by Gossamer on September 5th, 2018, 3:55 am
Contest prize time! This one was inspired and brought to you by Ovek!
If you learned a new skill (usually these threads area bout 2.5K in length or five posts of five hundred words which equals a +5) you will be getting a single roll! If you went over and above and got multiple skills learned, you can have a roll for each skill learned. The roles should be d16's... so if you get a single roll, head into the #challenge forum on Discord and hit !roll 1d16. If you get multiple rolls... !roll #d16... then you get to select one coin from your roll(s) to keep as your own. Rolls must be made in the discord server and you must post your result here.
All results must be posted by Thurs at 9pm... a new contest will happen for this next weekend.
You can use the coin once a day. To use it, you must go to the dicing forum in Discord and type a !roll 1d2. 1=heads, 2-tails.
Coins are gained via acquisition threads written to discover them.
- Coin of Luck
Flip this coin into the air. Heads you gain a +10 to your next Skill Roll. Tails you suffer a -10 penalty to your next Skill Roll.
- Coin of Animal Friendship
Flip this coin into the air. Heads you are seen by animals in the immediate area as a non-threat. Tails and animals in the immediate area see you as a threat and turn aggressive.
- Coin of Sustenance
Flip this coin into the air. Heads you feel as though you have just consumed a 5-course gourmet with all the benefits. Tails and you feel as though you haven’t eaten in 3 days.
- Coin of Friendship
Flip this coin into the air. Heads and you appear to immediate onlookers as someone friendly. Tails and you appear as someone untrustworthy and potentially a threat.
- Coin of Shouting
Flip this coin into the air. Heads the coin emits a horrendous shout that causes all within a 10-foot radius to suffer a -10 to their next roll. Tails you suffer a -10 to your next roll.
- Coin of Frost
Flip this coin into the air. Heads the area in a 10-foot radius grows excruciatingly cold and those in the area suffer a -10 to all rolls for the remainder of the scene. Tails and you suffer a -10 to all rolls for the remainder of the scene.
- Coin of Weight
Flip this coin into the air. Heads and everyone within a 10-foot radius feel as though everything they are wearing/carrying weighs 10 times its normal weight, compounded. Tails and you feel as though everything you are wearing/carrying weighs 10 times its normal weight, compounded.
- Coin of Heat
Flip this coin into the air. Heads and everyone within a 10-foot radius feel as though they are surrounded by 100 degree heat and suffer a -10 to their rolls for the remainder of the scene. Tails and you feel as though you are surrounded by 100 degree heat and suffer a -10 to your rolls for the remainder of the scene.
- Coin of the Forge
Flip this coin into the air. Heads and anything held by those within a 10-foot radius feels as though it is of molten metal forcing them to drop it. Tails and anything you hold feels as though it is of molten metal forcing you to drop it.
- Coin of Always There
This coin looks like the average miza save for having a diamond set in the middle. It is worth 10 Gold Mizas. If lost, given away or spent, it will return to you within a day after.
- Coin of Stinking
Flip this coin into the air. Heads the area within a 10-foot radius is filled with a horrible stench causing all within the area to suffer a -10 to their rolls for the remainder of the scene as they struggle against vomiting. Tails and you suffer a -10 to your rolls for the remainder of the scene as you struggle against vomiting.
- Coin of Colors
Flip this coin into the air. Heads and a shower of distracting colored lights flicker in the air and cause a -10 to all rolls for those who are looking at you. Tails and you suffer a -10 to all rolls against anyone you are looking at.
- Coin of Shock
Flips this coin into the air. Heads and everyone within a 10-foot radius are receive an electric shock from anything they are holding in their hands and must drop it. Tails and you suffer an electric shock and must drop anything you are holding.
- Coin of Obscuring
Flip this coin into the air. Heads and the area within a 10-foot radius is filled with an impenetrable fog which you can see out of but others in the area can’t see anything. Tails and you can’t see anything within a 10-foot radius but everyone else can see you.
- Coin of Wealth
Flip this coin into the air. Heads and your hands are filled with 25 gold mizas. Tails and you lose 25 gold mizas. Useable 3 times per Season. If you have no mizas or less than 25 mizas and get tails, any coins you gain after will simply vanish until the debt is repaid.
- Coin of Faith
Flip this coin into the air. Heads you gain a +10 divine bonus to your next roll from the deity you most closely serve; you feel a static charge that blankets you with the warmth of your faith. Tails and you suffer a -10 divine penalty to your next roll from you deity you most closely serve; you feel a piercing shock of disfavor for using a coin to gain favor.