3rd of Summer, 518 A.V.
As Quzon stood within a claustrophobically narrow mining shaft which was recently constructed. The shoulders of his banded mail armor nearly touched both sides of the mine shaft wall as he traversed deeper into the bowels of the earth.
He’d become a paranoid man as of late, so felt like he needed to dress for a fight while underground. With paranoia came thoughts of faith and reason. Much smarter people would simply call these things coincidences. Others would say he needed to pray to the earth and stone for safe passage.
Quzon believed heavily in faith, so once the prospect of praying to Semele had crossed his mind. Well, that Idea stuck like a blade into his heart. That was why he decided to remain in the deep mine during his work break when everyone would typically go above land to eat their lunch.
The quiet, the peace, the simplicity. Mining had become a daily thing for the Earth Reimancer. The process of exuding a adept amount of his personal djed to dig with was now normal for him. However, the most exciting parts of his job came various outside forces. How was he suppose to know that shadows would attack him? Or that he would dig up land spawned Yukmen? What was next, a cave in?
As Quzon reached the end of the new mine shaft, he lifted the lit torch he held to examine the wall. Its deep ebony surface riddled with pickax scars. He then removed his backpack, then turning to sit down on the ground with his back to the wall. He set the torch aside on the ground to warm the earth and light the narrow world of darkness he existed in. With the absence of color, the walls of the cave all shined an immaculate white from the torchlight. He stared at the wall for several minutes as he tried to remember what the color orange looked like. The only memories he could grasp where the time he sat around a campfire with his Fang while patrolling the Jungle Wilds.
It was a stark contrast to the lonely scene he currently lived. He shook the memories away to continue on with his small personal ritual. He removed the head of the Yukman that he'd slain just the other day. The expression remained forever in pain; it brought a prideful smile to the Myrian's lips.
Quzon turned the head upside down to place it on his lap to expose where he had severed the spinal cord. He reached to his side to retrieve his hunting knife from his boot, then proceeded to slowly press the blade into the bottom of the neck. He carved a slow circle into it, then pulled the small bit of spine out as if he had cut into the top of a pumpkin to expose its fillings, which in this case was Yukman brain matter kept fresh by the skull for a day.
While a horrid sight, he was alone, and now began his personal ritual in honor of adding the Goddess Semele to his personal pantheon of faith. He spoke to himself in the language of Myrian as he began the prayer.
"Semele, Battlefield of all Victories. Who's treasure is granting all a path to walk, and who's deep treasures are sought by all. I pray only that if you aid me in enduring all hardships so that I may one day stand as majestic as the mountains which form your every curve. I now honor you with the celebration of a feast! This monster was born of your soil and will now nurture my body so that I may be strong enough to fight future battles against your foes in your name!"
Once the last words slipped passed his lips, he set the knife aside to claw his hand into the base of the neck, grabbing a solid handful of oozing brain matter. Its wetness felt like he had just crunched a mango in his palm. It was a texture that made him hungrier... and brought it to his mouth where he began to feast on it. Swallowing hungrily until their was nothing left but a hollow skull.
He’d become a paranoid man as of late, so felt like he needed to dress for a fight while underground. With paranoia came thoughts of faith and reason. Much smarter people would simply call these things coincidences. Others would say he needed to pray to the earth and stone for safe passage.
Quzon believed heavily in faith, so once the prospect of praying to Semele had crossed his mind. Well, that Idea stuck like a blade into his heart. That was why he decided to remain in the deep mine during his work break when everyone would typically go above land to eat their lunch.
The quiet, the peace, the simplicity. Mining had become a daily thing for the Earth Reimancer. The process of exuding a adept amount of his personal djed to dig with was now normal for him. However, the most exciting parts of his job came various outside forces. How was he suppose to know that shadows would attack him? Or that he would dig up land spawned Yukmen? What was next, a cave in?
As Quzon reached the end of the new mine shaft, he lifted the lit torch he held to examine the wall. Its deep ebony surface riddled with pickax scars. He then removed his backpack, then turning to sit down on the ground with his back to the wall. He set the torch aside on the ground to warm the earth and light the narrow world of darkness he existed in. With the absence of color, the walls of the cave all shined an immaculate white from the torchlight. He stared at the wall for several minutes as he tried to remember what the color orange looked like. The only memories he could grasp where the time he sat around a campfire with his Fang while patrolling the Jungle Wilds.
It was a stark contrast to the lonely scene he currently lived. He shook the memories away to continue on with his small personal ritual. He removed the head of the Yukman that he'd slain just the other day. The expression remained forever in pain; it brought a prideful smile to the Myrian's lips.
Quzon turned the head upside down to place it on his lap to expose where he had severed the spinal cord. He reached to his side to retrieve his hunting knife from his boot, then proceeded to slowly press the blade into the bottom of the neck. He carved a slow circle into it, then pulled the small bit of spine out as if he had cut into the top of a pumpkin to expose its fillings, which in this case was Yukman brain matter kept fresh by the skull for a day.
While a horrid sight, he was alone, and now began his personal ritual in honor of adding the Goddess Semele to his personal pantheon of faith. He spoke to himself in the language of Myrian as he began the prayer.
"Semele, Battlefield of all Victories. Who's treasure is granting all a path to walk, and who's deep treasures are sought by all. I pray only that if you aid me in enduring all hardships so that I may one day stand as majestic as the mountains which form your every curve. I now honor you with the celebration of a feast! This monster was born of your soil and will now nurture my body so that I may be strong enough to fight future battles against your foes in your name!"
Once the last words slipped passed his lips, he set the knife aside to claw his hand into the base of the neck, grabbing a solid handful of oozing brain matter. Its wetness felt like he had just crunched a mango in his palm. It was a texture that made him hungrier... and brought it to his mouth where he began to feast on it. Swallowing hungrily until their was nothing left but a hollow skull.
Words: 701