76th of Fall, 518
In the workshop of the Invinity Manor, bent over a worktable and
squinting, Madeira was humming a sea song as she carefully, ever so
carefully, ran the tip of her skinning knife down the soft white belly
of a deer mouse.
"I'm the man before the mast
That ploughs the raging sea
And on this simple subject
Will you please enlighten me
Common sailors we are called
Come tell me the reason why
And on this simple subject I'll reply"
The little mouse was no larger than eight centimeters, with a pink
tail again as long. It's pink paws had been spread and stuck to her
skinning paper and the taxidermy block bellow with needles, it's
toothly little mouth tipped back so all she could see was the white
whiskers of its chin. The creature died of poisoning, leaving not a
mark on it's little body.
"Quite the catch too, wasn't it, house?" she murmured allowed,
following her train of thought she was already sharing with the
Architectrix through their silent, wordless communication. "Three
traps, but we got him in the end. About time, too. He was about to
chew straight through your baseboards."
The manor hummed its acknowledgment. It had been quite distressed to
have been invaded by the destructive little critter, and frustrated
that it couldn't tell its caretaker exactly what it was so distressed
about. The communication between them, which was mostly emotions at
this point, was a serious limitation. Though the manor was staring to
understand spoken words, Madeira couldn't claim the same for the
houses own, telepathic language. The tombe that granted the knowledge
of this long forgotten power, Architectrix: Compendium of Knowledge,
was adamant that full, complete communication from both parties
was possible, with time. It refused to say how much time.
Eventually, with several days of internal miming and pulling attention
towards the nibbled legs of furniture, Madeira eventually caught on to
the cause of its distress. A little deer mouse had made its home
beneath the stack of fire wood beside the kitchen stove and was
blazing a tiny path of destruction. Unfortunately these wee beasts
were supernaturally fast, incredible hiders, and could jump like their
namesakes. When Spooks, the resident cat, failed to catch the slippery
little bastard it was up to Madeira and the manor to set up several
pest traps and endless patience. They could do nothing but wait and
hope it would destroy itself before it destroyed her house.
Now, several days later, the mouse was dead and under her knife. Once
finally caught, how could she let this dastardly little monster go to
Bluish organs pushed through the slit she had made down its belly,
ropy intestines and a small liver dark with clotted blood. She
finished the cut with a Y slice to either side of the mouse's neck,
and pulled back the skin. Finding the tune with a hum she started her
song again.
WC: 500
In the workshop of the Invinity Manor, bent over a worktable and
squinting, Madeira was humming a sea song as she carefully, ever so
carefully, ran the tip of her skinning knife down the soft white belly
of a deer mouse.
"I'm the man before the mast
That ploughs the raging sea
And on this simple subject
Will you please enlighten me
Common sailors we are called
Come tell me the reason why
And on this simple subject I'll reply"
The little mouse was no larger than eight centimeters, with a pink
tail again as long. It's pink paws had been spread and stuck to her
skinning paper and the taxidermy block bellow with needles, it's
toothly little mouth tipped back so all she could see was the white
whiskers of its chin. The creature died of poisoning, leaving not a
mark on it's little body.
"Quite the catch too, wasn't it, house?" she murmured allowed,
following her train of thought she was already sharing with the
Architectrix through their silent, wordless communication. "Three
traps, but we got him in the end. About time, too. He was about to
chew straight through your baseboards."
The manor hummed its acknowledgment. It had been quite distressed to
have been invaded by the destructive little critter, and frustrated
that it couldn't tell its caretaker exactly what it was so distressed
about. The communication between them, which was mostly emotions at
this point, was a serious limitation. Though the manor was staring to
understand spoken words, Madeira couldn't claim the same for the
houses own, telepathic language. The tombe that granted the knowledge
of this long forgotten power, Architectrix: Compendium of Knowledge,
was adamant that full, complete communication from both parties
was possible, with time. It refused to say how much time.
Eventually, with several days of internal miming and pulling attention
towards the nibbled legs of furniture, Madeira eventually caught on to
the cause of its distress. A little deer mouse had made its home
beneath the stack of fire wood beside the kitchen stove and was
blazing a tiny path of destruction. Unfortunately these wee beasts
were supernaturally fast, incredible hiders, and could jump like their
namesakes. When Spooks, the resident cat, failed to catch the slippery
little bastard it was up to Madeira and the manor to set up several
pest traps and endless patience. They could do nothing but wait and
hope it would destroy itself before it destroyed her house.
Now, several days later, the mouse was dead and under her knife. Once
finally caught, how could she let this dastardly little monster go to
Bluish organs pushed through the slit she had made down its belly,
ropy intestines and a small liver dark with clotted blood. She
finished the cut with a Y slice to either side of the mouse's neck,
and pulled back the skin. Finding the tune with a hum she started her
song again.
WC: 500