15th Day of Spring 518
Spring in Syka was finally in motion. The events revolving around the World Gate had come to an end and the aftermath was still underway. The Verusk were now in Syka and Ialari had taken on the task of introducing one of them to the settlement and showing them what life was like in present day Mizahar. Ialari's particular guest was the Verusk known as, Kajun. At least that is what she called him as his full name was a little bit too cumbersome in casual conversation.
They'd spent several days thus far together yet still they knew little of each other. Ialari, being Ialari, was not all that forthcoming with personal information and Kajun, not unlike his host, was something of loner as well. Realizing that something had to give, Ialari decided that if any progress were to be made with her guest, she would have to be the one to initiate it.
As the day began, Syna's rays reaching out for Leth as he faded past the horizon, Ialari awoke. As was usual for her, sleep had not come easy. When she woke, she was drenched in sweat, her hands trembling and her eyes had difficulty focusing. The nightmares. They were always there whenever she closed her eyes, hoping for peaceful sleep. Visions of horrific torture and death at the hands of one, Amir Berliotz, Master Morpher and one of the Seven Robes of Alahea. She was not the one being tortured however; it was her or rather him engaged in the torture. He was looking for the secrets of Dominion; the magic gifted to her by the gods. He went to such lengths to discover it that he destroyed countless lives in the process. These were the nightmares that haunted her. The images of people, innocent people, being literally turned inside out, mind, body and soul in Berliotz search for Dominion.
Having willingly took his shattered soul into her own body, she reforged him. Once split into several ghosts, Ialari brought them all together and gave him substance once more. In the end she was forced to deliver him to Dira, Goddess of Death. Well, not forced exactly; Ialari made a deal with Death to gain the Goddess' support for acquiring Dominion from Izurdin. She was to deliver Berliotz' soul to Dira in exchange for the Mark of Death, she succeeded.
Not a night went by that Ialari questioned the entire experience. Before embracing the terrible, tortured yet thankfully short sleep, she questioned her decision to accept the Dominion Scrolls from Izurdin and questioned her deal with Dira. Although the rewards were beyond measure, the cost was almost too much.
As she struggled to regain her own senses upon waking, her eyes focused on a figure sitting in the chair not far from her bed. It was Kajun. Rubbing the sleep and terror from her eyes, she focused on the Verusk. He was watching her, as he had many times over the days since his arrival in Syka.
"Why do I wake to see you staring at me like some sort of perverted creeper?" She asked while stretching her aching muscles.
Momentarily turning his gaze from her sudden nudity as the sheets fell away, Kajun hesitated for a moment before answering. "My apologies. It's just that...when you sleep, it is never soundly. You twist, turn and cry out over and over again throughout the night. It's...it concerns me. It is not normal."
Ialari gave a dry chuckle and reached for the pitcher of water on the stand next to the bed and drank deeply before saying, "Kajun, I know you haven't been here long or know me all that well but I am anything but normal. As for my sleep...I've seen things...I...by Izurdin, maybe someday I can explain it but not yet."
Kajun simply nodded. Although he had known Ialari but a relative handful of days, he'd already realized that she was something of a puzzle that, when it was ready, would allow the pieces to come together to form a bigger picture. He knew it would be a slow process, agonizingly slow, but he had nothing but time on his hands and a mind that preferred such a puzzle.