Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Anu on December 30th, 2010, 10:51 pm

64th of Winter, 510 AV

Anu found it quite interesting how this city was full of strange people, even during the winter. Her big, ice blue eyes were moving all over the place before she found a little rock that looked clean, on which she sat. It was quite cold so she shivered, before pulling her pearly white cloak down, under her butt to make it warmer.

This time of the day though, around noon, it was much warmer then during the nights, where this little Konti had nowhere to sleep, other then in abandoned houses. It was a pretty useful thing that she was used to winter and had some basic knowledge in medicine, otherwise she'd be dead a year ago.

Oh... it's been more then a year since she came here and she still hasn't found what she was looking for. It's not all that strange, since well, she will live for at least 200 years, but it still made her feel quite lonely and sad. Because of this, she decided to stand up and walk through the city, picking a somewhat deserted, quiet street where she could clear her thoughts as she took each step calmly and carefully, being aware that there is no help here and that only her God can help her if someone choses to attack her for no other reason then being herself... a Konti woman...
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Adder on December 30th, 2010, 11:21 pm

Adder Rayne, the Dhani halfblood, hadn't turned in for work. Yesterday had been a bit too entertaining and had left him with more than a small hangover and a couple of miza's less.
In an attempt to get his tormented brain straight he had sought out the harbour, but instead had found him puking in the bassin of Baroque Bay... Adder had damned those leatherworkers...

Next he had eaten two apples to get rid of the vomitty taste and bitterness of the alcohol. He damned the gin and ale.

The bleak sunlight hurt his eyes so he had put up the hood of his black ominuous cloak. He damned the celestial body.

Regaining some of his soberness and clearance, Rayne had wandered the soiled streets of Sunberth. Having been able to avoid being covered by feces tossed from overhead windows and waspish passerby trying to pick a fight he damned the little figure that had bumped into now. The street was nearly empty and wasn't in the mood to apologise so he shoved her out of the way... Quite brutely. "You should watch where you're going, girl" he grumbled lowly.

Taking another few steps he froze. Adder spun on his heels, spatting up a bit of muck, and marched back to the person that had bumped into him. "Give me back my purse." he demanded and flung back his cloak a bit, thereby showing the grip of his dirk. Adder gripped her left arm as to prohibid her to make a run for it. He wasn't in a condition to give chase. His golden serpentine eyes, red rimmed and little, glared threatening and tried to figure what he had before him.

He damned his mind for not noticing sooner... A konti? Here? Alone? His thoughts went back to his other encounters with the women of the isle.

Not knowing how to exploit that knowledge or ask her another question he just stared at her big sapphire eyes.
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Anu on December 30th, 2010, 11:39 pm

Anu whimpered as she felt her body bumping into something quite large, compared to her. Her mind went blank for a second before a loud voice, her voice, yelled within it Lovely! Just lovely! nice way to die Anu... reaaaal nice!. Shaking her head lightly, she tried to pull herself together. Her face looked angelic, like only the Konti women knew how to.

"I.. I'm sorry Sir, I was just... thinking about some things and being my clumsy self...", the voice coming from between those full, pale pink lips sounded like a melody on it's own. This woman really knew what she was doing, but the moment he had grabbed her hand, she flinched and tried to take a step back.
"Ouch! That's hurting me!", the same voice was heard again, this time a bit louder and a bit higher, but still as beautiful, if not more.

Her big, sapphire eyes were locked on his after seeing the way he looked at her. There was something strange about this man, something about his eyes, something that scared Anu slightly, but attracted her to him at the same time.
It seemed like this female could not get confused, at least when it comes to socialization.
"I did not steal your purse Sir, You've dropped it... it's right there...", her other arm gracefully moving up so her delicate, tiny fingers could point at the purse on the ground
"I can get it for you, if you wish Sir... it's the last I can do for being so clumsy..."

And then, the magic happened. A beautiful, charming, seductive, alluring and innocent, all mixed in one smile curled her beautiful lips. It was a miracle only a few could witness, and this man, for no particular reason was one of the lucky ones. Anu took it as an attempt to save her own life, but deep within, even she could not see it as such.
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Adder on December 31st, 2010, 8:49 am

Adder Rayne blinked his eyes. Friendliness? Innocence? Here?
He cocked his head in consternation and released her arm. The beautiful Konti gracefully gestured to his small leather bag of miza's. Though most of her words seemed abstract and just floated through his obscured mind, Adder was certain her voice was melodic and wondrous. A voice that contained promisses. A voice for a snakecharmer...
However, she could very well still have dropped the purse there when she had heard him turning around. To be frank she did not much look like a threat, the Konti was just... pretty and, well, tiny. Adder squinted his eyes and stood up straight, no need to scare the poor thing. He nodded appreciatively.

And then she smiled at him. At HIM! Adder had often used his exotic look to woo girls of all classes alike, with equal amount of success. But a Konti had never smiled at him, ever. He didn't know what to do and realised he was dumbly smiling back at her, as if she had conjured up a spell.
He clammed his mouth shut, abstracting his thin, sharply elongated canines. One of the things his father had passed down... He'd often been called a monster, but then again. Sometimes being a monster wasn't that awful.

He grunted. "No need..." The Dhani halfblood bend over and picked up the bag, tugged it behind his black leather belt again and made sure it was fitted securely. Must've gotten loose after I bought those apples - Rayne concluded.

Adder had turned around, compelled to talk to this strange intriguing creature but shook his head as if telling himself something and began to turn around and continue down the street.
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Anu on December 31st, 2010, 11:35 am

The suspicious look this man had while holding her arm didn't really make Anu feel safe, and the same voice from before was ringing in her head Anu, he looks strange... you shouldn't..., but as soon as he stood up straight, the voice was gone. Was he going to harm her? Could be.... Was he going to rob her? Could be as well... But was she going to step back?
NO WAY! Not after the somewhat dumb smile she got from him... It seemed like what her mother had taught her was working, quite well actually.

She blinked a few times in a rather shy manner, before noticing him turning around and heading his way down the street. A soft pout escaped her lips, but she didn't seem to give up, no matter what.
Yes, it should have only been an attempt to save her own life, but there was just something within her, something that kept telling her to go after him. Was it Avalis' gift to her? Was it, for once, a vision striking at the right time?
Her petite body rushed towards him, catching up before she whispered quietly, with the same, melodic voice "Were You going to say something Sir? It seemed so...".

It was quite obvious how the same smile from before started curling her lips again, making her look as innocent and charming as before. Her petite fingers moved along her dress, and up to her head, pulling the pearly white hair over her ears, since it has gotten quite a bit cold. Sapphire eyes never left him, not for a second as the big, pale lips moved, forming more, quiet words "Oh... I have no manners whatsoever.... I'm sorry for not introducing myself Sir, I'm Anu..."

Saying her name to a stranger was something she did often, as well as riding a sea monster with her hands tied behind her back.
Anu wasn't a type of a woman that would trust men too much, but this man, for some reason seemed rather.... suspicious about her at first. Is this city such a bad place?
Anu never had bad experiences, but well, she never was around a large group of people, not even when she just came around.
Quiet streets where she could live within her mind and her songs were here home in Sunberth. She really wanted to know why was he like that, but decided it was way too much to ask, just yet.
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Adder on December 31st, 2010, 12:19 pm

Adder's head shot up as her voice danced through the air again, asking if he was going to say something. He frowned and kept walking. "Nobody calls me sir, well not unless I make them..." he said, throwing up his shield. Observing her from the corner of his eyes he saw the same seductive smile creep over her thick, pinkish lips.

His head hurt, still... Rayne brought up his right hand and pressed the skin together of the bridge of his nose. "Anu..." he tasted the name. "Is that short for something? Adder, by the way..." It was dangerous giving your full name in Sunberth. Adder would do for now.

Maybe this was the turn around? The thing that would get his morning on track? He sighed, however. Konti... They always got into trouble in Sunberth, he'd know he had sold one once, and helped capture others... Judging from her looks this one would fetch quite a price.
But Adder wasn't in the mood, besides she had been friendly. And then there was that lovely smile.

"So... What are you up to here? Haven't seen many Konti around that wasn't in some kind of trouble." He wasn't lying. Adder somewhat slowed his pace so Anu, far smaller than him, could keep up without any trouble.
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Anu on December 31st, 2010, 12:41 pm

Anu tilted her head lightly at his comment about her calling him Sir. There was nothing bad in it, she thought, but she apologized right away, since being polite was one of the first and main things her mother taught her.
"I... I'm sorry, I just tend to... well, be as polite as I can be.. and Sir seemed appropriate..", she didn't lie about that, not for one second.
Her mind though, kind of threw away the last part of that sentence, since it seemed like something bad she didn't really want to find out about this man right now.

Anu's cute smile got back to her face when he asked about her name, shaking her head lightly, she added "No Adder, it is not short for anything, I'm just Anu... The name came from a different, old civilization, or well, that's what my mother had told me..."

This man did not seem so dangerous after all. Well, not right now, while looking all over the little Konti.
It made her perfectly pale cheeks get a nice, pink shade to them, which wasn't such a bad thing, since then she looked even more innocent then before.
Him slowing his pace seemed sweet to Anu, so she grinned at him before lightly shrugging.
The question, once again brought thoughts about "danger" in her head, so she whispered a bit more quietly then before, not like she is afraid though, just surprised?
"Well, I live here... sort of... and I tend to keep myself away from people most of the time, just so I don't get in a lot of trouble... the city didn't seem that rough to me...".
The same, old charming smile curled her lips, as she, for no particular reason started walking just a bit closer to him, then she was before. Maybe because the street was getting darker and darker? Maybe.... he, after all, was quite a big guy compared to her... so the protection factor was there.
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Adder on December 31st, 2010, 1:22 pm

Adder's brow arched sarcasticly. Riiight.
His interest was peeked as she said her name hailed from some long lost civilisation. He had always enjoyed history, the ammount of books he had testified that. They were his treasure as it were. Anu saying his name sent a small shiver through his spine. His shield wasn't working against her...

Is she blushing? - thought suprised. He concluded she could wrap any guy she laid her pretty blue eyes on, around her delicate finger real easily. He innocent cute smile turned into a mischievous grin before continuing to talk about her living in Sunberth. Adder's interested was peeked further and he noticed he was leaning in a bit to hear her whisper.
Then all of the sudden she was walking a bit closer to his frame, at least he thought she was.

"That's 'cause you haven't been in the parts that make up most of this town... Never ran into Alphonse? The Baron? or even those strange Kelvic gangmembers..." Sunberth's anarchy was neatly kept in check by different criminal factions.
"And uh... Why are you following me around? You wanna have a drink or something?" The sheer thought of consuming alcohol made him gag. "For the love of!" Adder managed not to vommit and continued their stroll, a tiny bit embarassed though (and angry at himself).
"Forget that last suggestion..." he mumbled.
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Anu on December 31st, 2010, 1:37 pm

Anu giggled quietly as he arched his eyebrow. He seemed fun to her and she just couldn't resist the urge to seem satisfied with what was going on.
A young man being around her, not wanting to rape/sell/kill her and actually talking like he cared, or well, was interested in the situation she was in.
Could it get any better?
Yes, it could, and just did! Him leaning in to hear her whisper, made her blush again, looking up in his eyes with a soft smile. She couldn't but to notice that this man was quite charming himself, in a rather strange way though. Her mother probably wouldn't think the same way she did, but there was that something.

She shook her head again lightly, whispering with the soft, melodic voice as if luring him to lean down closer
"No, I have not met them just yet... and by the look on your face Adder, I'd say I don't even want to...ever"
The question made her giggle again, lightly pushing her hair back and over her shoulders, she tried to add, through the cold air that was not cutting into the gentle, pale skin of this Konti.... but before she managed to say anything, the accident happened and she just put her soft fingers on his forehead, as if to hold his head while vomiting. As soon as he stood up though, she could barely reach his head so she gave up on the holding thing and with a worried look on her face, added slowly
"Well, I have a better suggestion... Let's walk to the park so I can get some plants, if winter hasn't killed them already and take care of the problem you have, because of, alcohol I'd say?"
Shaking head at the thought lightly, she just kept walking next to him, trying to be some sort of a support if another accident happened.
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Was this my destiny? Yuck! (Adder)

Postby Adder on December 31st, 2010, 2:08 pm

The gentle touch of Anu was comforting. That didn't stop him from snapping at her though. "No! I'm fine." he snarled and immediatly felt guilty for it. For, she was just trying to help. Adder damned his foul mood.
The Dhani halfbreed let his shoulders hang a bit and fiddled with his leather armour. He never had been good with apologies.

"I... I'm sorry, Anu. Yes, I have a hangover..." he muttered. "And a pretty bad one at that." Adder took a slow deep breath, filling his lungs with the winter chill. It seemed to have the desired effect, clearing some more clouds from his mind. "You don't want to know... trust me... I think I've downed two kegs all by myself, hehe..." Despite feeling miserable now, he was proud of his feat. All be it a bit misplaced.

"Would you mind seeking a quieter place?" he asked. Adder anxiously hoped she'd say yes so he could enjoy the healing ointment that was her sweet voice some more. It eased his headache.
It's not like he had anything planned for today...
"By the way, little one, Sunberth doesn't have a park. The only thing we have are brothels and the Slag Heap." he sighed and smiled a little. "And I'm not capable of standing the smoke nor smell of the pyre, I'm afraid..." Adder excused himself.
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