Sollys' Plotnotes Overview
OOC info: Sollys is a man who thinks he knows it all and has the world all figured out. Growing up in Wind Reach has given him a very narrow minded, formulaic scope for reality. He has an unbound thirst for adventure however; and what he deems as adventure pails in comparison to what I'm hoping and planning to put him though in game. He thinks he's a pretty great man but though trials and tribulations I want to broaden his horizons and make him gain an ability to gage his own shortcomings.
-not started
-in progress
-goal reached
Plot Goals:
-battle beasts
-get his ass royally kicked and learn a thing or two about the futility of mortality
-become a master hunter
-join Swift Falcons
-become a flightleader
-learn secrets of mount Sky Inarta and the unforgiving
Skill goals:
-Composite recurve bow
-Throwing axe
-A Close combat mele weapon (undecided)
-Land Navigation (unforgiving)
-Wilderness survival (unforgiving)
-Riding (Wind Eagle)
-Body building
-Unarmed combat
-A magic (undecided)
-First aid
Lore Goals:
-anything and everything to do with unforgiving landscape, flora and fauna; from how to track and hunt different beasts to exploring locations and learning it's secrets
-deity lores