she’d be noted as inhuman. She frowned at the woman, lifted her hand, and brushed her hair subconsciously out of her face, feeling insecure.

Kelski stared at the woman staring at her and shrugged. “None of us choose how we are born. I lacked the blue eyes that kept my people wanting me around among the Svefra. I can leave here too if you find my visage unpleasant.” She said softly, almost angry, at the stranger being so rude. Kelski wasn’t close enough to be realize the other one was Kelvic or she might not have reacted so negatively. She just assumed the girl was human. And truth be told? Most humans she had no use for.

“You probably shouldn’t judge people by how they look before you get to know them. It does both yourself and them a huge disservice.” She added, her words a bit biting, and accompanied by a frown.

Word Count: 1024
Last edited by Kelski on June 30th, 2018, 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Tove on June 30th, 2018, 11:19 pm

Tove froze as she had fallen under the defensive gaze of the beautiful stranger she had ever so rudely been staring at.
"Oh, I..." At first, she merely blinked, baffled by the woman's defensive words. Confused by the defensive nature and stern gaze Tove wondered how her words could be processed as cruel. Stumped on how she could improve the situation she opted for honesty rather than excuses?

Many people had made comments of Tove's appearance growing up. The way her hair tangled and matted up, the paleness of her skin, the predatory look in her eyes. Now she had accidentally done the same to a stranger, someone who seemed angered by the comment, however misconstrued-ed and unintentional the words may be.

"I- I am very much sorry, I didn't mean it like..." The words had come out as a jumbled mess, like marbles being dumped onto a hardwood floor. Random stutters and excuses having fallen from her tongue ever so loosely as shaky breaths escaped her throat.

The critical side of her mind chided her, pulling her in two directions. Morality and rationality hardly ever mixed well within the Kelvic’s mind, which helped little in the situation she had gotten herself into.

Her past life had left her with some odd habits. Her eyes cast downward, body subconsciously preparing itself for a beating. She hardly expected the woman to get physical, but the fear still remained. Lucille, though however kind she may have been compared to many slave owners, had quite the temper that left the Kelvic with more than one or two bruises in her short lifetime.

"I didn't mean strange, I meant...unique? I think that is the right word. Pretty even! You simply stand out is all, but not in a bad way..." She began to ramble on, her shy nature had left her a bumbling fool. A look of defeat crossed her feature, eyes finally meeting the stranger.

"I am very sorry, I wouldn't have said anything if I thought it would be perceived as negative. I need to think about how words can seem before I speak them." An apologetic smile had replaced that of a distraught one. It was a false confidence she had hoped would aid her in her attempt to apologize.

The last time she had felt so desperate to be forgiven had been before Lucille had grown ill. The young slave had accidentally dropped an antique vase Lucille had bought in Syliras which in turn resulted in three days of silent treatment.

There was a long pause, Tove's teeth had long since torn the skin that protected the inside of her cheek. It was clear the girl was at a loss for words, confused as to what the next course of action should have been.

"I'm not really familiar with the market, do you happen to know where some weapon vendors are?" Tove was hardly a tourist and yet she feared to be made out to seem like one. She had seen how those who aren't children of Sunberth are treated, she had seen how slaves are treated as well. She didn’t want to be pegged as either of the two.

"Or I could just go...if that's what you want. I'm not really sure if I am meant to continue this conversation or walk away. I just...wanted to say I'm sorry and that you aren't odd looking by any means, just unique." Once again, the words had escaped her as a jumbled-up mess. Any hint of her feigned confidence had since faded away, replaced by that of fear.

Last edited by Tove on July 11th, 2018, 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Kelski on July 1st, 2018, 12:06 am

Kelski watched the other woman and noted her strange behavior. She slipped closer, abandoning the booth she’d been looking over in favor of the stranger’s presence. As she grew closer, she suddenly realized the other woman was Kelvic, which made a lot more sense for the lack of tact at her comments. Kelvics could sense other Kelvics once they were close enough, and undoubtably they’d both realize they were indeed of the same race.

Kelski was way more forgiving of a Kelvic being a Kelvic than of a human trash talking an ex-slave who’s features didn’t pass muster. “It’s okay. I didn’t realize you were Kelvic. I thought you were one of them, the humans….” The Jeweler said suddenly, lowering her voice. “…they can be so mean.” She finished, drawing close to the stranger and holding up her hands to calm the other creature’s fumbling.

“I’m Kelski. I know I look odd. My animal coloring comes through on my human form more than most. I’m a jeweler here in town. Please don’t apologize. I wouldn’t have gotten angry if I’d have known you were Kelvic. We tend to be… more honest and less mean than they are.” She said softly, standing right in front of the other female now. She sized the lass up. They were the same height, roughly the same build, and had similar predator glints in their eyes. Kelski smiled slowly, a smile of an offered friendship.

“It’s okay… Its okay… stop apologizing already. I didn’t know you were Kelvic. I know now… and I know it wasn’t coming from a mean place inside you.” The Eagle assured the other female, grinning suddenly. She was glad the other Kelvic changed the subject abruptly. It gave her something to latch onto and some common ground between them.

“I’ve been through the market several times. I was shopping for a few things today for my shop. I’ll tell you what.. I’ll backtrack and show you the weapons vendors I’ve seen that look decent and you can help me finish shopping for the rest of the stuff I need. I could use the company. You know how it gets with us… too much alone time.” Kelski said softly, lifting her arm suddenly in an unconscious effort to ask the Kelvic to link arms with her. If they looked ‘together’ it was less likely they would be harassed by groups of gang members that ended to roam the market.

“What type of weapon are you looking for? There are vendors that have a lot of different blades, but then there are some that have bows and arrows and other types of stuff. I remember everyone I’ve seen today, but if you are looking for something unusual, we might have to go the way I haven’t gone if I haven’t seen it yet.” Kelski added, eager to help.

Kelski wasn’t beyond being nosey either. “So, are you from here? Or are you new? There’s lots of Kelvics in Sunberth, but becareful because there are lots of people that would hang a slave collar around your neck in a heartbeat. You are pretty and they take advantage of that sort of thing.” Kelski said, smiling at the other Kelvic.

“I’m from Lhavit, but I’ve been here three seasons now. I just opened a new business on the 30th so I’m trying to make it work. I don’t have everything I need in the new place and I’m trying to order some things from vendors here. Do you know I moved into my shop and am living above it and didn’t even get any dishes to eat off of? I just didn’t think of it. I found a great ceramic booth though and ordered some really pretty ones. They should be done soon… and chickens. I got chickens for eggs. I need to think about building a coup out back of the shop now. My head is really busy. I had no idea a business would cause me so much thinking and forgetting and thinking again. So I save up the things I need on a list, and get away to take breaks… and in doing that it clears my head and I can work easier and more smoothly. And I get more things set up for my home.” The Kelvic Eagle said, knowing the other kelvic might not care but she wanted to explain why she was at the market clearing her head.

“I don’t even know your name.” Kelski stopped suddenly, studying the other woman a moment. “I’m sorry. I just like other Kelvics. Its… sometimes our kind is better company…. You know?” She said sheepishly, a little embarrassed by her sudden enthusiasm.

Word Count : 781
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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Tove on July 1st, 2018, 4:26 am

Surprise had washed over the Kelvic, leaving her with dilated pupils that extended to an unnatural extent, a sheepish grin having replaced her frown. Her apology had been accepted by the older Kelvic which had brought a great deal of happiness down upon Tove. Friends are hard to come by, other Kelvic's are even harder to come by, but the two combined? It's a rare friendship indeed for Tove. Her eyes locked on the woman as she spoke, no longer nervous, now knowing the woman is that of her own kind.

The other Kelvic's distrust of humans is something Tove made sure to keep in mind. She had found herself wondering why the woman held humans at such a low light. Sunberth’s population mostly consisted of humans so Tove had chocked it up to being just that.

Upon closer inspection, the two appeared to share a similar build, though their facial features and pigmentation differ greatly. It was easy to see that the woman standing across from her could be easily pegged as something other than human. Most had never noticed Tove’s appearance, and even if they had nothing extremely unnatural would catch their eye. In any other place, Tove would envy the other Kelvic’s appearance, but Sunberth had never been kind to those who stand out.

'Kelski..' A pretty name, simple too. One Tove could forget if she hadn't been so interested in what the owner of the name had to say.

Kelski further discussed herself. Enough that Tove has a general idea of who she is, outwardly at least. Her interest was peaked even further as Kelski explained her occupation. Most businesses in Sunberth are owned by humans, the idea of a Kelvic owning one baffled the younger girl.

There had always been little respect for those in Sunberth that weren’t human, thus it was beyond impressive that one of Tove's kind had managed to establish themselves within the city. It was somewhat inspirational in a way. Not that Tove had any plans that involved her opening a business anytime soon, but in a city where their kind are more likely to be slaves than free, some must draw inspiration from Kelski.

Pale eyes had lightened as Kelski mentioned knowing the market well, or at least better than Tove did. A ray of hope had been cast down upon her, she would never find the weapon stalls by herself, and being with someone else would most definitely ease the anxiety that had often come along with shopping.

"I'm looking for something small enough to conceal...I'm not much of a fighter in this skin. It would do me good to have something I can hide. Or at least I think so, do you have any recommendations?" She wrapped her arm around Kelski's without hesitation, the scratchy cloth of her shirt had begun to rub against the soft skin hidden beneath the fabric.

Loneliness had always been a very real issue for Tove, Kelski's words resonating with her. Freely speaking is not something that came naturally for Tove, but she hoped a friendship could form from trust between one Kelvic to another.

"I would love to accompany you as you shop, I haven't met many other Kelvic's" Her words became a bit more hushed and softer in nature, the whole market hardly needed that the two were not human.

"I, uh, thank you!" Upon hearing Kelski’s complement a heat had begun to rise up from her neck, having given her cheeks a tinge of red. Never had she met someone so kind, or at least outwardly kind. It was a nice change in pace compared to the many unsavory types who call Sunberth home.

"I've always called Sunberth home, though I have not been given a chance to explore it as much as I would like. I'm not some muscled goon so I can't exactly wonder around the place without a problem, and I'm not really good at much when it comes to" Her words faded as she finished saying what needed to be said. Silence having once again filled the air between the two though Kelski had done well to break it once again.

As they walked along the streets of the market Kelski spoke of many things. Tove giving the other Kelvic her undivided attention without much thought. It pained her not to blurt out a billion questions, but doing so would have been rude.

Tove smiled, enjoying the company of the other Kelvic. Her arm tightening around Kelski's as the crowd began to become thicker. Her words seemed to overpower the noises of the market oddly enough.

"You may call me Tove, it's like Toe, only with a 'V'."
Last edited by Tove on July 12th, 2018, 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Kelski on July 6th, 2018, 2:19 am

Kelski looked at the other girl like she could be a potential friend, a contact, and maybe a future companion. The Sea Eagle knew so very few people in Sunberth that she could call friends, though she was trying to change that. And maybe, just maybe, Tove felt the same way. Kelvics were vulnerable alone and unbonded in the city. Kelski was completely aware of this, and in fact had experienced some of the abuses first hand. Tove probably had as well. Kelvics were often treated as non-people, more pets than anything else. And because of that Kelski was cautious around people, moving slowly, befriending them slowly, and erring on the side of caution. With her fellow Kelvics though, things often went better.

When Tove admitted she hadn’t wandered widely and was not one for self defense, Kelski looked at her concerned. “I’m glad you are getting a weapon then. It’s hard on the streets here if you can’t fight. You’ll need to, or else someone will slap you in chains. They have so little respect for life here… or even freedom for a city that prides itself on its liberties.” Kelski added, shaking her head.

“I like your name.” Kelski said, then looked Tove over. “You might like daggers. I do. I know a thing or two about them so I might be able to teach you something too… they are really good to conceal. I’m thinking of getting me a blow gun… with darts. I think that would be helpful in a fight. Especially one where I can step back and dart people instead of engage.” She said with a grin. “I have a few more things on my list, but there’s both a blades guy and a blowgun guy near my next stop… lets go look over their stuff. I think they are good vendors.” Kelski said, tugging at Tove companionably and heading off through the market.

Kelski darted in and out of the crowd, between people and avoiding groups with obvious gang affiliations. Before they knew it she was in front of a booth of blades where she released Tove’s arm and let her new friend browse. Kelski browsed herself, though she had enough blades of her own. The vendor, an older man that looked like he might work a small forge when he wasn’t selling at a booth, perked up at the girls arrivals. “Hey ladies! Welcome… welcome…. Let me show you something pretty! A letter opener? A blade perhaps? I even have wicked long hair sticks that would make very good weapons.” He added, pointing out a few of his prettier blades.

Kelski frowned and nudge Tove, pointing at some of his very functional but plain blades. “Forget the pretty ones.. go for balance and sharpness… sturdiness over decor…” The Sea Eagle advised, letting Tove browse and see if there was anything she liked. The man watched, switched gears, and then started showing Tove all sorts of blades that would work for what she wanted, some delicate, some long and sturdy. There was just about anything Tove could want available.

Kelski stood to the side, pleased, glad her new friend might find a solid weapon, whatever kind she ended up finding.
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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Tove on July 7th, 2018, 1:21 am

Every experience is better with a friend. Shopping, drinking, manslaughter, it is all far more enjoyable when you have a friendly face beside you. Sadly, friendly faces are hard to come by in a city run by criminals who can’t stand the idea of laws. Kelski seemed to be a welcome candidate for the nonexistent list of ever-growing friendships.

As they approached the weapons merchant Tove’s eye automatically landed upon the more elaborate weapons. Daggers encrusted with gold, hilts circling around a large gem. Such things added flare to the weapons but hardly ever improved upon the damage they inflicted, some designs even hindering the purpose of the weapon. Tove heeded her fellow Kelvic’s advice, having shifted her attention onto the less ‘frilly weapons’. Pretty had never saved a life, practicality did.

“I would love to learn more of how to use a dagger. I’d welcome the help on a later date if the offer still stands by then.” A small smile cut Tove’s features in half for mere moments before shifting back to a look of concentration, eyes locked on the weapons as she studied them intensely.

She knew little of daggers, having been prohibited from even holding a fork whilst in Lucille’s care. What does the curve of the blade add? Why are there different hilts, which one works best? All these questions jumbled up in Tove’s overactive brain. The eyes of the merchant awaited her decision anxiously causing Tove to try and speed up the process. Kelski said she had things to do so dilly-dallying about was the last thing the younger Kelvic had wished to do.

Her fingers wrapped around the hilt of a small dagger. There was nothing particularly special about it. No crests. No intricate designs. It was the most basic of the many basic daggers, but the blade was sharp and the quality seemed to be decent enough.

“I think this will do, yes?” Tove’s eyes had fallen on Kelski as if asking for the older woman’s approval. She knew more of daggers so if she had thought that is fine, Tove could only assume she is correct. Tove pulled her coin purse from her pocket, counting the amount out loud before dropping his desired price into his hand. He appeared happy with her choice as he dropped the coin into his pocket eagerly.

“Have a nice day you two, try not to die!” The words are customary, it was obvious he cared little for the safety of the girls as people, but as clients, they weren’t nearly as expendable.

“You said you wanted a blow gun?" It was obvious the girl knew little of weapons as she tried to mask the fact she had little to no idea what a blowgun even was. Despite that, the smile had returned to her face as she turned to face the Kelvic. Now that her purchase was out of the way she seemed rather eager to help Kelski with her own shopping. It would provide a welcome distraction and allow Tove to spend time with one of her own kind.
Last edited by Tove on July 12th, 2018, 12:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Kelski on July 10th, 2018, 9:38 pm

Kelski indeed approved of Tove’s choice. “That’s a great beginning blade. It will allow you to learn a lot and you can conceal it easily on your body. I have a nice basement at my place I can teach you some moves in. There’s places to throw daggers down there too, so you can learn how to do that too… I own the Midnight Gem. The Clerk there is a Kelvic too… Ebon.. if you ever drop by. Introduce yourself to him. He’s a lot of fun as well and hes really good at patching up wounds if you get in trouble and need help.” Kelski said, telling Tove in her own way that there was help for Kelvics if she needed it.

The city’s only known doctor also tortured people, so giving Tove an option if she did indeed ever end up hurt couldn’t be a bad thing. “Don’t forget to buy a sheath for it before we leave. You don’t want to accidentally cut yourself before you learn to handle it.” She advised and would pause if Tove wanted to do just that.

At Tove’s prompting, Kelski added more to what she’d been thinking. It wasn’t just about wanting one… she really needed a wider variety of weapons than she already had. Sunberth never threw the same thing at a person twice.

“You can’t have too many weapons in this city. You can lose yours, drop it, get it lodged into someone, and then you never know what is going to happen in a fight scenario… so I’m keen to pick up a few more and learn them. One of the most intelligent people I know has a dagger and a sword. I don’t think that’s for me though. I feel like I need something ranged and less hands on. I’m not as big as these males that are always fighting. I can be fast, but I’d rather not let them get into the range where they can put their hands on me.” She said thoughtfully, and headed out, leading Tove onward.

Then, like a woman on a mission, she continued shopping. They moved several vendors down until they hit an obscure booth that was tucked away. It had an assortment of unique weapons including what looked like sets of tubes that had a small pack of darts with it. Kelski looked over the weapons, finally selecting one. A few moments haggling with the vendor, Kelski picked up the Blow gun for 10 gold and bought two packs of needles for 2 gm giving her forty little darts that would definitely come in handy in Sunberth.

Before she left however, she questioned the man. “If I want some poison to put on these… where can I get some?” She asked cautiously. The man was more than helpful. “I have some blue whinnis… four doses for 175 gm. It will cause unconsciousness better than anything else.” Kelski winced at the cost and shook her head. “Anything else, you need to see the Fence for. He’s got everything.” The man said, causing Kelski to nod. “Thank you.” She said, nodding to Tove and starting off.

Tucking her purchases into her backpack, she gestured for Tove to head out with her. On the way past another booth she stopped and looked over a series of bows and crossbows. “I am starting to feel like I’m not armed enough around here. Like there are eyes watching me. I keep glancing over my shoulder.” She said thoughtfully, then pulled a light crossbow off the display and quietly paid for it along with two sets of bolts. That wouldn’t fit in her backpack without breaking it down, so she just slung it over her back and slid the bolts within instead.

“Lets see… dinnerware, weapons, chickens… I think I got it all. Is there anything else you want to go shopping for, Tove? Or would you like to maybe grab something to eat or find a nice quiet place to sit and just chat?” Kelski asked, curious about the other Kelvic, though her shopping was done.

The other woman might have more things to buy, but Kelski was tapped out until she made her loan payment and had additional spending money. Kelski moved along with Tove happily, contemplating if the Fence was indeed someplace she needed to go or if she could get a book on poisoncrafting and teach herself without all the other expenses. The price of Blue Whinnis had shocked her… her having no idea poison was so valuable. Shopping wasn’t exactly Kelski’s thing. She wondered if this was a job she could send Aer’wyn to do so long as she gave him coin and a good thorough list.
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[The Seaside Market] Books, Clothes, and Chickens Oh My!

Postby Tove on July 14th, 2018, 3:36 am

A small nod signaled Tove’s confidence in her choice as she bought a sheathe. It would hardly do her any good if the blade stabbed her in her pursuits to protect herself.

“I don’t believe I’ve ever been in the Midnight Gem, it’s relatively new is it not?” She asked, sliding the blade into its place within the sheathe before she continued to speak, “I would enjoy that, as long as I wouldn’t be bothering you in the process.” Kelski seemed to have a way with people, Tove having almost forgotten that she had only met the woman just a Bell ago if not less than that. The older Kelvic hadn’t once treated her like a stranger, well, not since she had realized Tove was Kelvic that is.

Tove listened as Kelski spoke of weapons, nodding her head as the two walked. “Oh, I’d never really given weapons much thought until somewhat recently.” The memory of almost being mugged was one she had relived many times whilst walking the streets. She had been lucky that time but she knew full and well that luck wouldn’t always be by her side. “I suppose having an arsenal of weapons isn’t all that outlandish.”

It didn’t take long for Kelski to spot the booth she had been hunting for. Odd weapons being showcased by the vendor. Tove wondered why he had tucked himself away but never once questioned it out loud. Instead, she simply observed the many weapons as Kelski spoke to the vendor, giving her some space as the two spoke.

Tove’s attention had been caught by an ornate ax attached to a long spear. The end of the hilt had been shaped in the form of a lion. Tove wondered if that meant the lion was choking on the spear or spitting out, it could be viewed either way but Tove wasn’t quite sure in which way she saw it. It was pretty, too pretty not to touch. Tove’s arm stretched outward, too close for the vendor to feel comfortable.

“Don’t. Touch. The. Halberd.” He hadn’t even looked at her as the words slipped off his tongue, his body still facing Kelski. It hadn’t taken long for Tove to retract her arm back to her chest and direct her eyes to the ground once more.

Tove complied with Kelski’s wishes as the two had finished speaking, her eyes directed to the ground as she passed the vendor. The two Kelvic’s only stopped once more at another weapons booth, Kelski explaining how she had felt paranoid recently, which had made perfect sense in a city such as Sunberth. After making her purchase she asked Tove what the next set of plans would be as if she had expected Tove to know how to answer.

“I have nothing more to buy, at least not at the moment. Do you need help carrying anything, it would be no trouble if you do?” Tove answered, shifting her weight as the two spoke. She had not expected time to pass so quickly. Lucky for her, Kelski seemed as though she wanted to speak more.

“Whatever you wish to do is perfectly fine! I would love to spend more time getting to know you.” Her own words cause her to inwardly cringe as her excitement had been more obvious then she had originally intended. “Only if that’s what you want to do as well of course...”
Last edited by Tove on July 25th, 2018, 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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