5th of Winter, 510 AV
Endrykas was boring and cold. Maybe if he had more friends with big huge tents he could mooch off of it wouldn't be so bad, but so far he didn't feel very comfortable doing that to anyone he knew. So for him, there was little to be found in Endrykas than a cold little pitiful tent. It was no difficult decision that it was time to waste the day away in the wilds, going back out to search. Search for what? Well, he hadn't quite figured that part out yet. He could feel that something out there was worth looking for though, and with the amount of time he wasted in the grassland he was sure to find it eventually. Or be killed by a terrible monster.
Dressed in his normal winter wear, his heavy green cloak fringed with elk's fur and understated composite bow as always present, he walked to the main entrance & exit of Endrykas with his scarred mutt Chural at heel. He remembered once trying to leave the dog at home once, sneak out without waking him up, but the dog had tracked him down. Now he just resigned himself to never being without the mongrel. The hound was a good friend anyhow really, as far as dogs were concerned. Not much of a conversationalist, though.
To say he had a plan of where he was going to go would be say entirely too much. He had a general idea, maybe. But it would almost surely change as he got out there, guided by where he went more by whim than anything. It took a while to decide whether or not to take his Strider along for a ride, but he always felt worried when he did. It was alright for him to endanger himself, maybe get himself eaten by a Glassbeak, but it was a whole other matter to get his horse killed too. So long Topher lived, it felt like a part of him would live on too. He worried more for his two animal friend's safety more than himself.
He arrived at the entrance, marked by the sudden halt of colored tents, and halted just outside the ring of Endrykas. He began then to check what all he had, began to make sure that he had what he needed to survive in a pinch. A man was never hurt for being prepared, after all, and you could never tell what you would find in the Sea of Grass. Sometimes they were good surprises, and sometimes they were bad surprises.