Closed [The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Kelski said she had some questions. Kynier intends to answer them.

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kynier on August 12th, 2018, 9:59 pm


In the moment it was impossible to know how much Kynier appreciated that she welcomed his embrace openly, even enveloping him slightly with the coverlet. That Kelski could bear witness to the parts of him he was most ashamed of and tried to manage control over, and not shy away from him. The feeling of her fingers scratching lightly at his scalp were a physical comfort. But the tide of his sorrow was too strong to be soothed by that alone. With deep, chest quaking sobs Kynier wept on her shoulder. His arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders and fingers dug into her skin as though the kelvic could somehow suddenly vanish and he was desperate to keep that from happening. Again.

The rich alto of her voice whispered gently in his ear. She had looked to him for strength and stability, so how was it at the most trying times it was him that faltered? Kynier was glad that Darvin was dead. Happier that Kelski was the one that did it herself so she could have closure. And while the Dragoon’s actions and impersonations had dug at the mage’s heart, those were not the things that made him weep. Kynier wept for her. And he was afraid for her… for them.

“Please stop crying… I love you.”

Somewhere deep inside Kynier slammed a door shut. The loud wet sobs ceased and the shuddering of his body was reduced dramatically. His lips wrapped around the curve of her wet collarbone as he forced the last tears that had escaped to run their course. The taste of her skin helped to sooth him as he took a few deep calming breaths through the nostrils. Kynier tightened his arms until the tips of Kelski’s shoulders dug into his biceps from the effort. For humans, it was one thing to feel it, and entirely something else to hear it as well as feel it. Kynier wanted to respond and profess his love. But the words felt drowned in his chest still. That he had accidentally locked it behind that door so deep in his soul and couldn’t retrieve it without continuing to bawl.

As he worked to piece himself back together she continued to speak in his ear. The sound of regret was only noticed from being so close. That Kelski seemed to regret him not knowing and had left it behind. Kynier understood. Society would tell you to “move on” and put it behind you. Kelski had been trying to do just that but Kynier hadn’t traversed as far down that path. To his dismay, he needed her to come back and help him along. And she did.

When his lips finally released themselves from the collarbone there was a soft pink blemish to the skin. His breathing had become steadier and he rested his forehead on her shoulder. The mage shook his head in disagreement when Kelski said it wasn’t his fault. Cheeks and brows squeezed tightly on his eyes to prevent more tears from joining the damp coating of his face. He wanted to be stronger than Darvin’s nature. But destruction was easy and needed no purpose or motive. To be stronger than that Kynier needed something to be strong for. The sea eagle was a pivotal figure in his life and everything he had with her was beyond the hopes of most. Yet there was more to be had. More they were destined for. And Darvin’s nature may have destroyed that path. Kynier didn’t know. And as terrified as he was about the possible answer, he needed to know. He had to ask.

“What did you mean when…?” he said into her shoulder. Kynier took a deep sniff and slowly removed his brow from her shoulder. The pale skin was soaked and pink where his lips had been. He did not pull away far enough for the coverlet to fall completely. The half asked question hung in the dark air. Shadows excitedly gathered closer to watch and listen. So that they could spread the tale of the Favored and the Nightstalker throughout the city. Kynier’s eyes were puffed from sobbing so fiercely, and their edges still twitched from the effort. A hand took part of that shield of hers away by tucking the hair behind an ear.

The second half of the question was stuck in his throat. Curse him, why couldn’t he say it? Kynier realized he wasn’t prepared to. Other words held more importance and needed to be said. The words “I love you” would say it, but by themselves they wouldn’t really tell her. So Kynier navigated through his emotions and memories. It was impossible to say what she needed to understand without more emotional outbursts. The memories were too deep and buried for him to completely avoid them. Kynier’s other hand reached through the curtain of hair that concealed the other half of the kelvic’s face. Tenderly he cupped the jaw and caressed her cheek with a thumb behind that curtain. With a deep steadying breath he began.

“I told you before, that I was born in Nyka. It’s a city of demigods ruling over it. So there’s law. And consequences to one’s actions. It is not like Sunberth at all, my Feather. Nyka was clean. With fresh water and food available. It was not the city my parents were born from. I don’t know why we had settled there, but it was a good city. One I was content to live in during my youth.” Kynier’s gaze hardened internally, as he approached the places he recently discovered had been darkened in his memory.

“But it was not safe. People would vanish. Man, woman, child, and on occasion the whole family. No one ever knew where they went. Or why they disappeared. Their possessions would be left behind like ash from a fire. Sometimes my parents held curious expressions before someone disappeared. But once that person was gone, no one but children would speak of them.” Kynier stared into that silver eye. “Have you even made a silent promise to yourself, my Feather? A conviction that wasn’t formed with a thought or said with words? Because that’s what I did as a child. Without realizing, I made a conviction to not allow myself to get too close to people. That way, when they disappeared, it wouldn’t hurt as much.”

Memory tapped emotion, and the two of them came forth. Hazel eyes glimmered with fresh tears as he bite down the sobs and continued to speak with a strained voice. “You… disappeared!”

Kynier nearly lost himself to the sadness of that fact. But he forced the words out as though there his lifeline to keep from being swallowed whole by his sorrow. “No one’s ever been half as close to me as you are! And then you were gone! You weren’t dead! People in Sunberth die! They’re left behind on display for others to see! But,” Kynier gaged on a sob. “You… disappeared!” His strength failed him as more sorrow poured forth. The mage’s head bowed until it rested against Kelski’s chest. For many ticks he wasn’t able to say anything, but there was more to be said. With several quick irregular breaths his lungs had gained enough to give more voice.

“And it is my fault. It is… partially.” His words echoed off her bare breasts. “Ebon told me, had we been bonded, the bond would’ve guided me straight to you. In less than a day I would’ve found you. That I would’ve felt your presence. And you wouldn’t have… wouldn’t have...”

It took a chime for the mage to let it out. All the emotion brought forth from an aspect of his soul he had forgotten about. His hands clung to her at during that time. The mere memory of it he required to explain almost broke his soul. Kelski was too much for him to lose. When he regained some of his breath he spoke with a voice on the edge of cracking. “You said he didn’t know that you can’t bond. ‘That its broken.’ Tell me that’s not true.” It was a plea. Kynier took his head from her chest and stared into her eyes again.

“Tell me it’s not true Kelski. Don’t tell me that you can’t… can’t bond. My soul feels torn asunder and you’re the only one that can make it whole again. So please,” ugly tears contorted his face as he forced the last words out, “please my love! Tell me that it’s not true!”

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on August 14th, 2018, 3:05 am

She didn’t know how to react to him clinging to her. He gathered her with his hands, with his lips, and mouthed some of his words against her collarbone. Kelski wasn’t used to this sort of depth of feeling in humans. Kynier surprised her all the time. She knew humans as cold crew creatures with very little empathy or heart, but this man kneeling beside her had all of that and more. And though it surprised her, she shouldn’t have been. Kynier had a tendency to do that to her.

Kelski quietly listened as he talked about his past, filling in so many questions and so many missing pieces to why he acted as he did and why he was so enclosed sometimes. She would have felt the same way he did had she grown to love people who vanished repeatedly. He must have encased his mind and heart in a lot of walls or maybe even one of those ancient shields the Temple of the Unknown housed to protect against loss.

The Sea Eagle understood loss acutely. But even at his distress, she ignored his last question. She had too. There was something far more important to tell him first. Kynier might have worshiped Akajia, but Kelski felt he still had a long way to go in terms of trusting how things were… and trusting Akajia. It was now time to remind him… then… and only if he could get himself put together… would she tell him the rest.

“I need to tell you something… something important before I answer your question, Kynier. It’s about life, faith, and our Night Mother. Please… listen to what I say. Please hear it.” Kelski said softly, urgently, releasing his head to push him gently backwards so she could meet his gaze.

“Akajia only brings us halfway, Kynier. She only turns your head and makes you aware of things you might not have seen otherwise. The Goddess doesn’t do anything else for us. She doesn’t tell us what to do or how to do it. She only sets us on a path and its up to us to traverse it if that’s what we want and need at the time. The Night Mother put both of us on a collision course so we would meet, but nothing was set in stone. I cannot say what other Kelvics experience. I can only say that meeting you awakened something in me that I didn’t know existed. I had been drifting through life, surviving it and trying to live but without a purpose. And when I looked into your warm hazel eyes, I suddenly had purpose and a powerful drive that has ridden me harder than anything else in life I have ever experienced. I’m not like Ebon. I don’t have the experience of a Kelvic Bond or a Bondmate to draw on. I don’t know what ‘normal’ should be. Though I know we don’t have that because there is still something missing. But I am not the type, Kynier, to dwell on what I don’t have. I focus on what I do have. And I have a wonderfully intelligent friend, a strong-willed partner, a patient teacher, a passionate lover, and a man I would do anything for. You have so much talent, a drive equal to my own, and are so very gifted in so many ways.” She said quietly before she continued.

“Sometimes I just quietly watch you, and I know it unnerves you at times. But its because the way you move fascinates me. The way you tilt your head intrigues me. The way you fuss about your hair being too long yet never find the time to get it cut or ask one of us to trim it endlessly amuses me. If we never bond, I am still more blessed than anyone I’ve ever met. And I cannot but think Akajia is still proud. I know this is what she wanted, us together in this place, united in all the ways we can find to unite. Because we are so much stronger together. You might see getting close to someone as a weakness or a vulnerability, but if I am standing alone at the end of my life, I will always look back at the memories of you as the best parts of me.” She said softly, drawing him in again and running a hand down his back.

“That day I first met you, that very first moment, I felt something happening to me. It was like I grew limbs I could not see, arms that reached out to you, or maybe tendrils of the power you call djed. It opened in me like a sea creature the svefra tell tales about who captures ships in its eight long arms and devours the vessels and everyone on them. My own long tentacles of it reached for you, wanted you, and needed you. But nothing happened. I pulled them back. It happened so many times after that… sometimes when I wasn’t in full control of it, they would come alive and try to wrap around you. But it wasn’t right. The timing was off because you never felt it. You never reached to accept it." Kelski admitted, hoping he wouldn't take that as permission to assume the blame. There was no blame.

"I don’t think you even knew." The Kelvic said sadly, part of her hurt to even say that, even though she didn't want Kynier to feel responsible.

"So it stopped happening, somewhere along the way, and now there is nothing. It was after you moved in, after that night. I don’t know what makes the bond awaken and come alive. I don’t really feel like I can control it other than hold it back… and now I just feel… somehow like someone removed something … maybe like those who have sheep on the outskirts of town put bands around the long tails of the lambs and they fall off after a few days. This was not your fault. It takes a willing person to bond with a kelvic and I do not know how the power judge’s willingness. I am not a mage to understand such things. But Darvin was not you….” She said his name painfully, more quietly than she’d spoke the rest. “And I promise you that power… that feeling… would not rise for him, not ever. No matter how much he drugged me.”

So yes… she felt broken, but had no way to tell if it was something that could or would be fixed.
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I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kynier on August 15th, 2018, 2:40 am


What was this feeling? Whatever it was, it only ever seemed to come out around Kelski. More so since her disappearance. Sometimes it would come forth even when she wasn’t around, but when his thoughts were on her. Often if felt like an explosive purge of something deep in his body. The increase in frequency did not go unnoticed. It was now, in this moment, that he realized how much he hated acting this way. To have his emotions so out of his control and in the open for others to see. Kelski had been helping him to share his emotions, but that wasn’t sharing. This was complete unloading. And he hated it.

When she forced him away and urged him to listen, Kynier took a steadying breath. It was the first of many he would take in an effort to calm himself. As his heart lost its expressive nature he listened to Kelski’s words. Had he allowed his heart to guide him that much? So much that he had lost perspective of who they were, and their purpose to the Night Mother? It was true. Kynier had felt drawn to the goddess since his youth but never even felt her direct his gaze. Yet somehow he got to where he needed to be to serve her best. Kynier wished he shared Kelski’s complete certainty that they were exactly where Akajia wanted them to be. That’s why she was Favored. The mage felt and thought that they were supposed to be even closer. But perhaps they weren’t supposed to be. Not yet… he’d hope.

As she elaborated on how his presence in her life changed her, Kynier had mostly managed to regain his composure. Kynier ran his fingers through Kelski’s hair to pull the curtain away from her eyes. How did she do that to him? Even at his lowest she could make him feel as though he ruled Mizahar. A smile and a bemused laugh at the ridiculous idea of him being irritated by the length of his hair was something she found mirth in. And the thought of her being alone at the end of her life was something he found saddening. Should the gods… should Akajia permit it, he would want to be there for her at the end. But no, he didn’t consider her a weakness or a vulnerability. While there were those that already sought to control him through her, Kynier felt stronger each day she gave him a smile than all the days he was only able to think about her combined.

No resistance was given as she took him into her embrace and felt the tension in his back with a hand. His smile faded as she described the sensations she had when her very being tried to bond with him. Kynier was not upset by her words but held his Nightstalker expression. Absorbing a knowledge he was severely lacking to better understand. The mage did feel shame, because he had not felt the presence of her bond trying to envelope him. He hadn’t… had he? Though he had seen it with his auristics. The tendrils that looked to have been held back from reaching out. Kynier could tell from her tone that Kelski did not blame him, but felt as equally sad about it as he did. Perhaps more so. And now those urges to connect were gone?

Who could’ve removed them if they were gone?

Kynier did not doubt her words about Darvin. That she would never succumb to that deception like other kelvics had before her. He was concerned about the cost of that willpower. Kynier could only theorize what must be sacrificed to fly through that storm and live to see the sun rise on the other side.

Eyes half closed he regulated his breathing until he nearly entered a meditative state. Focus went to the feeling of his lungs swelling with air before contracting again to let it all out. When his body was calm the mage endeavored to do the same to his mind. Forcing out the remnants of the stronger emotions he recently experienced. While he did this a hand stroked Kelski’s hair. The smell of it filled his nostrils. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to take her to bed. Not to copulate but to hold close. It was in the silent moments like this he felt closest to her. To have the peace of mind to be with someone and not feel the need to talk, nor the awkwardness of not talking, was something he felt was precious.

Not ever bonding with her. Kynier tried to look at it pragmatically. Kelvics, from what he knew, were the only race to have this mystic bond. All other races needed to patience, compromise, and perseverance to make long standing relationships work. Those weren’t impossible things to be gained with Kelski. Many of their features and habits already complimented or conformed to the others almost seamlessly. Like she had said, it wasn’t perfect, but they were working on it. Besides, they could still…

Kynier turned his head so that his cheek brushed against the side of Kelski’s. His lips were close to her ear, and he began to whisper gently into them. “I wish to be there with you, when you reach the end of your life. To stand by your side and, someday, fly with you to understand your world better. To live, and live happily with you as I have this past moon.” Being mindful of her ribs, Kynier hugged her into his chest. Afterwards he withdrew just enough to bring his lips around her jaw and kiss her. The kiss was filled with that soft passion. The type that expressed the emotional need of a person rather than the carnal need. When it was over he gazed into her eyes. Sad about the revelations they had made to each other and how it had to come about. Yet he felt closer, not farther.

“You’re the most important person I’ve ever had in my life. You’re influence on my life is greater than that of our Night Mother.” Kynier smiled, knowing that she would disagree with that. But he kissed her again with the same passion as earlier before she could put voice to the debate. A hand cupped the nape of her neck in the way he learned that she appreciated most. When it was over he nuzzled her nose and whispered softly with his breath on her lips. “I love you.”

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on August 17th, 2018, 9:18 pm

His fingers in her hair made her feel like everything was going to be okay. That’s how she always felt in his presence… safe, warm, welcome. Even if he was just exposing her face to his gaze, she didn’t mind because he was listening and that was the important thing. He even seemed to be understanding. Kelski was so sorry, so inherently sorry, that she was putting him through this and that he had been feeling left out. They needed to get better at talking to each other, but it was hard coming together when two people had spent their whole lives alone.

He held very little back as he kept her gaze, and she saw that his worry was not about himself and the vulnerabilities having a kelvic like herself in his life gave him. It was about her and him protecting her. And in a way that gave her a sense of security because it would have been far worse had Kynier seen her as a vulnerability and weakness when she was doing everything in her power to not be that to him. She would come home…. she would always come home… to him. She pulled him close, held him, and told Kynier all of it as she should have in times long past. This would have never happened had she been open about the bond with him from the beginning. And maybe if she hadn’t held it back.

Kelski nibbled on his neck as she wrapped around him, letting him absorb her words and calm himself further. He was so much more stable than he was moments ago. She would have liked him to take her to bed, truth be told, not only to be held but for more… to erase what she’d been through the last tenday and to place fresher more potent memories in place of the ones that were haunting her.

He spoke, distracting her thoughts, and she listened carefully, smiling slightly when he said what he did. She loved that he gathered her to him, held her, kissed her, and did everything right. She didn’t even mind hearing how important she was to Kynier. She needed to hear all the words he was saying, in fact, so badly that she hadn’t known she’d been worried… scared even… that the time she’d been gone and now that he knew the truth of that time would change things between them. But it wasn’t until he told her what he showed her in a hundred little ways day in and day out that her silver eyes grew round and bled quicksilver drops that burned down her cheeks.

Kelski nodded, pulled away slightly so she could look at him though her hands caught his and held on. “I know, Kynier. We’ve both always known how we feel about each other. We’ve shown each other in a dozen ways, every day and with every breath. And I know you are on my mind and in my heart always. You tell me the same thing just with a single touch. You mages are incredible people. Your mind is so sharp, your knowledge expansive… your kind built my kind… at first to serve but later so they would never be alone. I know it is a lot to ask of you and a great burden to put on you… but can’t you fix me?”

In era’s past, Mizahar’s science was vast and on par with its magics. Much of the world was driven by a combination of both made available to the masses. People took such simple things like djed-wire for granted and didn’t understand when Ivak wrecked the world he was ripping knowledge from it forcefully. Most of the great scientists didn’t survive. But the mages did. And it was half of the answers to some of the greatest puzzles ever solved. Kelski couldn’t put into words what she felt when she looked at Kynier and asked her question. But she knew instinctively that magic was in her blood and part of her bond, and it should be something Kynier could fix. Kelvics could bond with anyone, and were created. But the best of them, the strongest and smartest… those most loaded down with talent, craved their counterparts out in the world. That’s why she’d hunted him a season or more. And she had him in all ways that should matter, but she wanted the bond too… she felt they’d earned it. And she didn’t know why it wasn’t happening.

“We are supposed to be bonded.” Kelski insisted. All her thoughts were in her eyes, even if she didn’t lay out what she knew of history, scientists and mages, and how Mizahar could rise again.
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I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kynier on August 18th, 2018, 5:47 pm


She was kelvic. There were times it was so blatant that she wasn’t human, like her lack of modesty and straightforward perspective. Other times it would nearly slip his mind. When she ran her fingers through her hair, the way she’d smile at him, the way she’d press herself against him in private moments of affection. And there were moments Kelski seemed to be completely inhuman. Having reactions and thoughts that were not what a human being would experience in the situation. This conversation had been one of those experiences, until her tears finally fell from her eyes. Instantly he looked back on every moment he had spent with her. The mage could not recall another time when this precious kelvic had shed tears. He almost thought she hadn’t capable of it.

When Kelski pulled away and encapsulated his hands with hers Kynier wanted to rebel and pull her back close to him. But words of importance followed and he held his position. When she started speaking of mages in general his gaze narrowed a fraction. Kynier didn’t immediately follow the relevance of mage ingenuity to their love for each other until she spoke of the creation of the kelvic race. Though she knew the burden such a question would place on him…

Kelski didn’t truly know the burden that would place on him.

How had he done this? What was it that he did to build himself up so far in her eyes? That she could ask him to have the understanding of a power to create an entire race, and then to be able to fix such an abnormality? Until that moment Kynier always considered himself as a generalist mage. Never pushing the study of one discipline so far at the expense of others. To maintain a comfortable level of versatility with his magic. Kynier lived and worked like a realist with magic. Not a theorist. No, he had no idea how to discover what was wrong with her ability to bond. Yet when she looked into his eyes like that, to answer with complete honesty would be devastating, to them both.

Kynier was in absolute agreement. They should be bonded. In her molten silver eyes he saw a plea for hope. Hope he wished to provide, but not false hope. What was he to do? Sunberth had no laboratories for research and experimentation the way Lhavit and Zelvita did. Kynier stood in the middle of an open field of dead grass and was being asked to build a castle. With no resources or base understanding of the concept apart from one kelvic… the most important kelvic’s… instinctual understanding. His heart staggered in his chest as those wet silvers of stunning beauty looked to him for salvation.

Is it in my ability?

Self-doubt filled his being, until Kynier felt a hand lightly press on his back. It was cold to the touch and made the raised skin of his gnosis thrum with power. No one stood behind him and Kelski had both her hands in his. The cold of a winter night ran over his skin to wash away his disbelief. The woman he loved asked him to do something of the greatest importance for them. How could he consider not putting his all into the effort?

“For you my Feather,” he said softly, “I would learn how to pull Syna from the sky. Though I will have to start from the beginning, and find fragments of knowledge that’ve been lost, I will pursue the answer with every breath I take. We should be bonded. And I won’t allow even the divine to deny us that. But I don’t want to fill you with false hope, my love. This is something that could take a long time to find the answer to. A long time.”

At the very least it could take years. Kynier could begin with Ebon and asking him questions that the night lion may not appreciate being asked. He would need to begin reaching out to the magical communities of other cities for relevant knowledge. Begin collecting books and tomes on the subject of Kelvics and their bonding. Though it was unlikely, perhaps Doler had something from his collection that would be of use. If need be, Kynier could even…

"Let us begin," he said. The longest journeys began with a single step. Kynier opened his eyes wide and took a deep breath. Willpower pushed through all the emotions and anxiety to retrieve the power of his soul. That collection of djed writhed and answered his summons. The warm power of it coursed through his body and to his eyes. The hazel irises very slowly began to spiral as his Sight was opened. And before the mist of Kelski’s aura was fully formed he focused his Auristics on it. The power of his discipline made him feel the emotions Kelski felt as though they were his own.

Kynier’s eyes shifted to observe where he had seen the tendrils of her soul, her bond, the last time he perceived her soul. To see firsthand what the problem might be.

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on August 19th, 2018, 10:54 pm

He hesitated just a moment, gathering his thoughts or planning or both, as Kelski watched. She missed the doubt in his eyes because her belief in him was far stronger than his own personal weaknesses. Kelski didn’t find Kynier flawless… he had plenty starting and ending with the fact the was human. But the man didn’t much let them get in his way. When he made mistakes, which he’d made quite a few in the time she’d known him, he learned from them and grew, getting better and stronger and far more fierce than he had been when she’d met him. She liked this Kynier, this one that wasn’t afraid to try, and hoped that with him living in a home full of Kelvics plus one Akalak of dubious stability had made an impact on him. When she’d first met him he’d been mysterious, withdrawn, and a man who gathered and kept his power close.

But here, in this moment with him, she felt he had expanded more, throwing his power in a wide net that encompassed her, The Gem, and all its inhabitants. It put more stress on him and deepened the worry lines in his face, but he wore it well and it drove him in a way he hadn’t been truly driven before. She hated feeling broken, unable to fulfill something he deserved, but she liked that it didn’t defeat him and that he wasn’t unwilling to seek. He made a truly fine Nightstalker because of it… someone she looked up too even though she wore two marks to his one. It never bothered her because she knew he would be Favored as well once his own trials were passed.

Was this one of them? Kelski tilted her head very birdlike, adjusted her vision, and tried looking into the picture as a whole in her mind, distracting herself from the trauma of the feeling admitting all her shortcomings to him had given her.

The Kelvic wanted to be perfect for him, but the truth was Kynier was an evolving creature. What was perfect for him now might not be perfect for him five chimes from now or even five days. She adapted to his changes, but they were frequent and, in many ways, quietly monumental. He contemplated, mulled, and mused in his own very Kynier way before he finally spoke.

She loved his nickname for her. Her pleasure at it was shown as she drew his captured hands up and ran her teeth across his knuckles in tiny nibbles, preening at them in pleasure. She didn’t have a beak in her human form, but Kelski loved nibbling Kynier all the same. And though she released his hands and sat up when she saw the concentration in his eyes, her pleasure was still tangible that he was at least willing to try. Things in her life went better when Kynier was involved. In fact, these days, Kelski had a hard time imagining her life without him in it.

“You might not be able to change things. I understand. But if you try, maybe you can… it might be something simple too, Kynier. Problems are only big sometimes if they are obscured.” She said, knowing that not knowing was half the problem and not understanding the other half. So as he said they would begin, Kelski sat up straight, folded her legs under her, and released her arms down her sides until her hands came together in her lap. She breathed deeply, understanding he was looking at her with his auristics, and tried to keep calm. The Sea Eagle had a million questions in her eyes, but they slowly died away as she practiced deep breathing, tried to empty her mind, and cleared her thoughts so Kynier could see truly.

Her aura burst into being as soon as Kynier called the djed. She was close to him so it was bright, but different too now. Kelski was often a complex weave of silver and black, shot through with pure white, her colors shadowy as any good nightstalkers often was. But her aura was torn and damaged now, muted, and Kynier could see the physical damage lingering from Darvin’s attack first and foremost.

It had been less than ten days since she’d come home and he could see the lingering red across where her ribs would fall that indicated injury healing. Her face was a mess that way too, red across her jaw and the back of her skull, and deep pain radiating from the orbital ridge above her left eye that was cracked. He could see the finer touches of Ebon’s healing that had formed patterns across Kelski’s aura, overwriting damaged areas with the sky-blue aura of the Night Lion’s gift. It was like patchwork knitting, with a different thread temporarily replacing what should have been there in deep silver and black. Had Ebon not have lingered, healing her, the damage would have been – indeed had been – far worse.

And then there were ugly threads of an almost putrid green and sickly violet that lingered, veining through her kidneys and liver, up into her center where her feminine core was. The color was fading, being overtaken by her own, but it looked like lingering drugs… slow to leave her system. They were but a hint of what they had been, in flashes and dots of brighter color, but her main aura was slowly overwhelming the invading color, consuming it.

But when he looked for the Kelvic Bonds, they were hard to spot. Before, they had reached out like dark tentacles, stretching for him, firmly targeting his own aura – wanting and needing him. Now, they were wrapped around her protectively, holding her close, intertwining her core, almost as if they could guard her. The other Kelvics in the house would look like Kelski’s had before … her bond tendrils drifting happily about her like sea anemone tendrils dancing in a current, seeking, searching, but not focused. Ebon’s however, would be similarly wrapped around himself, though not the healthy strong bonds Kelski’s were, but tattered, broken, like they’d been abruptly ripped apart from his deceased bondmate.

His Feather sat watching him quietly, wondering what he was seeing, her head tilted to the side, her eyes a mixture of curiosity and pain.
They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kynier on August 20th, 2018, 4:34 am


Relief. That’s what he felt when she stated her understanding. While Kynier had plenty of moments of being arrogant he didn’t want to instill that it would be a fact that he could solve the problem. Kelski even tried to insure him that whatever it was, was probably a simple matter. That problems only seemed daunting when they weren’t fully understood. The optimism tugged the corner of his lip into a short lived smirk. With magic, even when it was simple, whether it be in theory or practice, it was in fact usually quite complicated. Djed was something to be handled delicately for it could be quite volatile. And he was going to be addressing a piece of her soul.

She settled herself on the chair as his Sight came into effect. Kynier shifted away from her slightly as Kelski’s aura became visible. For a moment he stared at it before setting his focus on it. It wasn’t he bright collection of silver and shadow that it had been before. As though her soul had been washed repeatedly and the color had been diminished. With the focus of his auristics completely on her the personal characteristics of its use took hold of him. The red portions of her aura that were enflamed from pain mirrored in his own body. Kynier felt the discomfort of breathing as multiple ribs throbbed. Along his jaw he felt a sharp pain as though his mandible had been split and fused back together. And worst of all the ridge above his left eye stabbed at his head.

So intense and unexpected was the pain that Kynier instinctually pinched his eyes shut and rubbed at the phantom pain that wasn’t even his own. “I’m okay,” he said reassuringly. The mage blinked open his eyes and focused more on her damaged aura. Traces of Ebon’s healing were present on her soul. Though the damage now seemed superficial compared to the rest of the damage. The rancid taint of greens and purple in her core brought nauseating sensations to his stomach. Mimicing the desire to regurgitate all the contents in order to reject a poison she had ingested some time ago. Raising a hand to cover his mouth to reinforce the need to refrain from vomiting, he took a deep breath to try and calm himself.

No wonder why she had been so detached. That all the pain and discomfort was still this intense after ten days, how had she managed to function beforehand? Kynier had been tempted to see her, truly See her, with Auristics before this moment. But thought it would’ve been a violation of her trust in a way. Nothing was more personal that a soul, and to just gaze upon it was a violation in its own right. The mage had never considered the act to be such until after living with her. Yet it only felt like a violation against those he cared for, not when used on strangers.

Kynier lowered his hand and began searching her aura. The tendrils he had seen before appeared to be absent. When he was about to accept that they were gone he finally noticed them. They were enveloping her in a way that seemed to be protective in nature. They were tightly drawn. More so than he had seen Ebon’s frayed, damaged bond links. But Kelski’s did not appear to be damaged. Initially Kynier was glad of that. Yet upon further thought, that made him more fearful of whatever explanation there was to the lack of needing to bond with him.

A hand reached out to where he saw her bond links. The aura was intangible and his fingers drifted through the misty substance. The tendril appeared to recoil from his touch and drew in tighter. Where they lending their strength to her healing process? There was just so much that he didn’t know on the matter, that it let the questions running through his mind frustrate him. He didn’t know what to say or how to describe it in a way that wouldn't seem discouraging. Kelski’s curiosity was more than apparent when she tilted her head at him. So all he could do was say what it was he was perceiving.

“The… appendages of your bond… are still intact. They don’t appear to be damaged either. But they’re… withdrawn. They’ve wrapped themselves around your soul similar to other unbonded kelvics. As though they’re… trying to shield you somehow.” Kynier’s eyes began to dilate and a headache was forming. But it was difficult to discern the overgiving when he was feeling the pain of her injuries still. Kynier was at a loss. Kelski’s bond links were unharmed. And they were… inactive.

It grew to be too much to bear. Kynier closed his eyes and rubbed at his brow to ease the pains, both phantom and real. Djed ceased to flow to his eyes and his Sight closed. When Kynier opened his eyes next, the emanation of her aura was no longer visible, and he stared into her eyes with a sadness. “They appear healthy,” he whispered breathlessly. “I can tell that much. I’ve seen Ebon’s aura. And the appendages of his bond are clearly damaged from a violent severance. You’re aura is… purging itself of a taint. And it is not as strong or robust as it was before.” He set his hands on her knees and squeezed. “But in time it will recover.”

Kynier looked at her with a fresh sadness in his eyes. It was from seeing, and feeling her pain, and having no means or knowledge of how to alleviate it. The mage stood from his seat. His hands sought out hers and pulled to urge her up from the chair. Kynier enveloped her in his arms, needing to be closer. A hand slipped under the coverlet to caress the skin of her back as he held her against him. “I don’t know what’s wrong,” he whispered above her ear. “I will need learn more before I can even speculate. Until then, could you come back to the bed with me?”

There had been no lewdness nor suggestive nature to his question. In that moment, he wanted to take her very being into his own. To feel her soul brush against his. Even to experience a fraction of what they should already have. Kynier held her as tight as he dared without hurting her in his arms. Despite that… he didn’t feel as close to her as he longed for. Even the times she had taken his body in hers, Kynier felt they could still be closer, and desired that more than anything. It may have been selfish. But he desired to have everything about her.

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on August 23rd, 2018, 1:26 am

Kelski didn’t like seeing Kynier upset. She didn’t like burdening him with her problems either. Once, she was one of those Kelvics that did everything herself. But more and more she found herself looking towards him for guidance and leadership, and it pained her in a small way because she’d once been so independent. But life was so much better with him in it. Unlike Ebon, Kelski had never bonded and never understood what having a true bondmate meant. She didn’t know what the benefit was of having a bond, though she just felt as if she should have it. And while she knew lots of Kelvics, by and large most of them were unbonded and speaking to Ebon about his bond would cause him a great deal of pain. His bondmate was dead… and that meant something horrible to him. It wasn’t something she’d voluntarily do unless Ebon himself offered. And from what she’d seen, it wasn’t likely he would.

When Kynier met her gaze with his warm hazel orbs so full of sadness, Kelski looked away in guilt. She did this to him, caused this, made things hard between them and probably did something to screw up her bond or at least her ability to bond. There was plenty of blame to go around, but most of it she took upon herself, and not on the dead man that she refused to think of. And certainly not the man that couldn’t instantly find her in a big city full of criminals.

She gladly stepped into his arms, accepting the comfort, and glad he placed his palm over their special place. Her own actions mirrored his, placing her hand over his own Akajia's symbol between his shoulder blades. His whispered promise and invitation caused her to nod. He didn’t need to ask… or even feel strange about the invite. She belonged with him, and she was confident he would learn what he could and fix it if he could… if time and her own nature didn’t correct it on its own. But still she clung to him for a long long while, sorry for not realizing he hadn’t known the whole story, and in her own way marveling at his patience and the kindness he showed her when she felt she deserved nothing but reprimand for her carelessness.

When they finally broke apart, Kelski followed him to bed and slipped in beside him after replacing the coverlet. When she didn’t make it to bed before him, she often slipped up and curled in the space at his back, nuzzling her face between his shoulder blades and slipping an arm around his torso. She liked sleeping in that place, though she’d often wake finding that he’d rolled over and drew her closer.

Tonight though, she didn’t even attempt to snuggle against his back. She pressed up against him, buried her face in the crook of his neck using his shoulder for a pillow, and whispered her thanks to Akajia for him and her life in Sunberth out loud where he could hear her gratitude first hand. And even though the candles were already burning low in their master suite, the shadows crowded close, snuggling in themselves, enveloping the two Nightstalkers in more than just their own company, their touch and their emotions full of reassurance until the very large bed felt very full indeed.
They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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[The Midnight Gem] Issues to Settle (Kelski)

Postby Kynier on October 19th, 2018, 4:54 pm


Skill Rewards
  • Auristics +2
  • Cooking +1
  • Interrogation +2
  • Intimidation +1
  • Invetigation +1
  • Leadership +1
  • Planning +2
  • Rhetoric +4
  • Socialization +4
  • Stealth +1
  • Storytelling +1

Lores Learned
  • Kelski: Too ashamed of her ignorance to ask him, so she asked Farris
  • Kelski: Wanted to impress Kynier by having some knowledge
  • Kelski: Only wants to know everything
  • Kelski: Thinks of Kynier everyday
  • Kelski: Says Akajia will only turns their heads to make them aware
  • Kelski: Is intrigued by his oddities
  • Kelski: Considers him to be a strong person
  • Kelski: Thanks Akajia for having Kynier in her life
  • Kelvics: It takes a willing person to bond with a Kelvic
  • Kelvics: Cannot willingly initiate when they try to bond
  • Lore: Details of Kelski’s abduction by Darvin
  • Overgiving: Difficult to judge
  • Rhetoric: Speaking a different language to punctuate a point

Skill Rewards
  • Interrogation +1
  • Leadership +1
  • Massage +1
  • Medicine +1
  • Rhetoric +5
  • Storytelling +1

Lores Learned
  • Djed: Is the source of all life
  • Djed: The most potent resources come from living creatures
  • Farris: Easy with his words, talkative
  • Kynier: Wasn’t giving warnings to deter her, but educate
  • Kynier: Has studied magic longer than Kelski’s been alive
  • Kynier: Is he old for a human?
  • Kynier: Has sworn to never learn Leeching
  • Kynier: Has always been happy that Kelski accepted him
  • Kynier: Doesn’t consider her stupid or ignorant
  • Kynier: Thinks she’s perfect
  • Kynier: Had a conviction to not get close to people
  • Kynier: Feels responsible for how much she suffered from Darvin’s abduction
  • Kynier: Doesn’t see her as a weakness and vulnerability
  • Kynier: Says her Bonding appendages are still intact
  • Leeching: A method of taking Djed from other things to power your magic
  • Leeching: Poisons the body when used
  • Nyka: Safer than Sunberth, but not safe
  • Nyka: People would disappear without reason
  • Overgiving Effect: Dilated eyes
  • Overgiving Effect: Swift and incomprehensible speech
  • Overgiving Effect: Severe headaches
  • Overgiving Effect: Bleeding profusely
  • Overgiving Effect: Hallucinating
  • Overgiving Effect: Extreme Pain in the body
  • Self: May not Bond with Kynier, but content to be by his side nonetheless

If you have any questions or concerns about your grade please feel free to PM me.
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