Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Ruvya on August 24th, 2018, 7:38 pm



TYPE: Fauna/Flora
THREAT LEVEL: Low to moderate
MAJOR FEATURES: Large leafy ears, long trunk and tusks
ABILITIES: Strong charge, large and powerful, Webbing
MOST COMMON IN: Cyphrus and The Burning Lands


Eliplant are large mammals, which are scattered throughout the Cyphrus Sea Of Grass and northern Ekytol deserts. They feed on sunlight, the sweet nectar in flowers and water, living in family herds, which migrate across the deserts and grasslands with the seasons. They are fairly intelligent, if slow-thinking, and live between 10-15 years. Eliplant are gentle giants, posing little threat generally, unless provoked.


Eliplant have large bodies with thick grey skin which is leathery to the touch and naturally protects them against the hot sun, the brisk winds and the chill of Winter. They have thick-set legs and lightly concave backs. Eliplant weigh between 3,000-5,000kg and stand between 10-12ft tall. Males are generally larger than females. Their mouths, while large, are empty of teeth, as their diet consists of floral nectars, honey and tree saps.

Their tusks are their only set of firm teeth and grow out with sharp points, one longer than the other, which are used to pierce trees to get at the tasty sap and for fending off predators. Their most distinctive feature are their large leaf ears and their long trunks.

The roots of their ears grow out from the seeds that line their skulls, of which each Eliplant possesses a finite volume at birth and which lay dormant until the right conditions for growing. The large, leathery, glossy heart-shaped leaves grow to be a third as big as the Eliplant they belong and are incredibly tough. Their leafy ears provide the Eliplant with shade in sunny or wet seasons, and they often gently fan themselves in hot weather while they are foraging. Eliplant ears grow best between temperatures of 68-86°F and they prefer plenty of direct sunlight. Their ears flower every Summer with beautiful cream-white spathe with a spadix in the center. These flowers often hang from behind their ears, which observers have remarked humorously look like earrings. The flowers produce white berries, which ripen in Fall and have a tart taste.


Eliplant have been shaped radically over the centuries, having started out habiting Taldera along with their neighbour, the Olidosapux. Before the Valterrean, their leafy ears were much smaller, very stumpy and not plant-like at all, while their thick hides were covered in matted fur. Eliplant diet consisted of roots, hardy shrubs, nuts and berries.

During the Valterrean the Eliplant became at risk of extinction. They survived by migrating from their northern territories in Taldera to the warmer climes of Cyphrus and Ekytol, where they thrive now. As the Eliplant migrated south their fur became matted with bracken and vegetation, so much so, that the plant that now makes up their ears hitched a ride by clinging to the mammals' fur with their aerial roots. As the Eliplant survived through the djed storms that the Valterrean wrought, this wild djed fused these plants to the Eliplants' bones, forever changing the mammals and their way of life.

Over the centuries, the Eliplant shed their fur as they settled in warmer climates. Caiyha took an interest in the Eliplant, cultivating the bond between plant and mammal, which ensured their survival into the Eliplant seen today.


Being part plant as much as mammal, Eliplant possess an intricate network of roots which grow in their flesh alongside their mammalian arteries and veins. Their leafy ears convert Syna’s energy into sustenance, stored in carbohydrate molecules which are photosynthesized by the green chlorophyll pigmants in the Eliplant leaves using the carbone dioxide the Eliplant breathe and the water they drink. This means the Eliplant can survive anywhere there is light aplenty, and water, so the vast, open steppe of the Sea of Grass and the desert oases of Ekytol are their favoured habitat.

They supplement their diet with high-glucose food sources like honey, tree-sap and flower nectar. They use their large, sharp tusks to lance trees to get at the tasty sap with their very long tongues. Their trunks are sensitive to smell and touch so they can seek out the most nourishing flowers and honey as they forage and they use their trunks to grab 'trunk-fulls' of flowers. Their long, thin tongues are used to lick out the nectar. It is said that an Eliplant can smell honey across continents, which, although a gross exaggeration, nods at the Eliplant’s particular love for the sweet stuff produced by bees.

Luckily, bees like Eliplant too. During summer when the Eliplant are in flower, bees from all over will gather to harvest the very particular nectar the Eliplant flowers produce. This nectar has a stimulant effect on the bees, making them hyper and addicted. It usually means that wherever Eliplant forage, there is sure to be honey nearby. Sometimes hives even form on the Eliplant themselves, which doesn't seem to bother the thick-skinned Eliplant much at all.


Eliplant are nomadic, migrating as the seasons change to be in the warmest regions. They migrate from northern Cyphrus swamplands, south through the Sea of Grass, where, come Winter, the deserts of Ekytol are a warm harbour.

Eliplant are matriarchal and live in herds which are led by the oldest female. Herds are small and are comprised of 7-10 individuals family members, while friendly neighbour herds combine during migration to seek safety from predators in greater numbers and to improve mating potential.

Eliplant reach maturity and sexual age at 5-6 years old. They suss out the most attractive mate by the leafiness of their ears, the length of their tusks and the fragrance or abundance of their flowers. Cows (females) may choose the bull (male) that most impresses them and courtship includes sharing food sources, rubbing against one another and even a funny dance composed of swaying and bowing to one another.

Once Eliplant copulate they are mates for life and cows tend to bear an average of two to three calves across their lifetime. Gestation takes three seasons to complete and baby Eliplant are born tusk-less and ear-less, but with teeth so they will feed on roots and bugs until their ears grow in. Once their ears have grown large enough to sustain them, their 'baby teeth' will gradually fall out, usually 1-2 years after they are born. The need for the calves to spend longer foraging for food often puts them in danger of becoming distanced from the herd and make them easier prey for predators like wolves, grass-bears, glassbeaks and nightlions.


Eliplant are gentle giants, unless provoked. They are not territorial and will go out of their way to avoid territories occupied by humans and predators. In the Sea of Grass they use their djed sensitive trunks to detect Drykas Webbing magic, using the djed webs to feel the vibrations of movement at wide distances to navigate the dangers of the grasslands until they reach the less populated deserts of Ekytol.

Cows form close-knit bonds with one another, often engaging in grooming behaviours and sharing their favourite flowers with one another. Bulls tend to be more independent and solitary in nature, often wandering farther from the herd. Bulls are more aggressive and frequently engage in mock fights, which sometimes ends in injury with younger, over-zealous bulls. Being bigger, bulls often possess bigger tusks than cows in the herd and will group together to protect the herd from predators. They will charge if provoked, stomping with their big feet and goring threats with their sharp tusks.


These gentle giants are not easily captured and do not fare well in captivity. So large and protective of the herd, they fend off predators and any wishing to capture them, where stampeding is always a high risk. Mother cows are fiercely protective of their calves. They are difficult to keep if ever captured, for without the necessary sweet nectar food sources and the right conditions for their ears to grow, they wilt and get sick. Their instinct for roaming is strong, as is their bond to their herd. Captured Eliplant may simply lay down and wilt if they are tethered or separated from their herd for a long period.

Eliplant ears, if damaged, lost in a fight or harvested, do grow back to replenish themselves from seed cavities in their skulls relatively fast if the conditions are right. The surface of the raw leaves can cause hot, blistering rashes against skin and are toxic to eat, unless steeped in water. Once steeped, the leaves may be used in infusions to relieve pain and inflammation in arthritis, for healing dementia and other memory-related illnesses, and as a remedy for snakebites. The rootwork in their bones makes extremely strong rope once separated from the skeleton. The white fruit the Eliplant grow is edible, if one can get close enough to harvest the tart berries, that is! Squirrels and rodents often climb the Eliplant, and birds flutter about them, to get at the flowers and berries they grow.
Last edited by Ruvya on August 27th, 2018, 9:25 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on August 25th, 2018, 4:30 pm

-Note- Added in the spoilered lower sections to make it easier to read in this format, can remove if needed.



Type: Relic
Frequency: Uncommon to Very Rare
Threat level: Low to High
Major features: Gelatinous base form, Copied Appearance/Body
Abilities: Camouflage by body form/texture mimicry, Expansion by Absorption, Tactile-Telepathy
Most common in : Wilderness of Sylira

Name/terminology: Similar to nuit, name refers to both an individual instance/portion, along with the race as a whole. Roughly translates to Single-Life or Equal/Identical-Life in Ancient Tongue. Sometimes is shortened to just Daras which is the adjective form of Daraq. Would be more grammatically correct in Ancient Tongue to shorten to Daraq.
-A single unit or example of Abasedaras is commonly called an “instance” by those aware of them.
-A “pattern” or “djed pattern” is what is commonly called a specific copy of a things djed by an instance to add to itself, such as the hide of a bear or the talons of an eagle.

Overview : Abasedaras at its simplest form is a living gelatinous substance. It grows by absorbing djed and materials, and is limited to sensing by touch, taste, and hearing. The larger it grows the greater its djed needs grow, as does its inherent intelligence and mental capabilities. Smaller sizes will act on simple instinct and reaction, while larger instances are as intelligent or more so than other sentient species though with a different mentality than humans or other races. Abasedaras is also able to communicate by touch by a form of tactile-telepathy, the means by which it also can copy djed patterns from other living things to integrate into its own body by a form of djed usage unique to the race.

Appearance :
Appearance: Tends to be a clear or greyish color, in its base state it is basically a gelatinous goo. Depending on its diet however, its color may change, such as if absorbing a large amount of green vegetation it may take on this color for a time. Beyond this an instance particular appearance will depend upon what djed patterns it has copied from other living things and integrated into itself.

Locale :
Locale: Most commonly found on surface of Mizahar, much less common underground or underwater. Abasedaras seems attracted to the sun, and will either take up residence in a spot in direct sunlight each day, or will journey to the surface regularly. Underground and without access to a source of wild djed they tend to grow much more slowly. This has led some experts to believe that either the sunlight activates a more active phase of their nature, or that the Abasedaras are able to absorb something from the sun which allows them to grow faster.

Rare in frozen areas, such as Taldera. Cold does not kill, but slows their body and may force it into form of hibernation until thaws. Uncommon in Kalea and Eyktol due to lack of widespread flora and fauna in the mountains and deserts respectively, though may still be found around pools of wild djed or oasis of life.

Most common in smaller instances in Falyndar, and Cyphrus. Their size tends to be limited to smaller instance due to the vigilance of the Myrian and Drykas keeping them from growing widespread. Much more commonly found in Sylira in all forms and sizes, though as with all instances tends to be in the wilds and far from cities and people, and out of direct sight of the vigilance of the Syliran knights.

History :
History : Abasedaras existed on Mizahar before humans ancestors arrived. Existing in equilibrium with the word around it, they grew, studied, and understood, starting from the original instance of Abasedaras and spreading itself across the landmass with smaller instances. Some have posited that they arose as a balancing mechanism, to safely absorb wild djed as it arose, but if asked Abasedaras will simply state the knowledge that it exists and so it does without any need for a reason or purpose.

However when the original protohumans arrived, they found a new upsetting element throwing off that equilibrium and encroaching on their territory. Some instances were attacked and fought humanity in kind, while others unaware to this and opened trade with their new neighbors. As humanity became more established, more and more of Abasedaras' instances grew into conflict with humans to the point that by the time the Suvan and Alahean empires rose they were nearly hunted out of existence except for select isolated instances and had all but disappeared into obscurity.

By its own nature Abasedaras can only be destroyed if every instance is, and so while they were weaned down they were never truly eliminated.

The Valterrian proved to be Abasedaras' resurgence, a chance for them to grow and expand and safeguard itself. Instances spread across Mizahar, taking up positions once more across the devastated landscape. With so much wild djed surging about, Abasedaras was able to grow and expand at an unprecedented rate, and its mental ability grew in tandem.

Using knowledge it had gained from other sentients it had traded with and kept for future use, it is said the original source of Abasedaras left Mizahar, left to colonize and spread over a new world by surging across the entire new planet powered by the djed it siphoned from the Valterrian. If this is true there is a possibility some of the remaining instances know of its location or how to reach it, but if they do none have revealed this information since the Valterrian. Somewhere however these is likely at least one entire world covered in Abasedaras, a single mentality and entity orders of magnitude beyond other sentients on Mizahar and the smaller instances it left behind. Assuming they did not go on from there to expand and colonize other worlds.

Once this was done contact between the colony and Mizahar was lost, the remaining instances expanding in the years before humans and sentients returned to the surface. To this day they still exist, mainly far away from the cities and places of sentients and settled into an equilibrium with their environment. Abasedaras is mostly forgotten but on occasional will be chanced upon by travelers deep in the wilds. In some cases this ends in interacting peacefully and opening trade once more, in others the interaction results in death and and conflict.

Diet/Reproduction :
Diet/Reproduction: Abasedaras at its core has only two needs. Djed, and material. Djed for energy and powering its growth, material as a substance which can be absorbed, broken down, and grown into more of itself. This can mean absorbing djed directly, such as from sources of wild djed, along with any relatively speaking djed dead material such as dirt or sand. Or it can mean absorbing living djed filled things such as plants or animals for a source of both djed and materials. The latter tends to be slower to be absorbed, requiring the djed to be leeched and the substance to be broken down before then growing that by use of djed into more Abasedaras.

If unable to gather the needed djed to fuel its body Abasedaras will shrink, leeching upon itself until once more in equilibrium. As it does this it will excrete a relatively speaking djed dead substance similar to sand mixed with ash. If djed is gained later, this can then be reintegrated the same as any other relatively djed dead substance.

If an instance has no need to grow, its material needs will be minuscule, though djed is a constant need which grows in tandem with its overall size to fuel its body as any living thing, and also is needed to change itself such as to take on attributes from copied djed patterns. These copied elements tend to be much more sensitive to raw or wild djed like the things they imitate, and tend to be corrupted or destroyed by it. This forces Abasedaras to either expend more djed to reform itself, or to remain in their base gelatinous state. Their base state alone is able to safely absorb and interact with raw or wild djed. In many regards the base state of Abasedaras is physically simpler and weaker than the more refined and purpose honed elements of other creatures, but it is perhaps this nature and simplicity that allows this capability.

Abasedaras consumes/absorbs substances by enveloping and surrounding, possibly on all but one side such as when absorbing a protrusion off a larger object. The portion being absorbed tends to go numb and limp at first from the perspective of the absorbed, as Abasedaras' astral body overrides the substances or extends its own astral body in the case of plants or things without the ability to innately move.

If an object has many protrusions Abasedaras will tend to absorb these first, possibly replacing them seamlessly with their own material to keep the absorbed alive as long as possible or to camouflage itself by blending in with what it is absorbing.

In the case of animals for instance this keeps them alive through the process, the replaced portions acting as both stoppers to keep them from bleeding out, and as replacement limbs for the lost parts. A partially absorbed animal for instance might appear as a hodgepodge of mundane substance and Abasedaras. While there may be some visual differences, the two are almost impossible to tell apart magically due to Abasedaras copying the base substances body and astral form in the specific manner it does.

The disparate sections will generally be connected by a web of its own body crisscrossing the overall substance, so as to keep each portion in contact and one single instance. This will often look like webbing over the object, crisscrossing and connecting each portion of itself.

Instances made of the base substance of Abasedaras have a tendency to grow outward, only growing thicker or upward in reaction to their environment or when constrained in terms of land but not resources to grow. When copying the form of another living thing they grow differently, as they are taking on the format in part or whole of the living thing they are copying.

In general the smaller the current size of a lone instance, the quicker it will grow with access to the needed resources. The smallest recognized size of an instance is roughly the size of a drop of water. With ample access to djed and materials, it can grow from a drop to roughly the size of a human fist in less than a day. With the same ample access to resources, growing from this fist sized instance to twice that size will take several days, as more and more resources are diverted to the instance's intelligence.

Behavior and Social Structure :
Behavior and Social structure: Abasedaras is technically speaking a race of one. However as each instance works separately and if apart they lose cohesion, practically speaking each instance is its own individual entity. While two instances can reintegrate and reach cohesion by sharing information across each other, due to the nature of Abasedaras they are not too likely to meet except by chance or expanding their territory if it happens to be close to another instance's. They will always work together with each other in these cases rather than competing, but while separated will act based on their own knowledge and experiences.

This fist sized instance would likely be about as intelligent as a mouse or other similar sized animal, simple but much more intelligent than the simple instincts and reactions of the drop sized instance. It is around this time that an instance will begin to copy djed patterns upon themselves, usually claws or teeth, though until it grows larger these changes will tend to be simple and small changes compared to its total mass.

By the time it is by weight 100 to 200 pounds, an instance is generally considered roughly equivalent to a human in mental capability with some variance- generally due to other environmental factors. It is at this growth stage that an instance will start to use more complex tactics, planning, even laying traps, and begin to retain a limited number of djed patterns. The more they grow from there, the more patterns they can retain once acquired.

The largest reported instance found and backed by reliable facts was about the size of a small cottage when piled up, and was orders of magnitude more intelligent and complex than a human -though in a different way. Such large instances have even been reported to unlock the ability of photosynthesis over time, from a combination of mental effort and decoding the djed patterns of plants which do so, and gain the ability to draw djed from the sun itself. Generally these instances will take on a green tinge, and will immerse a portion of themselves in water to absorb and use in the process.

Anything larger than this found on Mizahar would be exceedingly rare and powerful in terms of intelligence, control, and resources the instance could access and direct, and when fully dispersed would span a considerable amount of land.

With larger instances, it is possible for them to command or control smaller instances considered a part of itself but not in direct contact at all times. A specific instance is always limited in regards to their intelligence to their current size, but specific information or commands are sometimes instilled in them.

With the smallest this information and orders would be very simple, such as go here this way, do this, return this way, and going up to much more complex concepts and orders with more fully fledged but smaller instances compared to the main.

However these separate instances cannot stay apart for too long, lest they lose cohesion from the main instance and become separate and unique instances once again. In order to stay one, the smaller instance must regularly return and establish contact to regain cohesion. The more complex and big the non dominant separated instance is, the quicker this loss of cohesion tends to occur.

Along with cohesion when the two instances regain contact they will share information across the two, attaining a state of like mindedness and knowledge. The larger the size difference between the bigger compared to the smaller the quicker this will occur.

While these may be separate physically and in terms of control and mentality, while they are one an overall instance is still limited by size the same whether it is all centrally located or has sent off other smaller instances away from itself.

If permanently separated, such as if the main instance is destroyed or a smaller instance is captured, it will once more return to operating by itself, and over time will lose any stored or remembered information until it fully regresses to its current sizes limit.

Abilities :
Abilities: Tactile Telepathy allows Abasedaras to communicate by touch. A somewhat invasive procedure, is is thought to work by in some way allowing the two subjects soul or some outer layer of it to some degree touch and interact. In the same way that a person interacts with a book by reading it the two participants are able to do likewise guided by the instance.

At smaller sizes and intelligence levels this is very basic, and is how they are able to copy structures, textures, and astral bodies from other living things while holding direct physical contact. How djed is used to make these changes are not understood by humans or other races, but is intrinsic to the unique nature and djed usage possible for Abasedaras. Abasedaras of course understands the process intimately, it simply cannot convey the terms to human or other minds how it is done. This is thought to be rather akin to asking a human how they move their fingers, that this ability is just as mundane and ordinary to Abasedaras as a fingle wiggle to a human.

At its basic level, Abasedaras read the bodies djed and copy it to a degree as a pattern, though only within their ability to understand it. While they may copy an eye or a heart, it generally will be non-functional for the purpose its source used it. Larger instances are able to store and recall this copied information from within themselves once learned. With plants or other objects unable to move, they will keep the astral body of their base gelatinous material, able to move somewhat but only slowly and sluggishly akin to Abasedaras' base state, and limited by the substance they have copied and their ability to bend or move.

At larger sizes this ability allows more or less full conversations to be carried on if the instance so chooses, and it is not unheard of for an instance to trade resources or knowledge, communicate, and learn from its sentient neighbors if it can do so safely and with anonymity.

Due to the method by which this ability is achieved, it is almost impossible to be deceitful while communicating in such a fashion on either side, and there is not a single substantiated story of someone lying and tricking an instance and getting the upper hand. Possibly because those who tried were not allowed to leave alive.

Limits and Weaknesses :
Limits and Weaknesses: An Abasedaras, like any creature, is limited by its own understanding. While it can copy djed patterns and integrate them into itself, imitating their physical and astral bodies, it cannot go beyond its base material or senses. It is always in truth made of of the same base material, though the djed of this material may be twisted it will never become liquid or gas, always at the lowest density the semi-solid gelatinous form if not taking on more dense forms or densities copied from others.

It also cannot copy organs or senses it does not inherently contain, at least not to a degree that they are usable in the sense the original source used them. False lungs will not take in air, as Abasedaras has no need for this. False eyes will not see as that is a sense the Abasedaras do not in truth comprehend or use. A refined sense of touch and a limited version of taste are possible, as is hearing as its entire body is able to take in sound and work as an ear quite well. But smell and sight cannot be copied, as these concepts are foreign to the understanding of Abasedaras.

While Abasedaras might understand the concept of a square in theory, its shape and elements, it would do so in a way more akin to touching and feeling like a blind person, understanding its concept but not visually.

Abasedaras is also limited by its nature, in that it is not innately aggressive. Once it grows enough to be intelligent and discerning, it tends away from attacking other sentient or aware things unless threatened. It also tends to avoid drawing attention to itself, though this is more out of a lack of need for socializing so common among humans, and unneeded for Abasedaras. They will attack without mercy or even fully understanding the concept of such a thing if endangered or hunted, but will not go out of their way to attack aware species otherwise. They exist to exist, to grow, to expand, to learn, and will do as they must to keep doing so, nothing more or less.

Of course once threatened, an instance is much more likely to avoid the same threat, which may mean preemptively capturing, interrogating, or killing sentient beings that drop within their domain. Or depending on their past experiences, they may carefully open trade and communication with specific sentient beings they find likely to be of use and safe to interact with.

Abasedaras can be burned away and destroyed, which is one of the most common methods of combating it in its base state. However it is not inherently combustible and will not catch aflame, one spark will not spread and burn anything beyond the bit struck by the flame. High temperature directly applied such as with fire simply ablates away or evaporate its substance at which point it ceases to be Abasedaras. Against its base form blades tend to not work well and simply slide through it, with blunt weapons working better and making an instance lose cohesion and separate into smaller instances.

While taking the form of a material however, an instance will react more or less the same as that substance. Liquid portions such as blood will be replaced with a gel similar to their base form, which means it will not “bleed out”, organs such as lungs will appear similar to a true lung but will not be truly functional and so their loss will not mean any more damage than any other portion of an instances form.

For example if an instance takes the form of a bear it will take on the substance of blood, bone, fat, and will react more or less the same as a normal bear in terms of physical might, ability, and damage if attacked, though without being able to bleed out or die from organ damage.

Captivity :
Captivity: Occasionally Abasedaras will be used by mages, usually to absorb excess djed buildup in their labs. Most commonly done by holding a small portion in a sealed glass case so that they cannot escape, with some dirt or other djed poor material which can be absorbed along with the djed for growth.

Other materials can be used for the case, but it must not be any organic substance such as wood or bone even or the Abasedaras will eventually wear through, and glass is the most common and perhaps easiest substance to use. The case must also be both water and air tight when closed or the Abasedaras will quickly squeeze through and escape.

The instance must also be periodically “pruned”, if held captive and fed djed, to stop them from growing out of control. Held in captivity as such they are disconnected from any other piece of Abasedaras, and will generally be kept small enough to only be able to act on simple instincts. If allowed to grow too large there is a good chance of growing out of control and escaping or attacking the labs inhabitants. The general rule is to never let them grow big enough to stretch and touch two opposite sides of the case they are held in, or else they will be able to break out.

Magic :
Magic: It is known that Abasedaras is not compatible with many of the world magics commonly practiced on Mizahar, at least as subjects. Nothing inherently stops them from using these magics, but they cannot often be used for elements of these magics.

Magics, such as Magecrafting or Alchemy for instance will not be able to utilize Abasedaras to copy its qualities or abilities. It is believed their inherent djed absorbing abilities interfere with these magics working enough so that they cannot properly be used as reagents or catalysts. Any past attempt to do so ended with the magic failing to work. Therefore their abilities cannot be copied by most magical means, though it is unclear if this is due simply to their djed absorbing ability, or some other factor related to their innate and unique magic and djed usage.
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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Duncan Rightstone on August 26th, 2018, 8:38 am




The Avishul are a species of worm that was altered by the Djed Storm of 512 caused by the release of Ivak from his centuries old prison. The wild magical waves released during the storm caused the worm to change not only physically but also rapidly evolve mentally, thus gaining a primitive form of intelligence. Once considered a parasite, living off the blood, flesh and organs of other creatures, it has since become something far more.


The Avishul looks like a semi-transparent worm with dozens of stubby "legs" that help it move in a way similar to a caterpillar. It is roughly one inch long and 1/8 of an inch around. It does not have eyes, instead it has a elongated hairs sprouting from its head that allow it to sense movement, temperature changes and even grant it the ability to taste more significant levels of djed such as that which makes up the souls of sentient creatures.

The appearance of the Avishul changes depending on some rather unique conditions and circumstances. While it begins life as an egg, it hatches into its worm form and exists in that form until it finds a potential host creature. It is then that things get rather interesting.


The Avishul started out as nothing more than common parasitic worms that exist in nearly all climates. They would lay their eggs in any number of places from things like rotting fruit, vegetables and meat to living creatures. They feasted on blood, flesh, organs and all manner of other bodily fluids and secretions. When Ivak was released from his prison and the Djed Storm of 512 spread across Mizahar, the wild djed transformed many of these tiny organisms. It twisted and changed them in fundamental ways. They gained a primitive intelligence on par with much larger creatures such as mammals like horses or dogs. They gained amazing abilities from the wild djed that infused their tiny forms and almost instantly evolved into an entirely new species of creature. The initial discovery of the Avishul was made by a Sahovan Nuit by the name of Kriston but knowledge of the creatures has since popped up among other individuals across Mizahar.


The Avishul feed on djed. When they are young and in the form of a worm, they feed on the residual djed found in the environment. It is enough to sustain them but not enough to allow for much else. It isn't until they find a host; a large insect or small mammal, bird or reptile, that they find a more substantial source of djed to feed upon. The Avishul tends to move up the natural food chain in search of creatures with far greater amounts of djed until they reach the super-buffet; sentient creatures.

Reproduction and Social structure

The Avishul begin life as eggs that look like tiny grains of rice. Within a few days of being laid, the eggs hatch into tiny worms. The worms then slowly grow over the course of several days as they feed upon environmental djed. During this time, they also seek out a host. As the eggs are normally laid in places where other organisms will be found, this doesn't take long. The Avishul typically hatch in rotting organic material. This material usually attracts flies whom the worms attach to. The flies land on larger creatures who make contact and/or feed on larger creatures. Eventually the Avishul may come in contact with a sentient creature with large amounts of djed which allow it to grow into its next life stage.

The Avishul are capable of self fertilization and have no defined gender. They lay eggs shortly after acquiring a suitable sentient host. These eggs are spread from bodily fluids such as saliva, blood, feces, urine and various other secretions where they spread into the environment and start the life cycle all over again. The Avishul do not have any formal social structure with any others of their kind.


The Avishul act much like any other parasitic worm would except for the fact that they have a limited intelligence. This allows them to actually make choices. Their sole purpose in life until they find a suitable sentient host is to find a suitable sentient host. When they find one, they will try to enter the body in as easy a way as possible. This is usually done through an accessible orifice although they have been known to burrow into the flesh with a series of tiny teeth. They secrete a substance that numbs the skin and keeps the host unaware of their attempts to burrow into the body.


As the Avishul have only been recently discovered, their ability to function in captivity is not fully understood. To date, only a handful of individuals have attempted to capture an Avishul and attempt to breed it and find uses for it. Such attempts have been difficult to study as they require living, sentient hosts for research. Assuming a suitable host is found and the Avishul is introduced to it, this becomes essentially captivity as the Avishul will almost never leave. In theory, study and research could progress from there.

Type of Monster

The Avishul is best classified as a Valterric as it was created by similar energies during the Djed Storm of 512.


The Avishul are still rather rare. There has never been a known occurrence of more than one at a time and only one can exist in a given host.

Threat level

They are not much of a threat and in a way can be viewed as something of a beneficial creature...depending on one's point-of-view.

Major Features and Abilities

The Avishul truly becomes something far greater once it finds a sentient host. The soul of a sentient being is pure, concentrated djed. It is this djed that causes the Avishul to transcend its existence as a parasitic worm and become something truly fantastic.

Once the Avishul has found a host and entered its body, it seeks out any obvious physical abnormalities. Most often such abnormalities include missing limbs such as arms or legs or damaged or missing organs such as an eye or the tongue. It will travel through the body until it comes to the abnormality. It is then that it draws upon the host's djed to transform itself. It is then that the Avishul makes its presence truly known. It will integrate itself with the body; attaching to nerves, bones and blood supply before growing rapidly, twisting and changing until it replaces entirely the damaged physical structure.

The Avishul will replace a missing arm or leg. It will replace a missing eye or tongue or even an ear. It may even replace severely scarred flesh like that of a horrific burn caused by fire or other corrosive substance.

The replaced physical structure does not look normal however. Limbs tend to look quite alien and in ways insectoid. Eyes look strange while tongues are often scaled or even elongated and worm-like. The replaced physical structures do not look normal because they are the Avishul itself transformed into its final life stage.

The Avishul at this point engages in a symbiotic relationship with its host. In exchange for feeding off of the host's djed, the Avishul allows itself to be used like the physical structure it replaced however with enhanced capabilities. There is a cost however.

If there is no physical abnormalities that the Avishul can capitalize on to form the symbiotic relationship, it will attach itself to the host's heart where it will offer a different benefit in exchange for djed.

Granted Host Abilities and Costs

The Avishul grants physical enhancements based on the physical structure it replaces.

Eye - Nightvision
Arm - Equivalent of Light Armor for the replaced arm and 1/2 again as strong as what was replaced.
Leg - Equivalent of Light Armor for the replaced leg and 1/2 again as fast while running.
Tongue - Neutralize Novice Level ingested poisons and produce saliva that can numb the pain of Light Wounds if used to lick said wound.
Ear - Enhanced hearing equal to a dog
Scarred Flesh - Equivalent to Light Armor for the scarred flesh that has been replaced.

Attached to the Heart - Provides a 15 point bonus to the Endurance skill


An Avishul in the form of a replaced arm.

The Avishul has an increased healing rate upon itself (not the host). It can heal its own wounds twice as fast as the host heals their own through natural healing.

The Avishul communicates with its host through a unique form of empathic transmission. The host can sense when the Avishul is tired, hurt, angry or agitated or even afraid. These feelings are not overwhelming or controlling however.

The cost of having an Avishul attached to the body is that the host cannot gain more than 3 points of magic-based experience in any single thread. For those who do not practice magic use, they find that they need to sleep 1/4 more than normal in order to be able to fully function.


The Avishul cannot bare a gnosis mark. So if they replace a part of the body where a gnosis mark would normally be placed, they may be expelled from the body.

The Avishul CANNOT communicate with its host in any way other than very simple feelings. They are not telepathic nor do they form a separate personality of any significance.

If an attempt is made to remove the Avishul from the host's body (by the host), they will gorge themselves on as much djed as possible in an attempt to kill the host or discourage them from removal. This is the equivalent of an Expert Level Leecher draining as much djed as possible from the offending host. If the Avishul is forced to kill its host in this manner, it will have enough djed to survive for several days before dying.

Wounds suffered by the Avishul are equally felt by the host. Damage that would normally be considered serious or critical to the host will likely kill the Avishul. If this happens and it dies, the Avishul will detach from the host and rapidly shrivel up and turn to dust.

One cannot hide the presence of an Avishul if it has chosen them as a host without going to extremes as it is too far abnormal looking.

Channeling magic through the Avishul is not recommended as it will reduce the effectiveness of whatever magical effect is desired. This is considered a special treat to the creature and it will feast. Magical effects that would be channeled through the Avishul will be considered one skill level lower than they would otherwise be. The Avishul cannot have their appearance morphed away. They and natural shapeshifters such as Kelvic, can shift with an Avishul however for a morpher the Avishul maintains its odd appearance and with the shapeshifter, the corresponding limb or body part takes on the unique appearance of the Avishul, just suited for the animal form.

Once the Avishul takes on the form of a body part, it cannot change that form. It is essentially locked into that shape. It can choose to detach from the host but this will essentially kill the Avishul unless it is able to find a new host in need of the body part it has become. The odds of finding such a new host are so great that the Avishul unlikely to leave.

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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Paaie on August 26th, 2018, 3:51 pm



TYPE: Relic
MAJOR FEATURES: Serpentine fog form
ABILITIES: Mist reimancy, semi-corporeal
MOST COMMON IN: Kalea, The Suvan Sea


Ojimisst are ancient relics that lived long before the Valterrean shook Mizahar. Believed to have inhabited the ocean, where they dragged their huge, misty forms through the deep waters, creating sea currents. It is believed that riptides were created by young Ojimisst, as they dwelt at coastlines, while raging ocean storms formed when Ojimisst fought over territory.

During the Valterrean the upheaval in Mizahar's oceans caused many Ojimisst to perish. As the Valterrean raged, the Ojimisst could no longer survive in the oceans as they once did. Some sunk themselves to the ocean floor, where they ripped apart the earth and hid in the cracks. Smaller Ojimisst swam up rivers, fighting against currents to make their way deep into the mountains of Kalea.

Ojimisst are believed to be ancient cousins of the Velispar, once having solid forms and heads like their land and sea relatives. Over centuries, the djed wielding wyrms had no longer need for their corporeal skin and eventually shirked it altogether for the fog forms they now possess. All that remains a hint of their origins are their fins and the serpentine shape their djed resembles.

Despite living upto a thousand years old, few have survived and they are incredibly rare. They dwell in mountains and the Suvan Sea, where they lay dormant until disturbed by Mizaharians that wander into their terrirories.


Ojimisst are huge djed wyrms. Headless, they rely on using reimancy to shroud themselves in a fine cloud of moisture. Whereever they roam, djed infused fog rolls out from their forms and they sense their environment through this thick fog. Ojimisst glide through this fog, navigating with their fins. Very few Mizaharians have ever really seen the Ojimisst, their fog camoflage is so dense. Ojimisst grow up to 100ft, though few have reached their potential since so many lay dormant in hibernation for much of their lives.


Ojimisst feed on the djed of humans. When they possessed solid forms in ancient times they devoured their prey with huge mouths lined with tiny, deadly teeth, which striped meat from bone. Now, being composed mostly of djed, they have no need of mouth, head, snout nor scale. Instead they shroud wanderers in a thick fog. The fog is thick, clinging to victims and permeating their lungs. When it is breathed in the fog reaches into the djed of the victim and the Ojimisst begins to sap them of their djed. The fog acts as an anaesthetic, so that the victim is lulled and feels no pain. It also causes hallucinations, ensuring the Ojimisst victim becomes disorientated and confused to prevent them crafting their escape.

Strong willed individuals may resist the feeding for days, even a week or two. Though the longer they remain within the Ojimisst's terrirory, the weaker they will feel. Gnosis marks are particularly appetising and the Ojimisst relishes the chance to feed off of the individual's connection to their patron god and it gives them great strength.


Ojimisst very rarely meet and so they very rarely procreate. They have long surrendered the means for procreating in their pursuit of becoming creatures of reimancy and show little interest in furthering their race. Bitter and resentful, they guard their territories fiercely from other Ojimisst. If Ojimisst cross terrirories, they will attempt courtship by swirling around each other, often creating storms or maelstroms. They communicate in high-pitched screeches, which has been mistaken for the sound of strong winds tearing through the mountains. The act of mating is so feroscious that if successful, the Ojimisst disipate and die, leaving behind a silver scaled egg.

Eggs possess incredibly tough shells weighing 1000lbs and so tough that no hammer, axe or tool would mar it unless it had been forged with Ivak's mark. Ojimisst take 100 years to hatch. When they do, as soon as an Ojimisst is hatched, it's mist is incredibly potent, causing surrounding creatures to fall into a deep sleep. Newly hatched Ojimisst will feed on these creatures, before fleeing to find a suitable shelter to nest.


Ojimisst are ancient and sentient, though their thoughts, language and behavior are a mystery. They slumber for years at a time, conserving energy in order to survive. What has become clear, though, is that they have no love for humans or the other races that have settled in their ancient lands. They are incredibly bitter about their decline, and viciously jealous of the races of Mizahar and their relationships with the Gods.

Ojimisst are fiercely territorial and suffer no living creature to dwell in their land. So it is when Mizaharians wander the mountains that they invoke the wrath of the Ojimisst. Few ever live to tell the tale, and those that do often never even know they have been hunted by an Ojimisst, only that a terribly haunting fog descended on their path, which seemed to sap the energy right out of their bones.

Svefran sailors are more likely to see ocean-dwelling Ojimisst for what they really are, since there is nowhere for the Ojimisst to hide itself from their tavan. Those bearing Laviku's gnosis, Zulrav's gnosis, or skilled reimancers are highest likely to survive an Ojimisst attack. Ojimisst also do not like fire and will flinch from its touch if any where able to get close enough to scorch them with it.


Ojimisst have never experienced captivity, nor could they be held in captivity. Few have seen the Ojimisst, let alone studied them. Most hear about Ojimisst through tales told by travellors and sailors. Many believe they are just myths.
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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Elias Caldera on August 26th, 2018, 4:50 pm



Type: Valterric
Frequency: Common
Threat level: Medium
Major features: Large, predatory hunters
Abilities: Auristics
Most common in: Taldera & Kalea Regions

A creature as dangerous as it is tragic, Drakmirs were once seen as noble and proud beasts, capable of perceiving and even wielding the djed of the world around them. Today however, their lives are tortured and dominated by the magic they once controlled. Now these once great hunters of the sky have been reduced to little more than rabid animals roaming the high places of Mizahar in desperate search of some unknowable goal.

Drakmirs are large, terrifying predators complete with jagged horns, terrible claws, and the infamous searing red eyes for which the beasts are most well known for. In size, they usually range between 3 and 4 meters from snout to flank, with the tail itself adding another meter to the total. When in flight, the impressive wingspan of these beasts can reach up to a staggering 9 meters in length. The weight of the Drakmir can vary anywhere from 100 kg to more than 300 kg in exceptional cases where males (the larger of the sexes) find themselves with both bountiful hunting grounds and few predators to contend with. In either conflict or in pursuit of prey, the Drakmir rely on their massive talons and vicious rows of serrated teeth, both of which have been known to rend armor as easily as they do flesh.

Thick, course fur erupts from neck of the monster, sprawling down the length of the back and unto the tale. Their skin (the coloration of which is limited to dull shades of black, brown, reds and grays) is naturally leathery and tough, so much so that those seeking to slay the beast will find that unless carefully placed and packing enough of a punch, the average arrow will only end up angering the Drakmir more than anything. Should one find themselves in the unenviable position of fighting one of these beasts, as is most often the case when an unsuspecting hunters and travelers stumble across one feeding, it is best to attack while the Drakmir is grounded, for while they are quick and strong in the air, the creature loses much of its grace and mobility while on the ground.

As for the eyes, the most terrific and unnerving aspect of the Drakmir as a species, it is no mistake that both literature and folktale alike describe them as ‘like staring into a flame.’ In truth, the eyes of Drakmir do indeed smolder with an unnatural, even arcane intensity. Without pupil or definition, these red orbs crackle and burn much like a fire, even going so far as to spit embers when the beast is enraged. It is a clear and constant reminder of the Drakmirs deep seated connection to djed, and its ruinous affects upon them.

The tale of the Drakmirs is considered by some to be the greatest tragedy to befall the natural world in the wake of the Djed Storms of 512.

Before the storms however, and before even the Valterian that preceded it, Drakmirs were a much rarer species, their numbers far fewer than they are today. In those times, ancient chronicles depicted them to have been much larger than their latest incarnations and twice as deadly. Due to this, the beasts were prized by the ancient Aleheans for both their magical insight and natural ferocity. The great cataclysm that occurred some five hundred years ago nearly wiped the species out entirely however, and unable to recover, it seemed to many that these creatures were doomed to the slow and terrible fate of extinction before long.

That all changed with Ivak's release, for with his liberation came a great influx of wild djed into the world that would forever shift the destiny of the Drakmirs from that day forward.

It was well documented by the Alaheans that ancient Drakmirs were able to harness an ability very similar to a mage’s auristic sight. They could perceive and understand magic more acutely than any other beast of their time, and they used this gift as naturally as they would any other of their senses. Though popular lore would have one believe these monsters were always the crimson eyed fiends they are today, the reality is the Drakmir’s burning red eyes were the results of mutations brought about by the wild djed unleashed in 512. Many of the magically attuned beasts simply died due to the backlash of the djed or the grotesque mutations of their bodies that followed. Since the year of the storm however, every Drakmir born since has been born blind, having now been replaced entirely by that of a constant state of Auristics. Now, this ability seems permanent, unable to be switched on and off as it once was. While its physical drain upon the animals appears nonexistent, its repercussions upon their minds has left them permanently altered, or as many would describe it, simply insane.

Drakmirs were once only found high in the mountains where they made their nests and sustained themselves by hunting local hares and wild goats. When humans encroached on their lands however, the creatures soon discovered a new source of a much more plentiful and easier caught prey; namely cattle, sheep… and sometimes their shepherds. Though still wary of main roads and towns, these hellish creatures have swiftly gone from rarities to oft-encountered pests that plague the folk the western realms.

Despite what many believe, Drakmir do not feed on djed. While they do hunt by sensing it and perceiving auras in combination with their other senses, magic gives them no clears means of sustenance. Unfortunately, these rumors are widespread for a reason, for the Darkmir are well known for targeting both magical items and mages alike with crazed voracity. Experts suspect that the auras produced by powerful arcane individuals and items either intrigue the creature enough that they seek to bring it back to their lair, or upset it to a degree they enter a berserk state, like something akin to a blinding light they cannot ignore, or painfully loud noise that can only be quieted if destroyed.

Thankfully these creatures, unless compelled by their madness or desperate hunger, do not seek open confrontation for the most part, and will opt for the easier meal rather than one that can fight back. Swooping in from on high upon unsuspecting livestock or scavenging the kills of other predators is their preferred means of sating themselves. In spite of this however however, unlike humans and most other sapient races, Zith seem to fall into the category of ‘easy prey’ for the Drakmirs, and those Zith that also call the mountains their home are subject to constant harassment and raids by the winged menace who often seek to either steal their dwellings, or simply grab a quick snack. Naturally, this had made things rather 'tense' between the two.

Reproduction and Social Structure
In days gone by, the reproductive cycle of the Drakmirs was a lengthy and precarious one in which females would only lay their eggs once every decade or so, and only to a very small litter, to which only 1 was likely to survive until maturity.

Since the djed storms however, things have changed drastically.

With lifespans that reach up 50 years, females now reach sexual maturity at the age of 5, pressured by the urge to mate every other spring and lay their brood of eggs which can now number up to a dozen at one time. Eggs require roughly 60 days before hatching, at which point mothers care and hunt for their young for toughly the next two years until the hatchling is ready to begin caring for itself.

Groups of Drakmirs are known as prides, and a pride consist of a single alpha, otherwise known as a bull, who will surround himself with up to 30 or more females. Surprisingly enough, these bulls will often tolerate other males within their prides, allowing them to choose mates of their own and in turn, ‘serve’ them for lack of a better term. These honor guards act primarily as loyal guardians of the nest as well obstacles to overcome should any other haughty males come seeking to challenge the bull. Not all males born within the pride are allowed to remain however, and after being driven from the group by the alpha, they often form roving bands of bachelors, which is when the Drakmirs are at their most dangerous, for these males want for nothing more than to grow fat and strong enough so that they may one day challenge a bull and claim its pride as their own. This often means an abundance of reckless and dangerous behavior in both seeking out more and more prey, as well as attempting to impress local female Drakmirs through gifts and daring displays.

To say the Drakmir are an erratic species would be a legendary understatement.

Ever since the djed storms, little the Drakmirs seem to do outside their basest instinctual drives makes much sense. As creatures only able to perceive the world through auras and nothing else, their minds appear addled, shifting from deft clarity one moment to numbed insanity the next. They clearly see what mere mortal men cannot, but even accomplished aurists have been unable to discern what Drakmirs could be perceiving that would justify their bizarre and unpredictable behavior. There are reports of Drakmirs staring into seemingly mundane objects, losing themselves in the auras for days or even weeks at a time, only to literally starve to death in their mindless delving. Most notably, and incident occurred late in the summer of 518, when Zeltivans awoke to a cacophony of terrible roars from above as hundreds Drakmirs came hurtling out of the clouds and descended upon the city. The people were terrified that they were under attack, only to soon realize that the monsters weren’t there for them, but instead were chasing something none of them could see. Whatever it was led the horde far across the uncharted eastern oceans, never to be heard from again.

Thankfully, this madness had done much to keep the exploding population mostly in check, but tales of such strangeness like these grow more and more commonplace with each new generation of Drakmirs. Experts suspect it won’t be long before the beasts become completely detached from this reality and bound wholly to their own. Whether this will mean extinction for Drakmirs once and for all, or an even greater danger to the rest of the world, is still uncertain.

Though not a common practice at the time, Drakmirs were once tamed and bred by Aleheans during the era of the two warring empires. In fact, old texts even describe particularly brave riders who would mount and fly their beasts into battle. Today however, their deranged and volatile nature means what is one monebt a loyal and dependable companion could easily turn into a bloodthirsty and mindless monster the next. While it may be possible to subjugate a Drakmir with enough time and understanding, there are few who would see such an undertaking as worth the risk.
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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Kynier on August 26th, 2018, 7:30 pm

Roztlas-Ruwe or Rozuwe

Type: Relic
Frequency: Uncommon to Rare
Threat Level: Very High
Major Features: Multiple arms with retractable claws, extraordinary healing, echo location, tremor sense.
Abilities: Resistance to Iron and Steel weapons, Resistance to Reimancy, Auristics, Djed Siphoning
Most Common In: Any deep underground locations.


Originally named Roztlas-Ruwe, it meant “To Die Below” in the ancient tongue, as this creature is still one of the most feared subterranean monsters to have been discovered. As time passed and the use of Nader-Canoch diminished it was renamed Rozuwe. This creature has a life span of approximately a 150 years and reaches full maturity at the age of thirty for both males and females. Its form of movement is a slow slither or a quick rush in which all six tendrils are used to assist its propulsion, allowing for it reach speeds up to 45mph. The Rozuwe is naturally excellent at climbing, stealth, and detection.


The Rozuwe’s main serpentine body grows to fourteen feet in length and three feet in diameter at full maturity for both males and females. The skin is tough like leather and a dark ashen color except for the underbelly, which is a lighter shade. Along the upper half of the body are six tendrils that are seven feet in length and one foot in diameter. These six tendrils are located non-symmetrically and with no established pattern that is universal to the species. Thus one or more tendrils can protrude from the “front” or “back” of a Rozuwe as well as the sides. At the end of each tendril there is a foot long retractable spike that is made of an almost supernaturally strong bone like material that looks obsidian in nature. Each tendril has the strength to lift an above average sized human off the ground.

The head of a Rozuwe has a round base and an angular top giving it a teardrop shape. There is no visible indications of bone structure beneath any surface of the head, nor does it have eyes, a nose, or a maw. Where the face of a human would be by comparison the skin is much lighter than any other section of the body. The Rozuwe emits a high pitched, resonating, ethereal moan for echo location.


Since time immemorial the surface dwelling races have been hesitant and fearful of venturing underground. This is partially due to the presence of Rozuwe. While many scholars claim that this species first became prevalent to Mizahar during the destruction of Nykalia, the truth is that they’re one of the oldest species to have ever been documented. Archeologists have been finding cave etchings they believe to have existed at least fifteen thousand years Pre-Valterrian.

When humankind rose to drive each relic race to near extinction, the Rozuwe was not given exception and had nearly been erased from Mizahar all together. However, this did not occur until the invention of Isurian steel and the development of cold iron and Isurian weapons. Regular steel and iron fail to pierce the hide of a Rozuwe without exceptional force that most warriors can’t produce on their own. The obsidian bone pikes that protrude from the tendrils have been documented to pierce through iron and steel suits of armor. Without the protection of isurian steel, hunting parties often met their demise.

Yet when the Valterrian was raging, the species managed to recover from the brink of extinction. With society in disarray and seeking refuge underground, the Rozuwe main source of food became more readily available. The Valterrain and other Djed Storms are the only documented times when a Rozuwe has been spotted above the surface. Throughout history, the obsidian spikes have made appearances as ornate decorations, or salvaged to be crafted into unique weapons.


Rozuwe poses no mouth or other orifice suitable for ingestion. After centuries of study it was discovered that the species feasts on Djed. While the exact method of detection remains unknown to mortals, Rozuwe have a racial competence of Auristics for finding auras and potent collections of djed. They latch onto a djed source with their tendrils and drain the power from the location or creature until they are sated. The more tendrils a Rozuwe latches onto a djed source, the faster they are able to drain it. From ingesting such raw power the Rozuwe have exceptional regenerative properties, allowing them to regrow severed tendrils if given enough djed and time. Most often a Rozuwe can be found near underground locations with natural fonts of djed that provide endless or near endless supplies of djed. If a Rozuwe has failed to lay claim to one of these locations, they hunt for animals, monsters, and people to drain their djed. While the Rozuwe is not an apex predator, it rests very high on the food chain.

Reproduction and Social Structure:

To be able to distinguish males and females a person needs to be closer than what is comfortable or considered to be safe. Along each of the male’s tendrils are two inch spines that rest against the skin but become erect for mating. Along each of the female’s tendrils are sacks filled with eggs lying just under the tough skin. Females select males that have an appealing mating song. During the latter portion of summers the males begin to seek out females and sing. Should the female approve of the male they interlock each of their tendrils together. The male’s spines insert themselves into each of the female’s sacks to inseminate.

Rozuwe mate for life and stay with their mates and usually attempt to claim a djed infused location to live off of. The impregnated tendrils will show signs of a growing pustule when properly fertilized. The pustule will continue to grow until the weight of the offspring is too much, and the tendril will fall off. This is usually after five seasons. Each tendril that falls off is collected and they are set together close to the parent’s chosen location. The offspring continues to grow and feeds off the nutrients of the severed tendril.

When each of the offspring emerge they instinctually enter a battle to the death. He victor impales the others and drains the djed for strength and energy. The female puts a heavy drain on their djed resource as each of her tendrils regrow. It usually requires the equivalent of five human souls to regrow one tendril in a week. For the next year the single surviving offspring lives off the family until the parents drive it off. From there it must survive on its own until it mates and can lay claim to a location.

Plentiful resources of djed that a Rozuwe can survive off of are difficult to find. Thus they are very competitive with other Rozuwe of the same gender and often try to cannibalize each other. When one or a pair of Rozuwe have laid claim to a djed resource location, they become extremely territorial and work together to drive off any threats or competition to maintain dominance of their food supply.


To a being that considers everything to be food, they act as aggressively as you’d expect. They’re hostile to all being except for potential mates. It is a solitary creature by nature and usually hunts alone unless they have a mate. During the hunt it drags its tendrils along the ground to sense vibrations through the ground. When prey is nearby it falls silent and uses any noise the prey makes for echo location. When encountering multiple humanoids the Rozuwe targets the most competent mage first by the use of a sense of Auristics.

When in combat against multiple foes the Rozuwe will often maim rather than kill, so that the soul is still fresh and not deteriorating from death. Many times a Rozuwe shows intelligence and cunning while hunting. If multiple prey are separated, the Rozuwe will maim one, then lie in wait for another to come to its aid in order to ambush. Rozuwe only retreat when facing more opponents that it has tendrils or suffers severe injury. In which case it retreats to its claimed habitat, if it has one, and won’t venture back out until fully recovered.


There have been multiple attempts to capture a Rozuwe alive but all ended in failure. Should someone manage to accomplish such a feat it would be challenging to keep the creature imprisoned and fed.
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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Kelski on August 27th, 2018, 2:25 am

Shadow Jackal

Type: Molding
Frequency = Uncommon
Threat level = Moderate
Major features = Highly Intelligent, Jackal-Like Body, Large Size, Carnivorous Tendencies
Abilities = Sentience, Nightstalking Abilities Level 3, Speech In Common, Painful Bite, Invisibility
Most common = Throughout Mizahar


The Shadow Jackals are distinctive canine-like creatures formed of Akajia's magic. These intelligent animals are often gifted from the Goddess to her faithful followers and those that have served her well. They act as companions, protectors, and highly trained assistants for those of her followers that gather information for her. Shadow Jackals are often found in singular animals or more rarely in pairs. They don't run in packs and are uncommon except in areas where Akajia physically lives and heavily interacts with mortals. Shadow Jackals can speak Common and Makath and have all the same traits a third level Nightstalker has.


A Shadow Jackal resembles an actual Jackal as found in Eyktol and Cyphrus, though they are often far larger. Often considered extremely striking and beautiful, these creatures are never mistaken (unless it is incredibly dark) for anything but something supernatural. Shadow Jackals are slender, long-legged and resemble a wild dog. Thicker than normal through the chest, these moldlings have large swept back ears that often give them incredible character. Their tails are long and well furred, often as expressive as a felines with similar motions. Graceful, able to run fast, and clever, these creatures often move with a fluid grace that lends itself to others considering them beautiful.

They have a mouth full of sharp teeth. Their blue-black mouths and tongues often make their teeth appear whiter. Their eyes come in all sorts of coloration, though each of these variations are often rich and dark meaning blue eyes will be deep cobalt and green eyes will be rich evergreen.

Roughly the size of a wolf, Shadow Jackals are always black and have swirling patterns that resemble galaxies in their coats. Mistaken for the stars, its more true to say they have iridescent swirling bits of the Chavena still clinging to their coats due to the fact that Akajia took bits of the Chavena and mixed it with the night sky to craft them.


The first Shadow Jackal was crafted when Akajia's son Nysel was a small precious boy and needed a twenty four hour guard on him. Constantly mischievous, Akajia took a bit of the night, mixed it with her magic, and pulled power from the Chavena which Nysel rules to craft him a pair of watchers and companions. These Night Jackals proved such good babysitters and guardians that Akajia crafted more to gift to her followers when she wanted to reward them or support them in particularly dangerous endeavors.

Shadow Jackals are formed with the souls of high level Nightstalkers which is why their intelligence and nightstalking abilities are so ingrained. They can often remember bits of their old life, their skills, and the lore associated with their history. This is not true of newly formed Shadow Jackals... but the older they get the more time they have to remember who they were.

These creatures are always absolutely loyal to Akajia and bear her gnosis marks accordingly.


Shadow Jackals can eat almost anything and everything. They are opportunistic feeders, scroungers, and thieves. They can dine on raw meat, eat fresh fruit, or enjoy cooked meals just like humans can. Each one has its favorite foods and makes no bones about going after that favorite food if and when they want too.

Reproduction and Social structure

Shadow Jackals have no social structure. They are created Moldlings that do not reproduce outside of Akajia forming them. They are always gifted to their owners and once their owners die, will return to Akajia for reassignment. They will take on the dynamics of their charges, falling often into a family hierarchy much like any human would.


Although having the form of a canine, Shadow Jackals act more like people than dogs. They have speech and are good at communicating with their charges. They often enjoy hunting, both for food and for information. They are very good at tracking and have an innate ability to communicate with Akajia's Shadows and befriend them much like an actual nightstalker can.

And while they might seem like glorified pets to outsiders, Shadow Jackals are anything but. They have their own personalities, are sentient, and can often be independently minded. They take their duties seriously, and more often than not become a trusted friend of their charges.

Shadow Jackals are much like actual canines in that they are very mortal and can be killed by wounds and poison. They can be drowned, suffocated, and burned, having no particular resistances other than to disease which seems to not affect them.


These creatures are incredibly hard to capture. Having the abilities of a third marked Nightstalker, they can cruise through shadows and be miles away from danger in an instant. If their charge is captured, however, they will often join their charge in captivity or free them with their gnosis abilities if possible.

They do extremely well living in urban environments such as cities and fortresses. Housebroken and sentient, they won't tend to eat the furniture unless they are frustrated and unhappy. Unless very skilled in Wilderness Survival, Shadow Jackals aren't the most adept creatures at surviving in the wild. They prefer the company of other sentient creatures and long for good conversation and the comfort foods of society.

Conclusion and OOC Notes

Shadow Jackals actually act more like sentient people than they act like canines. Their looks can be incredibly deceiving for these clever creatures. Unlike other NPCs, these creatures can learn and grow as they age, picking up skills and lores much like a PC can. They make excellent companions if matched up with like-minded people, especially other Nightstalkers. They build relationships with shadows everywhere they go, and have a very very hard time passing for anything but a moldling because of their almost supernatural beauty.
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I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Gossamer on August 27th, 2018, 4:35 am

Contest Closed.

I will be posting a poll in a few minutes and people can vote until 9pm PST tomorrow night. :)
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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Gossamer on August 28th, 2018, 5:10 am

Hi Folks!

This contest is in the bag. :) Paaie took the prize this time with her Ojimisst creature! Grats!

Penomou – Fauna Monster 1
Nadirst – Relic Monster 2
Maulhorn – Fauna Monster 1
Meenoc – Relic Monster 3
Capocha Korhea – Fauna Monster 2
The Iniss – Valterric Monster 5
Red Silence – Flora Monster 4
Eliplant – Fauna/Flora Monster 1
Abasedaras – Relic Monster 2
Avishul – Valterric Monster 3
Ojimisst – Relic Monster 6
Drakmir – Valterric Monster 1
Rozuwe – Relic Monster 1
Shadow Jackal - Moldling Monster 3

Total Votes= 35

Now for the fun stuff! Everyone, including Paaie, gets to add one magical effect to an item of their choice (something they own or something they buy outright -a weapon, shield, or piece of armor) that does not already have an effect on it... from the list below. How you know which item you get is by number of votes. Number of votes determines how many rolls of a 1d23 you get. If you got one vote, you get one roll and that is your effect. If have six votes, you get six rolls and you get to pick one effect from the six to add to your item. Rolls need to be carried out in the challenges forum in Discord Chat. :) Once you've chosen, please post here so I can add your awards to your SS thread including a link. You have until Friday at 9pm to add an effect to your item and post here.

Magical Effects :
(1) Heated – The weapon’s attack surface becomes blisteringly hot. The first minor wound caused by the weapon are upgraded to Moderate while active. Activates via command word.

(2) Corrosive – The weapon’s attack surface becomes coated in a corrosive acid. The first minor wound caused by the weapon are upgraded to Moderate while active. Activates via command word.

(3) Illumination – The weapon glows brightly and provides light as bright as a torch while active. Activates via command word.

(4) Durable – The weapon is structurally magically enhanced thus superior to mundane weapons. Will not break, bend, tarnish or rust due to non-magical conditions.

(5) Chameleon – The weapon causes the wielder to blend into their surroundings while they are standing still; +10 to stealth rolls when wielded and standing still.

(6) Bound – The weapon is bound to the wielder and will cause pain to anyone else trying to wield it; equivalent to a minor wound ever minute it is held regardless of hand coverings.

(7) Static Charge – The weapon creates a mild electrical charge. The first minor wound caused by the weapon is upgraded to Moderate while active. Activates via command word.

(8) Poison – The weapon’s attack surface becomes coated in an irritating poison that causes dizziness. Successful strike causes -10 to victim’s future rolls; only applied once per target per scene. Activates via command word.

(9) Warped Vision – The weapon causes blurred vision to the target. Successful strike causes a -10 to future rolls; only applied once per target per scene. Activates via command word.

(10) Melodic – The weapon hums a catchy battle cadence upon command. Activates via command word.

(11) Swirls – The surface of the weapon is enveloped in a swirl of twisting colors that can be distracting to an opponent in battle. -10 to all opponent’s rolls while in combat with the wielder. Effect is constant.

(12) Band-aid – The weapon sooths your wounds resulting in a single moderate wound being healed once per day while being held.

(13) Dead Hand – The weapon morphs one of the wielder’s hands into a blackened skeletal one surrounded by a sickly green fire whenever the weapon is wielded. It doesn’t add anything statistically but it looks wicked cool. Hand returns to normal when weapon is not in use.

(14) Mirror Finish – The entire weapon looks like a sculpted mirror. It can reflect any Novice level light-based blinding effects back on the one who employs them. Constant effect; structural stability of the weapon remains unchanged. It also looks cool.

(15) Animated Feature – A non-attack surface of the weapon (handle, hilt, shaft, etc,) moves as though it were alive. Does not affect the use of the weapon but can be a great conversation piece. Effect is constant.

(16) Barely Sentient – The weapon is sentient…just barely. It will communicate telepathically with the owner but it does so with a very low IQ. It will state the painfully obvious, make random comments out of context and have no real constructive information to share at any given time. Always active, even if you wish it weren’t.

(17) What Goes Bump in the Night – The weapon emits a variety of disturbing sounds when used in combat. Sounds of wolves howling in the distance, a woman screaming, gurgling, growling, a cat in heat. The sounds are random and cause a -10 to all opposing rolls while the wielder uses the weapon in combat. Constant effect.

(18) You Wanna Get High? – The weapon causes the wielder to experience the effects of a stimulating drug upon a successful strike in combat. The first hit grants the wielder a +5 to their next dice roll. The second hit grant’s a +10 to the roll after that. The third hit causes an intense feeling of hunger though not incapacitating. The effects end there. Benefits used once per scene/battle.

(19) You, Are Not Worthy? – The weapon cannot be picked up by anyone other than the owner. For anyone else, it feels as though the weapon weighs as much as the world itself. The owner can use the weapon as normal without fear of it ever being stolen. Effect only makes the weapon seem impossibly heavy to others; it still weighs the same as any other weapon of its type. Constant effect, works only if someone tries to take or hold weapon without owner’s permission.

(20) Silent Strike – The weapon is completely silent in its use. No matter what it hits or how hard it hits it, the weapon will never make a sound. It is as if an aura of silence surrounds the weapon’s surface making it mute. Constant effect.

(21) Wild Child – The weapon, when wielded, will cause mundane animals to react to the wielder without immediate aggression or fear. They may still act aggressive or fearful if provoked but their first reaction is one best described as neutral. Constant effect while weapon is wielded.

(22) By the Power of …! – The weapon possesses an imposing aura that is shared with the wielder. When wielded, the weapon makes the wielder look more intimidating and forceful. Add a +10 to intimidation rolls when the weapon is wielded. Activates via command phrase.

(23) Mini-Morph – The weapon causes the wielder’s hand to morph into one that is more animal-like. It is furry with small claws. Effect is only active while the weapon is wielded in that particular hand.

Now, for Paaie's grand prize. She gets to do the whole roll for a fun effect thing, but in addition, she gets one Maladicted Item from her creature. She gets an amulet that contains a clear gem that holds a piece of mist from her creature. It obviously swirls around in the amulet. This "Amulet of the Ojimisst" which can summon an enshrouding cooling moist mist that conceals your presence from those around you up to 30 feet. This can happen in any environment, even a parched desert. It can also concentrate this same mist once per bell into a single cup of water.


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Week Writing Challenge (18-26th)

Postby Zach Grasswind on August 28th, 2018, 9:16 am

I rolled a 7, so I get Static Charge. I'd like to put this on Zach's shortbow please ^.^
Thanks for a fun challenge!
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