
(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

Drop on by, introduce yourself, and let us know how you found us. In addition, don't be afraid to tell us what you'd like to get out of your Mizahar experience. Check out the stickies for more information.


Postby Caspian on August 20th, 2018, 2:58 am

1. Name
Caspian (and Minttjulep#4314 on Discord!)

2. What sort of RP experience do you have if any?
I've been involved in several online RP boards since 2008 (though I did drift away from it this past year). RPing has been a very specific type of outlet for me over the years, and I'm glad to be back now.

3. How did you find us?
I wandered into Mizahar in 2011 or so, was semi-active, then stumbled out. A few weeks ago it crossed my mind to try RPing again, and a quick Google search for something along the lines of "fantasy medieval rpg" brought me back.

4. What sort of RP style is your favorite?
I'm not really a fan of RPs that heavily rely on numbers-based stats and dice rolling. From a quick (re)look at Mizahar, the general narrative style and emphasis on character development over goon-slashing is much more my speed.

5. What do you like to write about - not write about?
I love writing about characters with complex motivations, and partnering with other writers interested in furthering the same. As far as what I don't like to write about- I'm not sure that I've ever been much of a fan of RP boards with all-encapsulating apocalyptic war threads that require everyone's combative input. By that I mean, for example, such-and-such war has just broken out, and some topic is declared the entire forum's main quest, leading other threads to potentially be neglected. I think my aversion to this is just that based on past experience, this involves a lot of dice-rolling. I do think that scenario, however, would be a lot different and much more engaging in as diverse a universe as Mizahar.

6. Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far?
Much to my point just above- I appreciate the diversity and socioeconomic/political/religious complexity of Mizahar's many races, and how they subvert fantasy norms.

7. What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far?
Though I found Mizahar around 2011 or so, being away for about a decade led me to forget most of the lore. It was a little confusing to try and rely on the Wiki, then realize much later that there were individual city codices, and to try to keep all information from all sources in mind.

8. What would you like out of the Mizahar experience?
I would like to find thread partners who I can post in tandem with, with some regularity. I initially was going to keep Caspian very open-ended, but after looking over more of the site's lore and other threads, and putting together a more concrete draft of his family history, have decided that I would really like to involve him with one or more of Ravok's established forces, such as one of the elite families or the Black Sun.

9. Is there anything you'd like to see expanded?
I think I would eventually like to have Caspian uproot himself to Etykol, and explore his mother's origins with the Benshira. I will definitely need more information before I do so (though, of course, that's a long way from now).

10. Anything else you want to talk about?
Not much at the moment! Glad to be here. Hit me up on Discord!
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Postby Allassanachassanya on September 3rd, 2018, 11:38 pm

Hi Caspian! I noticed you popped up in Ravok..- I just thought I'd give you a welcome here! So, welcome. :) I look forward to seeing what Caspian gets up to.
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Postby Caspian on September 7th, 2018, 2:39 am

Hi hi! Thank you, I appreciate it! :) Been brainstorming and hope to jump in this weekend.
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