Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Seliarus on January 3rd, 2011, 2:12 pm

OOC: Well, let me have the honor then, miladies. And leaving the task to a future tread. *Tips imaginary hat.*

The Dhani did nothing but watch the dices roll. And when it was his turn, he took the throwing cup, shuffled it a bit, and then simply tipped the cup over, making the dices fall out, and roll around. For a moment, he titled his head to the side, and let the dices stop, before looking at them.

"Eight...?" He asked in a bit of a disbelief, as all eight dices there simply shown only one dot each. Speaking of an enormous amount of luck, he managed to let out a slight smile, before chuckling. That was followed by a facepalm. He looked at the two girls, simply shaking his head. "Well...I sssupossse I'll be the one doing the tasssk."

"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Nidassasyae on January 3rd, 2011, 4:46 pm


Thanks Break! Gods, I thought that it would never end!

I'll submit it then :)
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

Postby Templar on March 5th, 2011, 11:14 pm

Nidassasyae: Intimidation: 2 – Observation: 3 – Rhetorics 1 – Mathemathics: 2
Lore: Syliras is crowded – Humans like rocks. - A sword: Superlong dagger - Syliras Layout (Basic) – Syliran Geography (Basic) -

Seliarus: Observation: 5 - Rhetorics: 3 -
Lore: Claustrophobia and its effects, first hand. – Fighting the Urge to strike - Defusing a Situation. – Syliras is Crowded. - Syliras Layout (Basic) – Syliran Geography (Basic) –

Lelio: Social: 2 – Running: 1 -
Lore: Slippery roofs - Falling without grace. -

Nehsmay: Observation 3 – Rhetorics: 3 – Mathematics: 2 -
Lore: Sylirans are Busy and Rude. – Syliras is crowded. – Syliras Layout (Basic) – Syliran Geography (Basic)

Tohka: Observation: 1 – Rhetorics: 1. – Unarmed Combat: 1.
Lore: Hitting the wall hurts, a lot. -

Additional notes: LONG THREAD! But a good read none-the-less! But it was mostly socializing and not much action going on, so I couldn't give you much. Feel free to PM me if you think you deserved more.
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