(Flashback) They were the predators.....

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(Flashback) They were the predators.....

Postby Miya on December 29th, 2010, 10:49 pm

Somewhere in the Summer, 508 AV

Her big, blue eyes were wide open when the first rays of sun peeked through the window. Yes, another morning, another time where she could, unlike her sisters and brothers watch the sun rise.
Was this a good or a bad thing?
This little, pale Kelvic wasn't sure. Being his favorite had it's advantages and disadvantages at all times. Even though most of the time, her Kelvic, somewhat submissive nature would make her think otherwise, this morning, she was sure there were more disadvantages.
One of them was the fact that she could hear his footsteps right in front of her room now. She shivered at the sound and curled up, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, trying to calm down.

The door made that creepy, familiar sound. His boots were hitting the wooden floor, now within the room, just as hard as he would hit her, when she refused to do what he told her to. Both of the sounds meant nothing but pride and cruelty showing off with each move he made. The only thing this pale, innocent creature in the bed could do was prey, prey for his and God's mercy, even though the second one had nothing to do with the cruel monster so close to her.

The same monster this little thing was thinking about had an interesting, kind of gentle smile on his face. Tanned and slightly scared skin along with perfectly trimmed beard emphasized his big, green eyes and long, black eyelashes. Thick, straight locks of black hair were reaching down the middle of his back covered with tight leather. (Something like this) One could say he was a charming guy, somewhat mysterious and yet quite tempting, so if that one would hear Miya's stories, they'd probably laugh, especially after seeing what this "monster" in the girl's eyes was doing now.
His footsteps could not be heard anymore, but an interesting, new sound was there. It seemed like jewelery was dropped onto the floor gently before just another step was made. At this point, little Kelvic could hear him breathing, leaning down and could almost see that smile she knew so well, that smile that always brought the best of her out... the smile that.... that would make her forgive all the bruises and nights she's spent crying...

It was inevitable and both of them knew it. His fingers moved over her cheek as his lips brushed along her ear and a deep, yet kind voice filled the room "Rise and shine my little one.... it's time to deal with your obligations".
His knees hit the ground as he turned the little Kelvic on her back, taking her arm and placing soft kisses all over the pale skin.
She was just a young girl... She didn't know anything about life... so every time he'd do this to her, she felt special... loved... his...
Those big, blue eyes were open again, looking for his charming face as she shivered, noticing the goosebumps appearing.
He chuckled at that, leaning up over the bed and placing a warm kiss on her forehead
"Come my dear.... it's time to have breakfast and get ready for the party we're having tonight... ", and that was it. That's all it took to make the big, blue eyes watery.
Why, you wander? Well, let me tell you why....

Every time little Miyako would hear that sentence, she'd end up wearing lots of sparkling things barely covering anything on her body, lots of make up and cuffs on both her ankles and wrists. Every time she'd hear that sentence, she'd end up dancing for twenty drunk men, cheering and touching her. Every time she'd hear it, she'd end up screaming and begging for them to have mercy as they'd pull her hair and limbs across the room, until he came by.... which was even more of a nightmare, cause he'd drag her brothers and sisters down to the same room, leave them as a prey for the... for the predators to feast on as he'd take her up and either beat her or rape her, either way making sure she's screaming loud enough for the crowd to hear on which they'd respond with screams of her brothers and sisters.
This way... He, Mikko was nothing but a monster in Miya's eyes.... even with that soft smile and charming face not many saw through....

She gently stood up though, like nothing was going through her mind. Her fingers pushed her hair over her shoulders before turning around and making the bed while whispering quietly "I'm guessing the thing you've brought to my room is my outfit for tonight Sir?". Respect out of fear was obvious in every word she said, which of course, never pleased Mikko.... He wanted her, he wanted her to be his in every way he could imagine, and not having anything but fear made him angry.
That was one thing Miya didn't know about him.... if she had only given her heart to him, everything would have been different for them all. But how could she, after everything that he's done to her parents, her brothers and sisters? How could she forgive him for hurting them? How could she ever love a monster that made those little, lovely creatures cry in agony?
She couldn't and she wouldn't, not in a million years...

"Yes girl, that's your outfit for tonight.... and try being a little less cold to the man who's keeping you alive, will you?", he added with a quiet growl escaping his lips as he yanked on her hair and pulled her against him again, taking her scent in. "Y... Yes Sir", she tried to whisper calmly, but obviously failed, cause his reaction wasn't all that nice. Pulling her away from him and walking out the room before slamming the door so loud that it made Miya cry instantly.
What kind of a man would do that? Ever?

Miya curled on her bed, wrapping her arms around her legs and looking down at the gold jewelery which should and will be her outfit that night. Her eyes were filled with tears and fear, but yet, there was a bit of hope in it all.... was Miya planning on something or did she just believe in the words of the monster that just left her room?

This beautiful Kelvic girl was loyal to Him, and she would never plan on walking away, not till that very night I am going to tell you about in a bit. What is of my concern now is the fact that Miya, at this point was in the bathroom, washing herself with vanilla scented cream. Her blonde hair was tied up, as her delicate fingers moved along her silky skin, adding the final touch, a vanilla scented cream with golden dust in it. A beautiful, pale skin with golden shine was something he loved the most.
Walking out of the bathroom, she gracefully moved to the outfit, picking it up and slowly putting piece bye piece on her, till it all was in it's place. Her fingers then moved up to her hair, lightly pulling the pink ribbon out, feeling those silky, golden locks fall onto her shoulders.
She just smiled and walked towards what looked like a table, pulling out a little box from one of the shelves along with a big piece of shiny metal.
The metal was attached to the wall just a second later, and her fingers now were working on a little lock. A click was heard and within a few moments, the lid of the box moved up.
She sighed and started pulling out one little, round box after the other, ordering them in a specific way, a way only she understood.

"Miya, Master Mikko is telling you to hurry up... the guests will be here soon!", a woman from down the stairs yelled, on which Miya closed her eyes and bit on her bottom lip. Her fingers started moving over each little box, opening them and dropping the lids to the side. Gentle fingertips were picking little pieces of creams, powders and sparkling dust from the boxes, making lovely, smoky lines on the perfectly pale, young face of that Kelvic girl.
Each move was slow... gentle and yet, quite energetic.. What Miya was doing seemed like art, art that she was a master of.
When done, she slowly put the lids on each little box, returning them with the big box on the shelf they were at before.
(Looks a bit like this)

Soft, barefoot steps could be heard within the room, just before the door unlocked and the silence from before was gone.
The crowd was already there, cheering, waiting for their weekly entertainment, this time a bit less covered then before, which in Miya's head seemed like a huge problem. And yes, she was wright, it will be a problem she will barely survive.
Her tiny, bare foot touched the last stair, making the coin-shaped jewelery around her ankles cling on which he stood up and slammed his hand against the table. It worked, of course. He had all the attention and with deep voice, showing off his pride, he added
"Tonight is the night, my men... Tonight is the night when the gold on her will become red and her devotion to me eternal"

Miya's heart was beating like mad, eyes filled with tears and face with shock, as they all looked at her, and probably because they were half drunk already, failed to notice it. Or did they even care? Did any of them care about what will happen to her, when this monster, standing above them all, pointing at her, gets his hands on the delicate skin barely covered with, still clinging coins because of the shivers running through the tiny body.
"M.. my Master", she whispered, before bowing lightly and with graceful moves, letting her petite knees touch the ground.
Yes, she was kneeling before him, with her eyes on the floor... bending her free spirit of a wild animal to a man... no... not a man... a monster that he was.

One would not understand why Miya stayed with him, when she could just turn into the beautiful, black, wild cat and run away... But it wasn't that easy... no... not with her brothers and sisters in those basements under the house, not with what she has promised to her mother, as the oldest one.. no...
Her pride was crushed, her freedom was too, but not her hope.
One day she knew she'll be standing again, as a proud woman, a woman who will have a story to tell and yet, will never tremble over little things people might throw at her feet.

Tonight obviously wasn't that night since his hands were on her hair, touching the jewelery he has given her. When fingers touched her cheek, she knew the time was up. Another girl came out, from the other room, looking at Miya with a sad smile.... it looks like she knew her... and yes, she did.... it was her younger sister... Anya.. the darkest one in the family, with beautiful green eyes and big, pouty lips.
Her small fingers moved the curtain away from a little stage, showing a 'band' that instantly started playing, bowing before the men and than rushing her way back down to the basement.

Those little pale knees started moving away from the ground slowly. Every move was graceful, almost not causing any noise with the clinging jewelery. It seemed like she was practicing this for years (which of course, she was).
The second her toes were the only thing touching the ground, her hips started moving, slowly, following every note coming from the musicians and combining it with the clinging noise of the jewelery around her hips, ankles and wrists.
It, indeed, was a beautiful sight. Many would even look at it as art, as something Miya enjoyed in doing, since the smile on her face was sincere.

Yes, one thing she actually liked about these nights was that she, whenever the music was on, turned into a completely different person, a person that cared about nothing but dancing... moving to the sound coming from those beautiful, little, wooden friends... only friends she had in the said house.
Every next song made her move from one man to the other, making a circle around the table before finally getting to him.
She wasn't scared, she wasn't tired nor did she hate him, not now, not with the music there. In fact, she was happy, letting her tiny fingers move along the pearly white skin, the jewelery and through her hair.
They cheered, whistled, yelled on which he put his arms on her waist, lifting her with not much effort, and putting her tiny feet onto the table. The crowd loved it.
"Yeaaaaaaa! Get her up Mikko! We wanna see that shaking!"

Miya just ignored that, her eyes locked on HIM and only him, lips parting in a way not many would expect from her. No voice was coming out, but what she had "said" there brought a smile to his face and one could just easily conclude what happened after reading his reaction
"And I love you, my little golden angel....".... and then... it was over....
His hands grabbed her and basically dragged her off the table, whistling as a sign that the girls and boys from the basement should come around, on which Miya just whimpered, trying to whisper, beg him not to do this all over again, but she couldn't.... because his hand was covering her pale lips.

Those big, blue eyes were filled with tears again.
Once again he used it, he used the fact that she actually loved him and believed that deep inside he isn't a bad man after all, against her and her family.
His fingers were all over her as he slammed the door of the room with his foot. The jewelery pieces kept hitting the floor before she, herself landed on the bed with a painful sigh.
Nothing else came from her, not even a sound or any form of struggle. No, she was too tired, tired of all the lies and false smiles. Her body was just a doll he toyed with for as long as he wanted while her spirit was absent...
Eventually the screams downstairs stopped and so did his slaps and grunts.
Eventually all of it was just washed away with a large cloud of smoke left behind him in the room.

She stood up, picking the clothing off the ground with emotionless look on her face. Some of the other kelvics within the house were still crying, but this time, she didn't react to that either. Miya just pulled her bag out, put her favorite two dresses in it and the dancing outfit, some toiletters, some food and money she had before tying it and dropping it to the floor.
Her little chest moved up once again, real high just before a painful exhale of breath was heard.

Big blue eyes started changing color as the little, blonde girl started disappearing in the center of the room and being replaced by a dark, large cat. The big, furry thing on the place the girl was before didn't look half as innocent or harmless as she did, in fact, it looked rather scary and wild.
Slowly picking the bag from the ground it reached up and slammed the door handle, opening them and rushing it's way to the first floor after which a few, loud and deep screams were heard.
Yes the men that were cheering a few hours before were now screaming and running all over the place, tripping over things and trembling before the beast in their livingroom.
He didn't like it, so he came out to see what was going on
"Mikko, what the hell is this thing?!!", one of the men yelled as the beast smashed one of the chairs with it's paws.
"My angel, what have you done? Don't you think you're overreacting here a bit?", Mikko obviously ignored the question and was talking to the beast, on which it just smashed another chair. It didn't seem all to happy and he knew it, so his face got more serious
"Miya, I will tell you this only once... if you leave now, all those screaming, little brats in my basement will lose their lives, not by my hand, but by the hand of slavers I'm going to sell them to"

The beast growled at him, and before he could do anything, it pinned him to the ground, looking in his green eyes. Yes it's eyes were filled with tears and the growls weren't threatening, no... they were filled with pain, horror and grief, but nothing much could be done.
A large paw struck the face of that man, after which he was unconscious and the cat just slowly moved it's way out of the room and into the forest, just across the valley.
It didn't stop there though, but just kept running, running away from the horror that was about to happen to the ones it loved.

And that is where Miya's heart was left, with her brothers and sisters, the night she lost all she had and ran off into the new life, a life that will not pat her either, but sure as hell will be better then the hell she was going through there.
Last edited by Miya on February 6th, 2011, 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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It's not the way it should be.
Yearning again only to be myself
When I'm free...

Unleash my consciousness, please...
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(Flashback) They were the predators.....

Postby Panna Cotta on January 30th, 2011, 3:20 pm



  • Dance 2
  • Cosmetology 1
  • Grooming 2
  • Hunting 2
  • Lore of being a sex slave
  • Lore of being an entertainer Kelvic
  • Lore of loving without being loved back :(
  • Lore of wearing skimpy clothes
  • Lore of being abused
  • Lore of performing a massacre
  • Lore of running away

  • As a consequence of your actions, your family were killed. Except for Anya. Who knows if you will find her again someday?
  • You now have a Storyteller Secrets thread. Kindly put it on your profile along with the Character Sheet link: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic7164.html
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Panna Cotta
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