Adder jumped from his chair. You alright? he asked worriedly. Emilie asked if he had a shower. A shower? How rich does she think I am! I can't afford such a copper contraption!?
"Emilie?" he called her name."I don't have a shower, that's to expensive for someone like me but..." Adder hurried through the room that made up his entire home and produced a large ceramic bowl from the bottom of his closet. Next he took up the amphora standing next to the closet, it contained water.
Rayne returned to the table and moved the plate and bread aside, as well as the glasses and bottle of brandy. The bowl was put in their place and he poured water into it. "I'm afraid it's not warm or anything" he stated apologetically. A clean, though of poor quality, towel went next to it.
"You need... help?" he asked while stepping away from the table and turning his back to Emilie to avert his eyes. Maybe she wanted privacy while washing?
Adder walked over to the fireplace as he suspected she might be cold. He threw another log on the pyre and left Emilie to her business.