Azar of the Sons of Eliada ![]() Basic Information
Birthday: Season of Fall, Day 30, 489 AV Age: Twenty-three Gender: Female Languages
Basic: Common Poor: Arumenic Physical Description
Character Concept
At one time Azar could have been described as blunt. She would speak her mind with not thought of consequence and she’d cut straight to the heart of the matter. But now her language has evolved into something more flowery, eloquent, and with the hint of a serpent’s persuasion. She remains socially withdrawn, although now only because of habit not because of fear. Accompanying Azar’s heightened sense of adventure is a recklessness that if it wasn’t for her survival skills could get her into serious trouble. Character History
The worship of Yahal had grown somewhat stale Azar’s family. It was a chore that your parents told you to do, not something that you did by choice. “Yahal liberated us, He will provide,” was all but an empty statememnt to be repeated. Azar would sit and pray for hours. Although she would begin each prayer with enthusiasm and genuinely, after a few minutes they would always descend into daydreams and fantasies. Azar would imagine becoming the Prophet of Yahal. It was during one of her frequent ‘praying’ sessions that Azar felt a restless itch growing in her legs. She’d traded for some incense and the sent was giving her a headache. After an hour, Azar called it quits and begged one of her brothers, Dyon, to let her have a go on his new horse. When she returned to the tents after a brief ride up and down a nearby sand dune, she found the camp in flames. Immediately, Azar assumed it was her fault. She must have left the incense burning. The guilt, despair, and even anger overwhelmed her so greatly that tears couldn’t even be forced from her eyes. With no provisions, Azar turned the horse around and galloped as far from the burning camp as she could. Her intention was to die on the unforgiving sands, but fate – or Godly intervention prevented it. It was after she had passed out from exhaustion and heat that her horse found its way back to the tents. When she woke, she admitted her guilt to her father. He did not look at her; his gaze was fixed on the billowing tent flap. When Azar asked if everyone was okay, he stood, took her by the arm, led her to a nearby tent, and left her at the entrance. When she entered, she was met with the sight of the burnt bodies of a dozen family members. Two of her younger brothers and Natula were counted among the dead. Azar had dropped to her knees at the sight of them, but she crawled to her sister and reached out to tough her scorched arm. When she made contact with the blackened flesh all of initial emotions returned in tenfold. It was enough to draw the attention from one of the gods and when Azar stumbled out from the tent, she was changed. Her inner forearm appeared to be branded with swirling flames; she beared a gnosis mark. The shock of receiving the mark and the knowledge of whom it came from drove Azar from her family. She could not face them. This time when she ran, no one went after her. At fourteen Azar left Eyktol with the intentions of never returning. Years passed and Azar grew to understand why she had received her mark. She traveled the world with no purpose or intentions. She liked to think she was as free as the wind – to go where she pleased whenever she desired – but she began to realize she was not free, she traveled out of guilt and was barred from ever finding peace. In 510 AV Azar returned to Eyktol, she spent months tracking down her family. She doubted they would forgive her, but she needed to stop running. When she found them, they did not recognize her. All of her sisters had married and moved away and all but one of her brothers had started families of their own. It was Dyon, her oldest brother, who saw her for who she was. He nearly died of shock. Something happened that Azar had not anticipated, Dyon embraced her and started to mumble apologies. All those years ago when the camp had gone up in flames, it was Natula’s fault. She’d been trying to make some jewelry and had heated metal wire so it would bend easier. In doing so, Natula had knocked over her candle and caused the fire. Dyon had seen it happen and had tried to save Natula, but he’d gotten trapped under a burning tent and barely survived the oredeal. By the time he had woken from his injuries (his back and right legs were terribly burned), Azar had fled and their family believed she was the cause. When he had learned the truth, their father had ridden out himself in search of Azar, but the two days advantage and the shifting winds hid her path to him. Azar only stayed with her family for several months after being reunited with them. She even managed to see a score of her sisters and their children. Being accepted by them was a huge relief to have the guilt lifted from her . . . but she could not regain a sense of belonging. Azae missed the cool breezes and greenery of forests. She also knew that she had a purpose – that a god had marked her and she had a duty to him. She left them a second time, this time much lighter of heart. Training Skills:
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