40th Day of Fall, 518 AV, 8th Bell
Waves crashed against the sides of The Sunset Tide, jostling the casinor like it was nothing more than a toy rowboat. Kailani struggled to keep the ship upright, rain pelting her face and threatening to blind her. There seemed no end in sight, thunder crashing through the sky as lightning struck nearby waters. A ragged scream left her throat as the resulting wave pitched towards her, sending frantic prayers to Laviku and fighting to change her ship’s direction. But it was all for naught…within moments, the vessel capsized and the Svefra was hurled into the depths of the unforgiving sea.
Terror rose in Kai’s chest as she fought her way toward the surface. The Svefra struggled desperately against the rushing currents and grasping undertow, but it seemed every thrust of her arms and legs only sent her further into the deep. Her lungs felt like they were on fire, panicked bubbles filling the water around her. With only one Oceanus mark, the woman couldn’t breathe underwater, and her air supply was running out fast…
Kailani awoke with a sharp gasp, every inch of her lean body coated in sweat. The Svefra heaved in another large breath, releasing it in a shuddering sigh. Air. I can breathe again. The brindle Akinva Deerstalker lying in bed next to her sat up with a cock of his head, running a concerned tongue over her tear-stained cheek. Thin arms wrapped around the dog as she buried her face in his neck. “Just a dream,” she whispered, but she shook nonetheless. “It was just a dream.”
It was a recurring nightmare that woke her, one she’d had often since her arrival in Sunberth. The theme was common enough for a sailor, getting caught in a storm and drowning, but with Kailani’s propensity for storms…she felt the dream would become reality sooner rather than later. But it won’t happen today, the Svefra told herself firmly, scratching behind Kona’s ears.
Rising from her bed, she made quick work of dressing herself and slipping into a pair of boots. She fought to cast off the pall the nightmare had cast over her morning. Appropriately dressed with sun-kissed braids piled atop her head, she broke her fast with her dog. Once finished, the canine nosed at her pockets for more, Kailani giggling as she pushed him away. “That’s all for now, boy,” she told him with a pat on his rump. “You’ll start to get fat before too long.” The look he gave her was comical, almost offended, raising his nose in the air and trotting off toward the stern of the ship. Shaking her head with a grin, Kai started undoing the lines mooring them in place and preparing the ship to set sail.
Kona stood careful watch over the casinor as the woman raised the sail, barking and growling at anyone on the pier who took too close an interest in the vessel. She’d quickly found the dog’s muscled and scarred appearance was a good deterrent to casual thieves, the savage intonation of his bark only adding credence to his fearsome aspect. Kailani was relieved beyond measure to have the animal in a place where people were as likely to steal from someone as look at them. Even if the path to getting him had been…eventful.
“Good boy,” Kailani called in praise, tossing a scrap of sausage in Kona’s direction before she hauled up the anchor. Adjusting the tiller, she took her place at the helm and they were off. She steered The Sunset Tide toward the mouth of Baroque Bay, the early morning breeze pushing them at a leisurely pace. Mere chimes passed before she was pulling them to a halt, running the casinor up to a nearby pier and tossing a line toward the closest piling. A quick knot held them in place, Kailani warning her dog to stay where he was. She didn’t like the way he was eyeing the dock.
As a precaution, she grabbed his leash and linked it to his collar with a stern glance. “You’re not going anywhere, mister,” she told him firmly before settling herself on the bench cut into the side of her ship. “I have a job to do, and you’re not about to ruin that today.” As good of a guard dog as he was, he sometimes scared prospective passengers away, especially when he started chasing them down the plankways. Sighing in resignation, the Deerkstalker settled at her feet with his head on his front paws. Together, they would wait for the first fare of the day, enjoying the meager sunlight that fought to penetrate the ever present cloud cover.
NaNo/Job WC: 774