Sunberth Lore: To make your lives harder
Hey Regi? If there are no bridges, how do people get across the river?
Simple answer: The Svefra.
Its true that the Daggerhand are a gang with ships, however they only support themselves.
A normal civilian goes through the true 'masters' of the seas and oceans for a ride. There is a set Pod of Sunberth based Svefra who live on the coast who use the river as a business who guide people across for a price of hardly a copper piece on Casinors. This price is assumed, paid apart of living expenses at the end of a season so you need not pay for it in threads. But for now, feel fee to take a Casinor ride in a thread from a random Svefra npc.
The specific Pod is still in the works to be made, but I'll get on that shortly.
To those proactive builders out there, feel free to gather people at the slag heap and lead the city charge in making a bridge.