20th Day of Summer, 518 AV
Ialari awoke to the soft sounds of crickets and scattered songs of the few birds that had come to dwell in her Dominion; a pleasant side effect of leaving some of they mystical doorways open to her realm from the outside. The environment in the Dominion, had over the course of a few years, established itself as something of a cool, temperate climate. Mixed with the filtered sunlight from the cavern ceiling high above and the moderate to cool breezes Ialari willed into existence, it was a place of near perfect comfort. A well-tended, soft blanket of grass covered the rocky ground while flowers grew in pockets all about. A growing number of trees were also growing, in addition to the massive, gnarled tree of death in the center. Influenced by Ialari's control over the place, the trees grew much faster than they would in the mortal world and were already several heads taller than she was. The small pond of water that she'd created, teamed with the sounds of frogs and the surface of the water broke in places as the few fish that lived their snatched the occasional insect that got too close.
Marred only by the sight of the bodies hanging from the great tree that loomed overhead, Ialari's Dominion was as close to paradise as she had ever been. Even the wonders of Syka and all that had happened there since her arrival seasons ago, could not compare to the home she'd created in the Ukalas. She'd even come to accept the Tree of Death as a part of the whole thing. Although it was an ever-present reminder of how broken she was and of what was needed to change that, she tried to draw strength from it. It showed her that no matter how much she'd seen, experienced and done, there was so much more to life; a reason to keep pushing for answers to questions and to prepare for the time that she felt ready to reforge her very soul.
Stretching out on the grass, she allowed herself to slowly embrace being fully awake. It was one of those rare sleeps that she hadn't experienced one of the body-wracking nightmares that haunted her every time she closed her eyes for rest. It was the price she paid for learning Dominion. The ghosts of Amir Berliotz, having used her body to reforge himself into a more "stable" whole, left her with some of his thoughts and memories; echoes of the cruel and completely insane Master Morpher of the Seven Robes of Alahea.
Squeezing her fingers and toes into the grass beneath her, Ialari shifted a bit in the grass, allowing the softness to caress her body while she breathed in deeply the scents that surrounded her. Her two snakes, bound to her by the strange magic in her blood, were draped over her. Gently moving them and uncoiling them from around her, she finally stood and gave one final stretch.
As much as she wanted to remain surrounded by the world that she herself had created, she needed to go back to Syka and do some more work. She was slowly expanding her collection of poisons and poison remedies but didn't have near enough to take her projects to the next level. As she'd become more proficient in the use and creation of philters, she realized that she needed a wider variety of ingredients to craft more advanced concoctions. Next on her list was snake venom. Her own snakes, Arith and Reth, were not venomous thus they wouldn't be of assistance in that regard. By harvesting some venom from other snakes, she could use it to develop antivenoms as well as other philters with more experimental effects. She'd even considered using her own magical blood and seeing if she could draw out some of the magic, concentrate it, and experiment with it more.
First thing was first though, the venom. She walked over to the work area she'd established and began gathering what she would need. From her ranchero in Syka, she'd already brought her usual gear that she'd use for exploring. Dressing for exploring a bit heavier jungle, she put on a light shirt and pants as well as her high black boots. She slung her pack over her shoulder after making sure her poisoncrafting kit and basic survival gear were secure. Her tooth dagger was strapped to the pack as was Stormslinger; the magical lightning weapon she'd found at the base of the Stairstep Falls. Finally, the ceremonial dagger turned primary weapon was slid into a loop on her belt.
When she was dressed, geared up and ready, Ialari walked over to still open portal that led into her Dominion from the cave she'd called, The Cave of Everywhere's Door. Taking a step through Everywhere's Door, she walked out of her Dominion and into the cave.