PM to join [The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Kreig and Aer’wyn get to know each other a little bit better, as boys do

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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 19th, 2018, 2:40 pm

45th of Summer 518AV

Aer’wyn either slept like a rock or not at all. There was no in between. And considering the most recent addition to his plethora of worries, a brawler named Kreig Messer, suffice to say Aer wasn’t having the most restful nights. Few things relaxed him more, however, than being along with his sword.

The Akalak sat up in bed, eyes settling on the stump that was now his arm. A moment of contemplation. Had the in him to transform the deed inside him for the second time in one day? Aer’wyn reached deep inside himself, cleared his mind and felt the warm energy, at least it was how he imagined it. The answer was certainly not; unless he wished to deal with some things worse even than the gangs of Sunberth. And with that realisation the Akalak got up, pulled on his pants, slung the sword in the scabbard over his shoulder and quietly tiptoed down to the basement, taking utmost care to not wake anyone or betray his momentary lapse of insomnia.

There, behind closed doors and with little more than the golden cast of a single candle against his midnight skin, Aer’wyn felt little safer to practice. Enough space and a decisive lack of things to knock over. Yes, for such things the basement was the ideal location.

The 7ft mountain that was the Akalak, stood right in the centre of the room. His eyes closed and chest bare. His ribcage expanded, drawing in a hefty ghost of air though his nostrils and out though his mouth. With this motion he cleared his mind, set his thoughts adrift as they naturally came and imagined himself engulfed in a mist of white. No sensation, no sound to be heard just the flickering candle flame. In his right grip, the familiar feel of the sword hilt reminded him he was still in the land of the living.

How long do you think you can keep this up? the familiar voice of Vel echoed though the white.

“As long as you keep your head down.” Replied Aer’wyn dismissively. Behind the door of the basement he didn’t need to worry that anyone could hear him, seeming crazy, talking as if to himself. Of course he worried. Sometimes it seemed Aer did little else than worry but he wasn’t about to pore his heart out to the one man who hated him the most. Vel would only take advantage.

The Akalak stepped forward half a step, leaving his dominant foot where it was, widening his base. His sword hand raised up, crossing the steel blade across his body in a defensive stance. Then he pointed it almost precisely ahead, shifting into an offensive stance. There the Akalak’s body lingered, mind and soul.

That newcomer. He can see right though you. Don’t think you’ve fooled him.

“I’m not trying to fool anyone.”

You’re still here… Why are you still here?

In that moment Aer’wyn imagined a mirror image of himself, staring down the tip of his sword. As Vel began to talk once more, he raised the hilt, keeping the tip steady and circled the steel tightly. “Why don’t you just…” As the steel came down he put his power behind it, slicing though the air with calculated savagery. “…stay quiet!” The mental image of Vel faded away into nothingness.

Inside of his head a mocking cackle echoed.

Credit for template goes to Luminescence :idea:
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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Kreig Messer on July 25th, 2018, 12:20 pm


Kreig yawned as he sat up straight, having settled upon one of Kel's chairs. For a time he was alarmed, but it was only briefly as his eyes registered the familiar surroundings of Kel’s home and establishment “oooh, ‘s Kel’smplace” The muffled, sleepy words exited his mouth, hand reaching up to rub an eye as he let out another yawn that seemed to grow only longer before finally subsiding. He didn’t know the hour, though considering how sleepy he still felt and the general darkness surrounding him it must’ve been night still.

All should have been quiet really, except not. The brawler’s ears could hear the noise of effort, of movement and of someone letting out a breath with each action. It was so faint the brawler thought himself hallucinating but there was no denying it, especially as the volume seemed to raise and lower. A part of Kreig’s mind was rather lethargic to the idea of investigating further, the hour still late and his body demanding more sleep rather than poke his nose somewhere where it might not be appreciated.

But a smaller yet much more determined part of his brain buzzed at him like an annoying bee going ‘ohhhh, something’s happening, why not go see? Gotta see, gotta see!’ And there was no other method of telling it to go away. The brawler groaned, standing up and stretching his body briefly before acquiescing to his curiosity’s request like a dutiful slave.

Stumbling in the dark, Kreig’s foot couldn’t help but strike another piece of furniture in the dark with his shin and do he couldn’t help but let out a light yelp “Owwatatat” Came the garbled string of sound as he knelt down and grasped his shin.

Already curiosity was trying to kill him, and he was hardly feeling feline enough for that. Still once he gathered his wits he venture forth much more carefully this time, finding his way to the set of stairs that led to the basement. Wincing slightly with each step of his right foot as he put weight upon his sore shin.

Why don’t you just… stay quiet!” Came the loud voice through the thick basement door, causing Kreig to pause as his brow raised and a corner of his lip to lower in startled confusion. The voice was male, familiar, and unless Ebern was of frame to have such a loud voice Kreig could only imagine it to be the Akalak, Aer’wyn.

Wonder what has shaft in a collapse’ Kreig wondered, as he opened the door and stepped through he was going to find out.

What met was an Akalak who looked like he struck air in rage, blade in hand and a look of frustration clearly dotting his face. Kreig scratched the side of his, already relating to such frustration whenever he had personal problems crop up and training seemed to be the only way to vent It out in lieu of another ear.

It worked sometimes, sometimes you do actually need the ear.

“I reckon’ ya ain’t havin’ much luck sleep, eh?”
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 31st, 2018, 9:25 am

The motion of the opening door startled him as the blade almost reflexively pointed in the direction of the newcomer. Before Kreig’s frame had even the chance to step out of the shadows however, Aer’wyn grasped hold of himself, realising just how stupid it was of him to react like a startled mouse to such a simple thing. And inside of his own home none the less. Perhaps he was still growing used to the Midnight gem in some aspects. Perhaps decades of having to watch his back at every turn took a toll on the jumpy mountain.

Aer’wyn immediately lowered the blade. Frowning as he spoke his apologies. “Forgive me. I wasn’t expecting you to be awake. For a moment there Thought someone might have broken in. So silly of me.”

But as Kreig’s question came, the frown was quickly swept away from his handsome face, replaced instead by a softer demeanour. For Kelski’s sake it was up to him to try at least and make some semblance of a connection with the prize fighter. Two friends were better than one in some cases. Not so much in others.

“Yes… I suppose… sometimes. Now being one of those times.” The sword passed form one hand to the other as the Akalak scratched the back of his head nervously. Did Kreig hear that one sided exchange though the door? Aer’wyn couldn’t be sure and thought best not to poke a sleeping bear, just incase he was to get away with his secrets undiscovered. “What’s got you up and about? I hope I didn’t wake you.”

Credit for template goes to Luminescence :idea:
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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Kreig Messer on July 31st, 2018, 9:48 am


Kreig scratched the side of his face, Truth be told he wasn’t quite certain he was awoken b Aer’wyn’s frustrated workout session. The sound was quite faint from where he was that he imagined it was simply a coincidence that he’d woke up at that time “Honestly I’m supposin’ I jus’ ain’t used to sleeping on chairs, reckon the timin’ just happened to be on the same line” He admitted, now scratching that back of his neck and letting out a small chuckle.

His gaze fell upon Aer’wyn’s sword, he recalled his old compatriot and his senior rank-wise back in the Knights having a sword just like that. It looked largely similar to his longsword save his blade ain’t having as much as long as a grip. He wondered how that particular guy wa faring, but he wondered about a lot of old faces. It felt rather melancholic to dwell upon it.

“Ya know, if ye got yerself a spare or somethin’ I reckon I could giver ya someone to spar with? Mind I’m more use ta longswords, but they similar enough I reckon I could get things going” he offered “Reckon if ya wanna talk about whats botherin’ ya I can offer an ear while I’m at it”
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 31st, 2018, 10:15 am

The offer wasn’t something Aer’wyn was expecting, in all truth, but it was one he certainly appreciates. The Akalak’s eyes lit up the moment Kreig’s words left his mouth. The promise of comrodery loomed ahead like a ship, swaying upon the waves of the horizon, alas coming into the bay.

Back in Riverfall in battle was where the strongest of bonds were formed. Years of sparing and swordplay forged friendships of steel, strong enough that Akalaks would lay their lives on the line in defence of those. His own brother and Aer’wyn only truly stopped childhood bickering once their father had them train together. After that they grew to understand one another without words. How Are missed that bumbling blue idiot of a brother. How he’d do anything to see his face once more at least… but he knew well enough that was impossible now.

Perhaps a spar would finally see Kreig and Aer break though the ice.

The Akalak thought for a moment, laying his sword down before dipping into the shadows of the poorly lit room. He rummaged around for a little, being almost certain that what he was looking for would be around somewhere. A few chimes later the Akalak returned with two wooden swords, about the right length and breadth to act as good substitute bastard swords. Perhaps it would be in both of their best interest to now spar with sharp objects at this time of night. Bruises were far easier to heal than cuts and gashes, shall sleep suddenly envelop one or both of the men.

With a smile he handed one of them to Kreig before taking his stance in the middle of the room. Sword perpendicular across his body, feet wide in a defensive stance. Eyes watching Kreig’s stance. It was an interest to a warrior like himself to see the differences between fighting tiles of his old home ground and the new city he reluctantly now lived in. “I doubt anything that bothers me can be helped. I guess I’ve been little homesick. I’ve not seen any of my family in almost half a decade.” He lied, gesturing an invite for Kreig to make the first move. Like chess they would circle one another. “Do you have much family in Sunberth? I suppose with friends like Kelski, Res and Ebon it’s almost like a little family here but it’s not quite the same, I suppose.”

Credit for template goes to Luminescence :idea:
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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Kreig Messer on August 1st, 2018, 11:57 am


Kreig’s hands wrapped around the grip of the bastard sword, the length of its blade familiar but the grip itself not. Again, it was longer than what he was used to and while it was roomy that both his hands found comfort upon it, there was some adjustments to be made. Kreig returned the smile however, that he appreciated the chance.

Kreig’s feet spread apart, his lead foot bent while his rear foot was straight in its angle. The blade pointed low almost at the ground as Kreig looked up to Aer’wyn “I be knowin’ how that be feelin’, ain’t seen me ma in well… slightly more than a decade since she passed I supposed” He let out out, contemplating how he should strike, his hold of the grip awkward as he tried to hold the bastard sword the same way he held his longsword, only for it and the pommel to awkwardly press against his arm.

“Ain’ really got no one else, my da ain’t been around since I been born far as ma tells me” And Kreig wasn’t really bitter about that fact, in fact he held no bitterness at all. But… he was the curious about the man who would be his father, and whether or not the man sired more than himself and the sister who had also vanished on him at some point in life.

“And Kel an’ the others… I ain’t rightly knowin’, ta be right honest with ya, I only seen Kel’ a handful o’ times ya know? First time meetin’ Ren and Ebon too” He liked the feeling of family that was shared here, but Kreig didn’t know if he felt that about them yet. Part of him felt afraid that they too would be faces destined to be memories. Once he finished speaking the brawler immediately stepped forward in a feigned thrust towards Aer’s leg, only to follow up with another as he tried to step inside the much taller male’s reach as he aimed to stab his thigh.
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 14th, 2018, 11:17 pm

Aer’wyn watched Kreig for a moment as he took a stance. Quickly enough Aer’wyn’s body followed, taking on a smilier one. His hands Botha bout the hilt. HIs blade crossing with that of Kreig.

“I’ve never seen mine. My father’s all I have left… if he’s still alive that is.” As soon as the thought came, Aer shook it out of his head. Though him and Kreig really did have this much in common, he didn’t want to think of such things, wondering if his kin were still bound to their mortal coil. Wondering did him no good but stress him out and stress was not something an Akalak should partake in. It never lead to anything good.

Aer’wyn breathed in, became intrinsically aware of his body and rooted into the ground in a wide stance. Haphazardly he cleared his mind.

“Is that so? Only a handful of times.” He asked, thinking back to when they met. The same day they met, the Kelvic moved him into her home without as little as a suspicious question. In fact she had only ever regarded him with kindness and loyalty. Even such things as his contusion she did not mention unless he began the conversation and thus, repaying her trust with his own he began to open up more and more. But as far as Aer’wyn saw it he had deserved the trust by the valour of his actions on that fateful evening. Perhaps Kreig had done the same. Events he only knew from stories would suggest so thus, much like Kelski did, Aer’wyn welcomed the brawler into his family without hesitation either.

Still the protector in him felt compelled to say. “We hope to see you more. You seem like a good man, Kreig. May my assumptions not be mistaken, for our sake and your own.”

As Kreig moved in to strike at his leg, Aer’wyn’s blade met his, Aer’wyn blocked the first blow. The second he parried, bringing Kreig’s blade back up but not quite following though with the parry. And thus he didn’t quite manage to leave any openings for his own strike. Instead the warrior disengaged, taking a few steps back after a half arsed parry and circled Kraig with watchful eyes.

It was his time to strike. Feigning attack, he stepped in only to hesitate and lead back, counting on his opponent to react in defence. Subsequently he took a few more steps to the side and lunged in on the offensive, slicing the sword from left to right at the high of Kreig’s shoulder. A lot of power did he put behind the attack, making it as quick as it would certainly be painful if making impact with flesh.

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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Kreig Messer on August 19th, 2018, 12:34 pm


The brawler tsked briefly as his strikes didn’t hit home. The Akalak more familiar with the weapon they were sparring with had redirected Kreig’s blow away from him, albeit not smoothly it seemed as the Akalak wasn’t able to press advantage against the brawler it seemed. Kreig himself would have attempted to different kind of strikes but the issue was the nature of the strikes he wished to attempt... short explanation he wanted to try and punch the Akalak, throw a kick or two, anything. But this was a weapon’s spar, and while Kreig’s body was most definitely a weapon it would have… defeated a sort of purpose.

As Aer circled him, Kreig circled back, both combatants watching each other and analyzing their movements. It was interesting to not, yet not surprising, that both shared a similar familial state. In fact what they shared was a lack of on it seemed “I’ll drop by now an’ then, don’t ya be worryin’ “ Perhaps not quite as frequent as he implies, but frequent none the less. Quite frankly though he’d visit quite often but he knew the eccentricities that seemed to follow the kelvic species and well… he liked to think he had some sanity left.

Liked to being the key phrase here.

Kreig’s eyes narrowed then, eye’s upon the Akalak’s face and shoulders, keeping his form in view. Deception was one part of fighting Kreig liked to think he excelled it, feinting and doing things that forced his opponents to play at his pace rather than theirs was a key factor in all fights. And it seemed Aer’wyn was attempting just that on Kreig as the man stepped forward and back as if indecisive.

Taking that in mind Kreig watched as the Akalak sidestepped a couple of times, Kreig quickly followed that movement, holding the blade over his head and perpendicular with the blade pointing forward then adjusting the blade so that he would attempt to catch it with the flat and have it slide off and quickly follow up with a quick slice that had the blade going a in a circular motion over his own head and attempt to strike at his face from right left, hoping to blindside the Akalak.
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on August 19th, 2018, 1:23 pm

Aer’wyn smiled as Kreig assured him of his intention for frequent visits. Perhaps he could grow a fondness for the brawler. Only time would tell.

Then another blow came, directed at his face and just in the nick of the last moment, Aerwyn managed to manoeuvre his own weapon in the way to block it. Take it head on, he did. The power of his arms, his body beneath the block that landed him on one knee, the sword crossed crossed overhead with Kreig’s. His muscles strained beneath the human’s own strength.

Like a spring he propped himself up and angled his sword so that Kreig’s could easily slide right to the hand guard where like a crucifix they staid for one moment.

“Not bad.” Aer’wyn smiled before taking a step back, disengaging and in one fluid motion unleashing a fury of blows towards Kreig once more. One from the upper left, followed though in an arch where the Akalak spun the sword with both hands and let it fly as a stab toward the left side of the brawler’s gut. If he was successful he wouldn’t do it mighty hard, just hard enough for Kraig to feel.
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[The Midnight Gem] Break a sweat and then some

Postby Kreig Messer on August 29th, 2018, 11:06 am


Kreig held a mental tsk, the spar was actually quite a fun and a change for one who usually used his fists to deliver his beatings, which is why felt annoyed that his striked didn’t hit. But what did he expect, it was hard to maneuver around the long grip simply because he was unused to it. It felt like an excuse though, and that was even worse.

The brawler worked to try and block the blade against the flat of his own, watching Aer’s shoulder to try and predict the trajectory and adjust himself accordingly. Wood against wood letting him know he’d block the first but ultimately not the follow him in what Kreig could only describe as a sort of parlor trick. Trying to rotate his blade in order to parry and himself as to step away only to be a tick to late as the tip struck the side of his gut, the tip and edge sliding past that if it were a real blade would have drew a heavy amount of blood.

It was his loss and he knew it.

Kreig tsked as he stepped away, but there was a smile upon his face nonetheless. He liked to thnk he made a good showing nonetheless and felt relieved that Aer’wyn was skilled enough with his weapon, it meant he would protect this place well enough.

“Best two out of three?”
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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