Completed [Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

A chance meeting with a shocking twist

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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Farris on July 10th, 2018, 11:18 pm

15th of Summer, 518

As the Reimancer trudged through the city of Sunberth, it did not escape him that an incredible irony was about to commence. He chuckled quietly to himself as he watched, his cool gray stare cast in either direction. His pace was kept brisk, hands in the pockets of his pants as he continued down the path leading towards Execution Square. He'd heard of the place from a number of locals at a bar, a sense of wonderment compelling him to pay a visit. The idea of seeing a number of bodies hanging from the local 'lynching' trees, perhaps, kicked off a morbid fascination within the Reimancer. However, his primary motivation for his visit would be that such a place would surely have a great deal of space - and privacy - for him to commence with a new skill he'd sought to learn. Lightning had proven difficult - but possible - to tame. He'd found the mixture of elements to be trying, but once he'd gotten a hang of it, he found a great satisfaction in the bolt of lightning shooting through the air and dissipating at its target. Today, of course, his plans were different.

Farris sought to expand his repertoire even further. A single bolt seemed, to him, something that just wouldn't be enough. Could he manage to create a number of them? He'd not pursued using Reimancy as a solely offensive craft in the past, preferring to err in the path of caution. After all, Farris' father had taught him well about the possible consequences of overgiving.

"The situation has changed..." he argued with himself aloud, knowing full well that the day would come - sooner than later - that he'd need to defend himself. The irony struck him again, a soft laughter cast from his lips as he found that the most likely place for him to be taken in being caught as a mage... was right where he was. "Better to be here on my terms, I suppose," he admitted. The Reimancer made his way to the tree and straight past it. Several shade-covered 'cubicles' seemed to exist, cut off from the greater city of Sunberth and yet spacious enough for him to feel that he could hone his craft. Hands clasped together as the Reimancer began to pull at the djed that waxed and waned within the depths of his soul. He felt a delicious chill flow down his spine, his expression curved into a greedy smile as Res spilled from his fingertips, leaking from the scars that had bred Reimancy into his very nature. The chill spread throughout his body as the Res began to expand. He moulded it the Res into not one, but two oblong shapes. Letting the Res hover just outside of his grasp, he'd begin to transmute it, his hands opened, fingers extended outwards as the whole of his focus was kept on maintaining the delicate balance between too much and not enough Res placed into the intended transmutation.

A faint crackle could be heard as the transmutation transpired. First, the Res seemed to wane, growing thinner and thinner until it vanished entirely. However, the invisible spears were not dissipating. Rather, electricity coursed upon the surface of each invisible length until they flared. In that very moment, heat surged in the air, spears of Res transmuted into individual and very visible bolts that sped towards a crumbling mass of abandoned pottery. The bolts split from one another, two flying through the skies while the last made for its intended target. The heat immediately blistered the ceramic surface, cracks visible in its surface for but a moment before its integrity (or what was left) was forfeit. A pile of ash was left where a large pottery fragment had once existed. A thrill cast upon the mage's senses, his features twisted into an elated grin. He'd reach into his rucksack and retrieve from it his journal. The beautifully crafted book had only one page marked as of yet, and this would surely be the second.

'15th of Summer, 518.

The journey towards honing Reimancy continues. Lightning has proven a fickle element, struggling to obey and yet malleable regardless. Given further practice, more than one arc of lightning will surely make its way towards its intended destination. Do I need to concentrate further? Should I be more ambitious?'

The segment of an entry was left alone at that, his journal stowed into his rucksack anew as the mage reflected upon what he had done. Surely another try wouldn't arouse too much attention. He assumed his previous position, intent on doing another try.
Last edited by Farris on July 22nd, 2018, 9:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on July 10th, 2018, 11:57 pm

By the Gods she loved flying. The Kelvic felt incredibly powerful, sleek, and really the queen of the sky as she banked on a thermal above the city and circled The Quay once more. She’d taken to doing nightly patrols of Baroque Bay making sure things were quiet. Then, she’d often swing wide, circle The Quay and note anything different or unusual, before circling back over Execution Square and starting home. Often she’d take a few pigeons if she could swing it, the shadow of her seven foot wingspan often startling to flight which made them as easy to snatch out of the air as crofters snatched popped corn out of their hearth baskets. She’d usually tear into it mid flight, going for the delicious bits before dumping the feathered skin and bones for the dog-sized rats to snarl over as the sun fell down.

Once rail thin from near starvation, Kelski had been growing sleek and strong with her newfound freedom. She still suffered the injuries she’d sustained before her release, though the broken ribs were well on the way to mending and hadn’t impeded her flight overly much. The pain she could ignore. Pain was something she learned enslaved to the Sun’s Birth. And the pain of wounds was far less than the mental pain she’d been freed from these long summer days. Still, it made her flight slower and less graceful than it normally would be. And her snatching of pigeons was less elegant and more conservative when she dove into a scattering flock.

Kelski banked left again, her sharp vision honing in on someone below in Execution Square. There were usually people there, often clustered in small groups of two or three, but no one usually went alone. People alone in Execution Square peaked her curiosity. The normal activities were bypassed. Single individuals didn’t huddle around dealers, grasping frantically for another fix. They weren’t paired off frantically coupling as humans awkwardly mated for coin, finding momentary pleasure in a stranger that was more than likely to give them disease than any sort of comfort from their miserable lives. Often those alone were hunted, fleeing chase or persecution by one of the many gangs all fighting for control over the city.

This individual didn’t seem to be any of the usual. Instead, he was…..

Kelski screamed a shrill startled cry and folded her wings to dive out of the way of the streak of lightening that coursed across the sky. The lightening had originated from the mage’s hand. Her already abused ribs screamed in protest as she banked in an impossibly graceful move and avoided the bolt as it kissed the sky beyond her. She back winged and almost fell out of the sky as she lost the thermal that was carrying her and easing her normally labored flight… labored since her ribs had been broke.

The Kelvic simply didn’t have time to compensate from the aerial movement and fell from the sky. She was thankfully close enough to the tree that dominated the square that she was able to tumble its direction, shift mid-fall, and swing herself up and onto a thick branch all the while crying out in pain. She felt her ribs give again and as she crouched nude on the thick branch, she threw an arm around her middle to try and support them to keep the pain at bay.

Panting heavily, her hair tumbling down the front of her crouched body in a wild cascade of black that faded to white, the Sea Eagle turned and perched on the thick branch like a cat ready to pounce. Her thick locks gave her some measure of modesty, though any onlooker could decidedly see she was wearing nothing but the skin she came into the world with.

Kelski set her eyes on the stranger that had caused her near death tumble from the sky and hissed unhappily at him. Molten silver eyes locked onto his and a still very sore mouth hissed the Kelvic’s unhappiness. A large silvery black Sea Eagle was now one very upset young Kelvic woman who clutched at the branch, crouched on all fours, and stared the man down.

When she spoke, it was almost in a damning tone. “Mage.” She accused, leaning forward, her hair tumbling out of her face revealing at least one black eye – partially healed – and a whole host of bruising and swelling across her face. She hissed again, almost beyond words, and dug her still-clawed hands into the wood of the branch.

She said the word one more time. “Mage.” It was a low menacing unhappy voice that was laced with pain. Nothing he did caused her injuries. If he’d been watching his casting, he’d have seen her have to maneuver to avoid his bolt and fall into a dive due to her awkward flying… flying which made sense now that he could see most of her flesh was bruised.

“You are too exposed out here, casting into the sky. Has all common sense fled your mind?” She hissed again, moving animalistic across the branch. The wind picked up and he could see the rest of her. She was unarmed, with no clothing or personal items about her. And judging by the size of her Kelvic Form, the branch didn’t have enough drop or enough loft to get her airborne and safely out of the confines of the tree even if she tried.
Last edited by Kelski on July 11th, 2018, 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Farris on July 11th, 2018, 12:18 am

There it was. As he heard the word 'mage' escape not once, but twice from the woman's lips, there was no shortage of contempt in his expression. Farris was not sorry for the trajectory of his lightning, for he'd been rather certain that none had been passing by. There was no way for the man to be sure now, with this strange woman coming out of the woodwork and manifesting out of the air itself? Certainly, Farris had his share of experience with Kelvics, their existence a novelty in the city of Ravok, destined for slavery or worse still with the KRI looming in the distance. In Sunberth? He wondered what other fates were in store for them. Clearly this Kelvic was worse for wear. Bruising was visible all over her nude body, which the mage had little choice but to notice. Her face was blotted with the anger of a black eye. Clearly, this being had been at the heel of a great measure of violence. However, she'd also made things rather complicated for him. Again, the mage pulled Res from the depths of his soul. He gritted his teeth as he allowed the magic to wax and pull from his hand. He'd not yet release a spell. Of course, Farris was not unmerciful, and would give the Kelvic a chance at explaining herself before pulling the imaginary trigger in his thoughts.

Admittedly, the mage had not sought to cast 'into the sky'. His target had been on the ground, but his inexperience in matters of lightning had caused more than one of the arcing blasts to soar into the clouds. Based on the Kelvic's position and condition, she'd not be moving any time soon, which further motivated the Reimancer away from unnecessary action. The gaseous Res, a faint purple in coloration, dissipated altogether as he strung together his thoughts. Not one to enjoy being lectured by anyone, he raised his arms, crossing them to his chest as he answered, "I didn't cast into the sky... That pile of ash," he'd begin, gesturing to the quickly dispersing soot stack that existed opposite to the tree. "That was my target. I miscalculated, and two of the bolts I'd made most likely deflected into the sky as a result. I also made sure to ensure I wasn't being followed," he assured her. Or was he assuring himself?

In truth, the mage couldn't be sure as to whether or not he was followed, and certainly, the display he'd created could cause some sort of stir. "Would I be less exposed in a building, where the efforts I'm making could potentially cause damage to structures and further incite hatred? By all means, lecture me on caution, Kelvic. You very clearly follow your own advice," he'd fire back at her. A bitter laugh escaped the Reimancer's lips as he motioned to her wounds and bruising. He couldn't hope to know the true extent of her injuries, but in truth, he didn't care in the slightest. Anger and no small measure of humiliation cast upon him as he stared down the Kelvic, taking a step forward as he looked up into the tree. "Tell me, Kelvic, what reason should I have for not firing a second time?" he asked, his voice just loud enough for her to hear. His gray gaze was resolute, his fingers twitching. He wanted to keep casting, to continue along the path that felt so right to his senses. Surely he could do a bit more without overgiving? "You did, after all, see something you shouldn't have..." he began, his lip curving just slightly upward.
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on July 11th, 2018, 7:19 pm

Kelski actually relaxed when he admitted he hadn’t cast into the sky. Instead he gestured at a pile of ash which caused her to throw her head back and laugh. The laugh wasn’t comfortable, evidently, because she reached across herself and seemed to support her ribs with an arm that wasn’t being used to cling to the branch. “No more reassuring words were ever uttered, then….” She said somewhat cryptically before she stopped laughing long enough to explain. “If you almost knocked me out of the sky trying to hit that pile of ash only feet from you, which means you have absolutely zero chance of actually hitting me here in this tree this close to you.” She said, having calmed down and her mood evolved from momentary terror to mirth as she was starting to see clearly just what was going on.

The Kelvic shifted her weight, settled on her rump, and began to slowly climb down the tree. She was athletic and had the grace of most Kelvics, but her motions were slow and deliberate due to her injuries. She also seemed not to have any modesty as her attention was focused on making it safely to the ground and not in fact concealing any or all parts of her person from someone had already dismissed as a threat.

“Why would someone be following you? Are you prone to this kind of idiocy on a regular basis?” She asked, not sure why she was deliberately provoking him or whether there was just something about him that rubbed her the wrong way. It took her a moment of focused climbing slowly downward to realize it was because she tended to side with the mages and by this one exposing himself needlessly, he was endangering those she held dear and respected.

“Sunberth is full of unclaimed and abandoned buildings. Why would destroying one with magic from the inside be any different than someone raiding one for stone or siding or even roofing? I fly over the city often. I suspect less than ten percent of the buildings even have roofs. You are being entirely too careless practicing here. People come here! They exchange drugs in the folds of this tree. They copulate for the exchange of so few coins that the amount wouldn’t even buy them a crust of bread. They even hang each other for the fun of it or to prove one side is stronger than another. They even capture and sell each other for slaves here. If anyone saw you… like I saw you… any of those things could befall you, willingly or no.” She said firmly, stretching out a foot and slowly easing the last way to the ground. Kelski could have jumped easily enough if her ribs weren’t less than ten days into healing from the last run-in she’d had with Darvin.

“I’m a kelvic. We see all kinds of things we shouldn’t. Luckily, we know when things are our business and when things aren’t our business…” She said, shrugging and dropping down to one of the benches tucked near the trunk of the tree she had been in. Kelski drew her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, groaning softly at the ache in her ribs. There was no way she was flying home tonight. Best find a good spot to roost or walk, though walking wouldn’t be the safest without a weapon or any clothing.

“You can always fire a second time. There’s nothing stopping you. Certainly not me. I have no weapons, nor even any clothing. But I would be grateful if you would refrain. You might likely burn this tree down trying to kill me, or perhaps maim the city of Zeltiva which truthfully isn’t so far from here.” She said with a crooked grin displaying bright white teeth though her gums and lips and even tongue was black. Long black hair that faded down to silvery white wrapped around her, and fell over the side of her face, partially covering the discoloration on her face. There was no way she could look any more inhuman than she did in that moment. The one silver eye visible fixed on him and she stared, studying him.

“Do you have a name? I thought maybe we could start over and exchange pleasant greetings instead of threats. I shouldn’t have … been so angry. I thought it was a deliberate attack.” She said abruptly. Despite being an apex predatory, Kelski knew when an apology was probably in order and wasn’t too proud to issue one. “Then maybe you could loan me your shirt. No one around here cares if men walk around without their torso’s covered, but the moment a woman does, one would have thought Ivak was starting the Valterrian again.” She commented, drumming her fingers against her leg where her arms were still wrapped around her drawn up limbs.
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Farris on July 11th, 2018, 8:14 pm

In truth, the Kelvic's jabs and her biting tone were the least of his concerns. Rather, as she spoke, he allowed himself the opportunity to analyze what had just transpired. Two arcs of lightning had veered off target while the last had kept its course. Unfortunately, his eyes weren't so powerful that he could follow the trajectory of the bolts as they flew, but to be fair, no one could do that. Rather, he sought to construct an image, in his mind, of what had happened.

"Do the arcs of lightning have some sort of reaction to one another? What would happen if I had them fly in different directions?" he'd ask himself, nearly forgetting that the Kelvic was there as she continued to rattle off about the dangers of practicing in what was clearly a secluded area in the moment. He needed receive none of it, perfectly satisfied with his discretion when it came to the defense of his own existence. He was, in some form, listening to her words of caution. However, he trained his gaze upon her once again once she had begun what was clearly a roast of his poor aim. He offered a laugh rather than becoming offended, taking several steps forward until he was within metres of the Kelvic.

"Maybe I need some sort of handicap, then. I can keep to this distance and instead unleash a torrent of flames to engulf you in?" he began, a sneer cast upon his angular features as he raised his hand as if to present the threat. He'd step closer still, keeping just out of arm's reach of the Kelvic as he let his gaze fall upon the entirety of her. From what he could see, if she wasn't entirely covered in the evidence of a violent lifestyle, she'd be rather attractive. Had she been assaulted? Was she a slave? She was incredibly exotic to behold, with her changing hair color, her silver eye.

Farris huffed softly, letting a reluctant nod move his head as he opted for the reconciliation that she offered. It wouldn't do to murder the Kelvic for no reason and perhaps Kelvics had a freer existence in the anarchy of Sunberth. Everyone else certainly seemed to. He'd offer his hand to the woman in greeting, forgetting about her request for his shirt in the moment. "I do have a name! Clearly, you learned neither manners nor common decency, so I'll let both of those things elude you for just a moment longer. It's common practice, after all, to introduce yourself before asking the same of another."

Farris considered his words for a moment before he continued on, clearly far more interested in what had transpired than he was in providing assistance to the Kelvic herself. "It seems odd to ask, but those stray bolts... Did you avoid them? Or were they slightly off course to begin with? From what I recall your position was further forward from the ceramic I was trying to hit. This is, of course... for research purposes, you see!" His disposition seemed, at second glance, rather friendly. An easy smile set upon Farris' features, and regardless of whether or not the Kelvic introduced herself, he'd take the opportunity to peel off his shirt. The skin beneath that shirt was riddled with scars, several lining the skin of his shoulders. His chest, though covered with neatly groomed hair, also had bare points where thick scars existed. Farris' father had initiated him into Reimancy and the experience had certainly been an unpleasant one. He'd offer the garment to Kelski with a slight smile, "Here," he'd say, as if extending an olive branch of peace.
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on July 11th, 2018, 9:59 pm

She listened to him mutter to himself and would have normally wrote him off as a bit west of the equator in terms of sanity, but the truth was Kelski grew to maturity in Lhavit where mages walked the streets openly. They were mostly always distracted, muttering and mumbling, or in deep conversations with each other about technical issues that made them sound something like they were from another country with the terms they used.

So his behavior was somewhat ‘normal’ from her standpoint. The Sea Eagle didn’t drop her guard though. Glancing casually around, she kept watch on the area, not willing to be so distracted that someone could walk up to her or the stranger uninvited. Sunberth was dangerous on a good day, but deadly almost every day beyond that. She watched the mage and his careless mutterings, wondering if he was aware of how vulnerable he was. Kelski had seen mages cast. The kind that could do lightening took a lot of time to produce the substance that they transformed into lightening. The Sea Eagle had no idea what it was called, but she worried he’d be to slow if he hoped to defend himself using the storm light.

His laugh at her banter startled her. She’d expected him to get upset rather than fall into easy conversation with her. Moving closer, the Kelvic watched him, noting his gait, his facial expressions, and wondered where he came from that he knew magic so openly and didn’t try to hide it. He spoke again, but she shook her head. “I’m torn up from a fight ten days ago still, but I know I can be off this bench and away before you can ooze any of your magic jelly and light it on fire.” She said abruptly, leaning back and not in the least bit looking like she was inclined to flee. “What is it called anyhow?” She asked curiously, tilting her head and meeting his gaze.

He was studying her like a crane deciding what delicious fish it was going to pluck from a pond, but Kelski didn’t mind. She took the time to study him in turn. He was interesting, with his long hair and his open frankness. He didn’t come off as a nice person, but then again, he didn’t seem to be sizing up the situation to see what he could get out of it… at least not yet. “What’s a handicap?” She demanded abruptly, not sure exactly what he was saying, though it didn’t seem to be all that threatening even though he added unleashing a torrent of flames. Kelski shifted nervously, not sure if he was joking or not. The sneer threw her off. Darvin wore them like some men wore clothes and it was something she’d grown wary of when she’d been enslaved.

It seemed misplaced on his angular face though. She liked the face. It was as if someone had cut his features in faucets and that indeed pleased her. He stood his ground. She sat her bench. And somewhere in the middle the mage decided to bridge the gap and meet her halfway. Kelski grinned sheepishly at his admonishment that she possessed neither manners or decency. Then she shook out her hair, flashed him a genuine smile, and offered him her name.

“I’m Kelski. I don’t have a last name, but that is not my fault. My parents were seagoers that had issues with a baby born with silver eyes instead of blue, so I wasn’t allowed to have their name.” The woman said, shifting her position and letting her long legs dangle off the bench. She was overly thin, hipbones and ribs showing in places that should be soft on a woman. It was more evidence of past abuse. She gave herself a shake, much like a bird settling its feathers, and watched him intently. He was getting one of those vague scholarly glazings to his eyes that meant his dialog had perhaps turned internal.

Yes. There it was. His real question.

“No eagle alive can avoid a bolt of lightning if it has a mind to strike. Its always luck when we aren’t struck. At least with natural lightening. Most of us are smart enough not to fly in a storm or at least fly around one if we can. Small birds can maneuver better than we can. My wingspan is seven feet when I’m lofting.” She added, knowing that luck had not been on her side in the past. The whole reason she’d been so mad and terrified at the lightening coming out of nowhere had been because a storm had struck her down in the southern sea and that’s how she’d been captured into slavery. Lightening didn’t happen in Sunberth, at least not like that, and it had brought back bad memories.

When he offered the shirt, she took it, stood and slipped it around her torso. Then she folded herself back on the bench with a wince, and muttered about time passing too slow. “I’m sorry I got angry. About a year ago I was in a sudden squall out at sea. I’d been flying, and the lightning came out of nowhere. It hit me. I couldn’t avoid it. It was like a sheet across the sky. It knocked me down and into the ocean. I nearly drowned. Svefra pulled me from the sea and slapped me in chains. I ended up here. Here is not my first choice of places to live. But I am free now… The lightning… it still brings back the fear.” She added, knowing he probably didn’t care. Most people in Sunberth wouldn’t, but she wanted to explain herself anyhow.

“Thank you. I will see to it you get your shirt back or I will replace it with another.” She said with genuine gratitude. “So… you have my name. May I please have yours?” She said with the best of manners she could muster. “Have you lived in Sunberth long?” She said, knowing there was no possible way he could have and still survived. Whether he chose to believe it or not, the man was very much vulnerable out in the world openly practicing his magic.

Then she tilted her head, examined his torso, and reached out to touch him. “Where did you get all these scars?” She said abruptly, thinking that perhaps he was a slave or had been one as well. Kelski had no idea if he'd let her lay her hands on him or not, but she was a tactile creature and wanted to see his scars with more than just her eyes.
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Farris on July 11th, 2018, 11:24 pm

"A means of giving a foreign advantage to a disabled or otherwise incapable opponent," he answered her, deep in thought.

If muttering to oneself was the ever-present symptom of being a mage, Farris was certainly a prime example of it. He avoided it in public, preferring to keep a silent and observe until the moment came where he need be involved. That particular moment had not yet come up in Sunberth, until now it seemed. Sunberth was a city that Farris had never really taken time to explore or indulge himself in the culture. Rather, he'd become almost an isolationist in his time in the city, leaving his apartment to buy food and necessities. Occasionally he'd take walks in the vicinity of his apartment, but it was only until necessity had him leaving the place that he'd truly begun to explore Sunberth. The study of Reimancy had outgrown Farris' apartment. Lightning, unlike fire or air, could not be contained. It was a harsh, bitter mistress and could very easily go awry if he remained enclosed within the confines of his home. Blistering heat had no place to disperse, the air itself become a choking discomfort to breathe in. He'd made an effort to keep himself away from prying eyes and other people, knowing by reputation just how fiercely locals hated people like him.

Farris had become a recluse in his time in Sunberth, he blamed the city for it. He had no commonality with riff-raff and thugs, his life in Ravok being clean, organized and free from the life or death concerns. That was until his father was found dead under very suspicious circumstances, less than a season after it was discovered that he was a blasphemer. Rather than live in the city that'd taken his father from him, Farris elected to leave, finding himself a wanderer until he at last decided on this hellhole to make his home. Unfamiliar with the territory about him, he'd taken solitude to be equal to safety and perhaps he was wrong to believe so. He didn't express the thought aloud, but this Kelvic had him thinking and was incredibly concerned with the idea of that. Kelvics were, as far as he was concerned, slaves and test subjects. They were supposed to lack intelligence or any kind of humanizing traits, but here this one was approaching him, speaking to him. The content of the conversation wasn't merely from her side, either. He was immediately given an impression of intelligence from the being before him, and as such, he'd fallen into a strange and very easy natured banter with her.

The sneer had fallen away from his expression, so easily that surely it wasn't one he wore often. Rather, his attention was fully upon her reply, his features bearing a remarkably different inquisitive nature to them. Her answer was logical, and he followed her reasoning without answering the questions that she had posed before. A soft hum escaped his lips as she pulled back to put his shirt on. The reason for her outburst was explained after, and he supposed that the excuse was a reasonable one. He shrugged his shoulders, brushing off her apology as he answered her, "Forget about it. You can call me Farris, Kelski."

Once the introduction was complete and Farris was left exposed instead of her, he found that she had gotten somewhat closer. Clearly, she was checking him out and in the back of his mind he'd chuckle at the notion. He didn't refuse her as she reached out to touch him, though when she asked about his scars, he took a moment to answer. "You certainly ask a lot of questions. I can't even keep track of them all," he joked. Still, he'd not answer her inquiry into the magical term, instead preferring to keep their conversation in the air of a personal one. If Sunberth was as dangerous as people said it was, perhaps giving her that word wasn't in anyone's best interests.

"Magic is not given freely, Kelski. It's dangerous and brutal. It creates wounds and scars in the mind. These were the first I received and certainly won't be the last."

With the bruises on her ribs invisible beneath the fabric of Farris' shirt, the Reimancer couldn't do what she had done to him. However, he did raise a hand to meet Kelski's jawline. His fingertips rested just shy of the Kelvic's bruised eye, and her tactile nature seemed to spill into him in turn. In truth, he hardly minded the contact, though he would be the first to admit that it was the first time he'd touched a sentient being in his time in the city. He was too far detached in his solitude, and found that the interpersonal contact was, perhaps, satisfying in a way.
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on July 13th, 2018, 12:32 am

“Thank you.” She said politely to his forthcoming definition of handicap. The Sea Eagle filed it away thoughtfully and pursed her lips somewhat delighted in the new word. She cherished knowledge, gathering tidbits of whatever she could wherever she went. Society blocked Kelvics in a lot of ways from learning as normal children did. They had less time and less experiences than their human counterparts. So until they came into contact with those with more vocabulary than an average street thug, or found a library with books that held word meanings, then they were on their own and limited in their ability to learn… especially in cities like Sunberth.

Farris was one such individual who had a broader vocabulary. Kelski would have followed him in curiosity – whether he was willing or not – just to listen to him speak. She recognized inherently that he knew things she did not. And though she wasn’t sure what kind of a person he was, she knew he was a mage and that made him an enemy of most of Sunberth and probably someone she wanted to ally with.

And judging by his expression, the man was prone to get lost in thought. Had he realized chimes had passed since he spoke while he was just ‘thinking’? Kelski kept glancing around, keeping watch. The man wasn’t smart enough to do it himself. Naked beneath his shirt, she was at a noted disadvantage too. She missed her daggers and the other weapons she’d taken to carrying around. If there was trouble, there was no defense but for her to shed the shirt and take flight. Farris was vulnerable.

But he let her touch him, which was a huge leap in Kelski’s mental list of ‘people to trust’ and ‘people not to trust’. She absently slipped him over to the ‘trust’ column and in return he was allowed to touch her since he wasn’t being violent about it. Kelvics enjoyed touch, mostly, if they hadn’t been too abused at the hands of humans. Kelski was smart enough to recognize the difference. “Don’t let the bruising and my bad ribs fool you. He caught me unaware - one of the Sun Birth’s Dragoons - and put me in a situation I could not win because he dislikes everything I stand for. I won though. And I will heal.” She explained, in case he was worried about the damage to her human form. “I will be better next time and not be so easily caught.” She explained, as if ashamed of her condition.

“You said magic wasn’t free. Could it be bought?” She mused, looking at him speculatively, abruptly changing the subject.

“What if I told you of a place you could practice, if you were discreet, that would be safer than out here in the open? In exchange for time there, you tell me things I want to know sometimes. Like the term I asked you for but you refused to answer? It’s not coin, but it is an exchange of sorts very similar.” He had handed her the opening she needed to broach the idea to him. “I also like the way you talk. You know more words than I do. I would like to hear you speak sometimes and though I would keep it at a minimum, be allowed to ask you certain meanings.” She said, studying his features and wondering if Kynier would like this mage and if the two of them could work together. It was a thought, one the Sea Eagle would mull over when she knew the man better if and when he gave her an opportunity.

In Kelski’s mind, mages flocking together were safer than mages on their own and vulnerable. Could she collect this mage as a potential friend for Kynier and would the introduction of each of them to one another be a pleasant thing to both of them? This man looked like he had no friends, though she would not openly say such things to him. Humans were so easily offended by the truth. Not knowing the status of Kynier’s social life, Kelski couldn’t make a call on that one either. But the Sea Eagle was hardcore nesting, gathering twigs and branches for her new home, and right now Farris looked like a sturdy useful piece that she’d gladly add to the pile.

So she offered him a pleasant smile, didn’t flinch when he touched her, and waited for his brain to take another ten chimes to work through whatever scenarios and issues he’d work through before he remembered to answer her.
They laugh at me because I am different.
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Farris on July 13th, 2018, 4:07 pm

It was the nature of study that encouraged Farris to take him time and analyze the situation he was thrust in every time. He took notice of the time that had passed, but by virtue of the massive oak that splintered Execution Square into several, private sections, the mage had elected to believe the both of them quite safe in their current location. Farris, in truth, felt little concern or affection for the people of the city. He'd, perhaps, convinced himself that if a witness had arrived that he'd have the resolve to eliminate them so as to prevent the word that he was a mage from spreading. And yet, the very first such witness had caught him off guard and instead, perhaps even befriended him. Kelski was certainly an interesting creature. From the way she spoke to her inquisitive nature, and including the way her own mind seemed to work. To Farris, as he watched the gears turning on Kelski's expression, she was assembling some sort of plan. Clearly, ideas were locking into place and the questions she posed next were of a entirely different nature.

A place to practice in exchange for putting up with the Kelvic and her incessant questions? She'd struck him as odd, intriguing, and incredibly human for a beast given a mortal form. Perhaps she'd begin to revise his opinion on her race as a whole, but certainly, he had other questions and concerns to answer rather than think too deeply on the nature of Kelvics. Her explanation for her injuries had come far easier than he'd thought as well, her questions also bringing with them unsolicited answers for questions he'd perhaps thought of, but not properly expressed. Farris was far too pensive for his own good. He'd been shut away from human contact and as such, remained entrapped within the multitude that was his thoughts and concerns. Perhaps, with Kelski's proposal, he'd begin to break from that shell and understand what it was to be sociable again? The mage had never lacked for friends in Ravok, but Sunberth was a different world altogether. Life was different now, without the protection of Rhysol. He considered his options, wondering just how advantageous it was for him to have such a private place for his practice and figured in the moment that Kelski's pestering was infinitely preferable to the possibility of a brutal death at the hands of the Sunberthian mob.

"If you told me of such a place, I'd be somewhat concerned, in truth. I've found it difficult practicing indoors as my practice has evolved. The exchange that you're proposing is certainly advantageous for me... But it wouldn't do if the space wasn't appropriate. I'd also be concerned with your motives given the fact that we'd just met and you're offering me 'everything I could possibly want'."

Farris didn't believe that Kelski was lying to him or attempting to manipulate him, but the possibility could never be eliminated. He need to be sure, but the means to persuade him wasn't a difficult one.

"Would you take me here? If it's acceptable, I'll be happy to share with you what mundane knowledge I possess."

Farris then decided to wheel back towards the question she posed before, "It depends on how technical you want to get. Anything that can be given can be bought or sold. However, the closest complete answer is that magic cannot be learned without a mage who is willing to act as both the vehicle for 'initiation' as well as tutor in the basics of the magic in question."

Farris had never been on the teaching end of anything, magic included. To teach magic required an investment in another person and often, aside from his going outs in Ravok and his travels throughout Sylira in search of a home, Farris was alone. He thought he preferred it that way, privately growing his knowledge, but the more he considered it the more appealing the idea was.

"If we go there, you can change and give me back my shirt, too. We can have a civilized conversation and perhaps, you'll have some of your questions answered."
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[Execution Square] Fight... or Flight? (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on July 14th, 2018, 3:57 pm

Kelski folded her arms and leaned back against one of the swooping tree branches that dipped low to the ground. Her bare toes dug into the soil but she didn’t seem to mind. Watching Farris with her strangely molten silver eyes, Kelski came to the conclusion that he was gang-bait if she left him out here very long alone. The Kelvic blinked in surprise as Farris told her she was offering him everything he could possibly want… he said it as if it was a quote but those were not her words.

“I would feel very sorry for you indeed if a place to practice your magic was indeed everything you could possibly want. Want where? In life? You should aim higher, fight harder, and want more. Space is space, but there is so much more out there to aspire to acquire or want than just space. Friends for one. I just recently learned the value of such things and having them makes going home and being home far better than I ever could have imagined before.” She said plainly. “Love is another. Sometimes I can have the worst day and if someone I care about just gives me a hug and shows me love, it can change the whole of my world.” She admitted, continuing to study him openly. “You are right to be cautious. But I am not human and I care not for human games like trickery or lies. You’ve shown me a kindness lending me your shirt so I’m not stared at and possibly attacked on the way home or until I can fly out of here. I was just offering you an exchange that would be beneficial to both of us. I like your grasp of common. You speak in a way that is somehow more refined than the people here. And you know more magic, for certain.” She added, pushing off from where she was leaning and pacing forward.

“You are smart to question a deal here, especially one that seems good. But I am a Kelvic and we aren’t tricksters and liars and thieves for the most part… unless we are bonded and take those qualities on from our human bondmates. I am not bonded. My qualities are my own. And though you might not see it, I am a respectable person who does not need to resort to tricks. I will gladly show you the space and let you make a decision for yourself… but that’s me giving you something. A secret to where I train and live. I want something in return… I want the question answered that you avoided.” She said firmly, still wanting to know the term for res… the clear substance he’d oozed and how he made it. Kelski was standing again before him now as if sizing him up.

She didn’t exactly want to have the advantage over him. The sea eagle just wanted to see him give a little in her direction to make sure his dominance wasn’t so overwhelming that he had no inclination of actually compromising. She couldn’t read people well. It had always been a major flaw of hers, so she studied his face intently, looking for the signs she knew meant someone lied.

Did he glance away? Did he meet her eyes falsely? Did he tense up before he answered to do something nervously like run his hand through his hair or fiddle with an article of clothing? She inhaled deeply, taking in his scent, looking for clues on the nature of his personality. Everyone in Sunberth claimed mages were evil power-hungry monsters that would crush anything weaker than they were. Kelski knew several mages. None of those labels were true of them. Was this man like the legends or like the realities?

She truthfully wanted to know.

Kelski shook her head at his next words. “Mundane knowledge I can find. Well, maybe not so easily the words I want to know from you… but I mean arcane knowledge too. About the magic….” She said, clarifying it. “I will take you if you will share mundane and arcane knowledge with me… for the use of the training room… and I will not make myself a pest so you will indeed have lots of time to train. I would just like to sit and talk with you a little… maybe ten chimes for each hour you use the place. That way I will not stretch my welcome and you will not avoid training to avoid my questions, which I understand can be annoying. I am often frustrated that humans live so long and take so long to grow up so they learn so much before they have their adulthood. My kind don’t. We have such short lives to live… I might get forty years if I am lucky… and I’ve only been alive three of those… almost all of those in servitude and slavery. It doesn’t give us a lot of time to pick up things like better words or arcane teachings.” She said, looking thoughtful and wondering if she was being clear enough.

She nodded at his last statement. “I won’t forget to give your shirt back.” Kelski said, starting off from Execution Square towards the Baroque Bay quarter. It truthfully wasn’t very far, though he’d have to start doing some talking and answer her question on the way. “We can talk as we walk… now explain what that was.” The Kelvic said with a grin as she carefully picked her way across the square avoiding rocks and things that would hurt her bare feet. She padded gracefully, leaping puddles of leftover rain, and not lollygagging on the way.

They were headed northeast roughly, though more east than north. The area they were in intersected a main road that lead towards some of the collapsed bridges near the Mudway. The main road would be easier walking and a bit safer travel than weaving through the buildings… but they would indeed have to weave before they hit the travel way. Kelski kept pace, leading him without being forceful, while her silver eyes scanned everything ahead. She’d turn her head periodically and mark the pathway behind them as well, very nervous about being followed or approached from behind.
They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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