Closed The Plunge

Itt falls head first into his new life at Ravok.

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy roleplay forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

The Plunge

Postby Itt on January 28th, 2019, 1:12 am

2nd of Winter, 518 A.V.
Lake Ravok

The water glowed like hot orange steel from the morning sun's awakening. Birds announced day's presence from the pink and yellow clouds above. The toned light brightened his warm brown fur, relaxing his unconscious limbs. The lake breeze tickled his nose, making him turn his head towards the chest he laid against.

"The fella sleeps a good long while, doesn't he? He's been sleep for almost a full day." The chest vibrated with a raspy voice.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to get too attached? We're selling it for money and that's that. I don't want you crying to me about how much you miss it tomorrow." The water droplets patted the lake's surface as they dripped from the paddle of the rower.

The man's chest scoffed,"I don't care about it. I just think it's interesting that he's slept all day. I haven't seen anything do that since my Uncle Jeof."

"Oh, you don't care? Then why don't you put him in the cages like the rest of them instead of wearing him like a petching necklace?" The rower threw him a narrow eyed gaze.

"You have to admit, I can keep a better eye on him from here."

"Don't care about it." The rower rolled his eyes. "What a bunch of horse shyke."

The other man shook his head, looking down at the sloth in slumber. "He may not even wake up until we get there."

"Let's hope so, because keeping him out of a cage like this is serious business. I'm not taking any downfall if something happens to him or to you. Got it?"

"When have you ever taken the downfall for anything?" The man asked, giving him a sharp stare.

Itt shifted his arm through a gentle twitch, dreaming happily of birds and the air. But a bird hit a tree and Itt flinched awake, his grip releasing from the man's neck. He fell with a whine onto the stranger's lap, causing the man to jolt as well. "Careful there!" He warned the sloth, picking him up and placing him on his lap upright. Itt didn't like sitting upright as a sloth. It was unnatural. It was almost as bad as crawling on the ground. Sloth's hang, they don't sit! Wishing to return to his previous vantage point, and to a more comfortable position, Itt stretched his arms towards the man's shirt so he could climb up again.

"See what I mean? He's bound to cause trouble. Put him in a cage right now." Cage? He's heard that word before. Something to do with birds, right? Or was that cagebird? Birdcage? Yeah, birdcage, that's it. Are they going to put him with the bird?

"He just fell, calm your petching horses. He's not going anywhere-"

The rower lifted his paddle and placed it on the floor of the boat with a loud thunk. He stood up, the small boat wobbling under his weight. "If you're not going to put him in a cage, then I will."

"Okay, fine, I'll put him in a cage." The man huffed. He picked Itt up from under his long arms and stood up, walking carefully a step or two towards the other captive slaves. One was an crow in a cage with a round top, cawing loudly at the traders. Another was a small cat with yellow and black fur and big brown eyes, pacing along the edge of their cage. The man noticed Itt staring at the bird cage, his long arms reaching aimlessly towards it. "Okay, let's try this." He carefully opened the cage, starting to place the Kelvic with the crow. However, once Itt's arms were in reach of the bird, he tried to touch them. The bird hopped away and cawed angrily. Itt continued to reach, wanting to greet them and see their feathers, clueless as to what the crow's caws meant. The bird became desperate as Itt started to wrap his long claws around it, the stranger resorting to pecking the algae covered Kelvic's arms. Itt whined, retracting his arms.

The crow cawed more, fluffing it's feathers, the human quickly pulling Itt back and closing the cage again. "Okay then, not with the bird. Let's put you here." He knelt down and started to open the cat's cage, blocking the opening with his arm until Itt was able to replace it. Itt stared at the black markings on her pelt and became enamored by them. The feline did not return his feelings, however. She hissed at the intruder, not wanting to share the already small space with another, clingy Kelvic.

The man frowned, deciding to pull Itt back. After all, he didn't want any fights to start; they were worth more when not completely battered and torn up. As Itt was being pulled out, the feline pounced towards the door, slinking under Itt in an attempt to escape. The man gasped, shoving his knee into the door to slam it closed. His reflexes weren't quite fast enough to lock her in, despite the effort, and the door closed on the cat, catching her hind legs. She hissed and slashed his leg. The pain caused the man to grunt, and although it didn't hurt terribly, the initial pain made his leg flinch instinctively, allowing enough pressure to release from the door to allow the feline to squeeze her legs out.

Still in the man's arms, Itt watched with wide eyes, the events rushing past him like a bug in the wind. "Gah! She's loose!" The man hollered, putting Itt down on his old seat and lunging for the cat who looked out on the water towards the city that was now in view. The trader grabbed the cat's tail, the Kelvic, not liking such, lunged for his face, her teeth sinking into his nose.

"AAH!" The trader lurched backward, the boat rocking to the left. The crow's cage, which was stacked on top of the cat's slid precariously towards the edge of the boat, the bird cawing in terror. Itt looked towards the bird and it's flapping wings, crawling his way over.

"What did I tell you?!" The rower tried to walk over and grab the cat, but she let go of the first man's nose and leaped from his face and into the water.

Meanwhile, Itt tried to navigate the cage bars to navigate his way to bird since his claws were too big to navigate the small bars quickly. If he rotated his paw backwards, put his claw in one of the holes, then rotated his paw forward, then he could hook onto the bars properly. So left arm, reach up, rotate, hook, rotate again. Right arm, rotate, unhook the claw, lift, rotate, hook the claw, good. He's got this, he'll reach the bird in no time!

"NO!" The rower of the board screamed at the cat, reach out of the boat to try and grab the fleeing Kelvic. However, given it was a small boat and now both men were leaning their weight onto one side, the boat start to rotate. The bird cage slid off the cat cage and tumbled into the water, Itt blinking. But he wanted to see the bird...

His disappointed was quick to come and go, as the whole boat flipped over, Itt and the cat's cage splashing into the cool water.

Well this isn't good.

Water and bubbles rushed around him, blocking his vision. He had to wait for the water to become still before looking around the green foggy water, hearing the splashes of the men and animals rumbling in his ears. He saw the bird cage sink, a hand reaching down to grab it, legs kicking. Muffled, Itt heard the rower growl,"Flip the boat back over, I'll get the cat!" He swam over Itt towards the cat who desperately paddled towards the city that Itt did not recognize. The one who held Itt tried to flip the boat, placing the bird cage in it as he crawled to it's safety.

Itt looked at his paws, his claws still hooked around the bars of the cage.

This really wasn't good. But it's okay, he just needed to breath. Not actually breath- well, he did need to breath, but not at this moment because he's underwater. He just needed to relax and do this calmly. So breath, not literally, in and out. In and Out. In. Out. In. Out. In... Out... In...

His panicked heart pulsed widely, but as he thought to himself it began to slow. It slowed beyond his normal heart rhythm, beating like a slug travels.

"I got the cat! Where's the cage?!" The rower of the boat called from the surface, their voices getting more and more muffled the deeper Itt sank.



There was a splash as the man dove in. Itt could hear his swimming about, but he never saw in his murky vision. The man returned to the surface with another splash. "Ican'tfindit!"




Their words became unintelligible through the water. Itt looked up towards the surface, the sunbeams of the morning sun bent into fractures and faded into the foggy lake. Bump... bump... went his heart, his body to slowed down even more than usual.

Same as before. Rotate, unhook, free. Rotate, unhook, backlegs free.

Itt looked up when he felt the water move near him, seeing a speckled fish swimming leisurely by. He wondered what kind of fish that was. He's never seen it before. Then again, he was more familiar with plants and bugs than fish. Nevermind, he needed to unhook his last two paws. He repeated the process he did with his hind legs and unhooked his front paws, the cage continuing to sink while he hovered in place. By the time he was done, there was no signs of the men on the surface.

Itt decided it was best to head to the surface. As cool as being underwater was, he did need to breath eventually, and he'd very much like to be back in the trees. Paddling his paws with the speed of a molasses, he tried to swim to the surface. But something was wrong. Even though he was moving his arms and paddling upward, he didn't seem to be moving. It's probably this weird necklace thing they put on him at the start of their trip. It's heavy and it was weighing him down.

Itt knew he couldn't take it off. He had tried early last season to remove the collar as it was uncomfortable and he wanted to shift into his human form, but he couldn't. He didn't have much of a choice at this point. Either continue to keep his heart rate slower than usual so he could hold his breath longer and try and swim up at his current, slower than usual rate, or return his heart rate to normal and hope he has enough breath to make it to the surface.

With his heart rate so slow, everything he did was like moving in honey, so his paddling wasn't strong enough to propel him forward. Although he could hold his breath for another 30 minutes or so, it didn't matter if he couldn't reach the surface eventually. He had to move faster.

You can do this. Bump... Bump... Bump. Bump. Bump, bump. Bump, bump, bump, bump. Swim now! Swim!

The little sloth paddled his long arms and weak legs up towards the surface, brown eyes searching the light green fog for the colour of the sky. Like a dog he paddled, crawling his way through the water with his strong arms and treading with his short legs. The light above him vaguely got brighter but there was no distinct signs of how close he was to safety.

Itt tried to remain calm, thinking about the city that lived on this lake. He never heard of a city on a lake, and although he only had a glimpse of hat it looked like, he could tell it was beautiful. He wanted to see it.

He had to see it.

Itt could feel his tiny chest stinging as his body consumed the air in his lungs. He paddled as fast as he could, but there was still no signs of the surface. His chest was getting tense and his brain started to rush through thoughts in panic. What if he didn't make it? What if he never saw the sun again? Or the birds? Oh he wanted to see the birds! He wanted to feel the wind on his cheeks and see their wings spread wide, kissing the sky. Oh he wished to see them and be them! He wanted to be a bird! He wanted to spread his arms out wide and force the sky below him and join the wind in it's domain!

Thinking about the birds, Itt started to replicate their movements, raising his arms above his head and pulling them down and out, above his head, and down and out. His clenched his jaw, trying to prevent it from opening and inhaling the lake. But he wanted to so badly, his body ached for it!

He wasn't going to make it. He wasn't flapping his wings fast enough, he wasn't going to see the birds again.

Man. He really liked birds. At least he can imagine being like one. Flapping his wings in the cold, green, foggy sky.

Itt broke the surface, his mouth opening desperately, inhaling as deeply as he could. Wha- he was alive?! Yeah! He was alive! Itt looked up to the air and sky, seeing a Gull fly by. He smiled, letting out a victory cry in a long, sloth whine. He won!

Okay, now all he needed to do is swim to shore. He could see the grand city, so it couldn't be too far away. He'll just start paddling. No big deal. He's floated and paddled some ways before. This will be no different.

Five minutes later, Itt was gently floating along the surface. It felt like forever he's been swimming! He's not that far away from the shore, or the buildings or whatever it was but he was so tired, he didn't want to move anymore. But just like before, he had to continue or perish. So with his waning strength, he doggy paddled weakly towards the floating city, hoping for the strength to reach it.
Last edited by Itt on February 3rd, 2019, 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Plunge

Postby Shiress on January 28th, 2019, 5:54 pm

Shiress sat sideways in the bottom of the small barge, legs bent up besid her, arm resting on a bench, head in hand. Lakeshore lay behind her just barely visable on the horizon now. Haven risen early, several bells before dawn, Shiress had stowed away on a local boat, headed for the cattail farms near Lakeshore.

The long-stemmed plants that very much resembled, of course, a cat's tails had become a curiosity of Shiress's ever since her encounter with the keeper of the cattail farms, Kilsi. Shiress had come upon the woman while she bartered her beautiful creation in the city and struck up a long-winded conversation with the farmer's wife that ended in an open invitation for the girl to visit the farms. Shiress, ever gracious, offered her gnosis's benefit to Kilsi in return.

The letters of invitation now came regularly.

So, Shiress had risen before even the roosters, donned her most comfortable tunic and pants, slung a cloak about her shoulders, and set off for Lakeshore to tour the farms. In a tiny boat bobbing up and down the shoreline Kilsi had guided Shiress's personal tour herself, Bala's touch offered wherever the need arose. By the end of the excursion, as she boarded the barge headed back to the city proper, Shiress was reasonably sure she had gained a friend in the farmer. Time would tell if it was a friendship based apart from Bala's gift.

Syna's rays shown off the surface of Lake Ravok like a veil of diamonds had descended to lie upon its surface, mesmerizing Shiress in the magnificence of the show. Nearly three and a half bells and the dazzling spectacle had almost lulled the girl enough to doze, her head slipping to the crook of an elbow, eyes dropping closed, but just as the girl's eyes shut one of the captain's? Rowers? -Shiress had no idea what to call them- bellowing voice startled her back to wakefulness.

"Aye! Wha' the' petch is that?"

Shiress followed the short, balding man's line of site to somewhere off the side of the boat not seeing what his outstretched arm indicated.

"Looks like a dog" he added.

That got Shiress's attention.

Standing, she stepped carefully to the side of the boat swaying with its rocking momentum. The balding sailor, Lukas she thought his name was, stepped up alongside her, pointing over her shoulder. A small brown mass of fur materialized in her sight, bobbing up and down with the motion of the water. Shiress gasped. "If that be a dog, it be a drowned one." A second sailor guffawed. If this tiny sailing boat had a captain, it'd be him. Tall, muscular, with a tightly trimmed beard, he looked every bit a captain according to Shiress's standards. Shiress shook her head, squinting. "No," she said, "I think it's moving, its swimming. Look!"

All three souls on the barge leaned into the viewing, craning their necks to see a movement from the dog. After about a tick, the small animal's head lifted above the water's surface, and a little paw pulled at the water. "I'll be damned, thing is alive." Lucas said, shaking his head. The captain turned something resembling a wagon's wheel, and the big sale shifted, causing the boat to lurch sickeningly beneath Shiress, tugging toward the struggling animal.

As the barge floated near enough to the dog, Lucas leaned out over the side, scooping the small beast into a net, then dragged it back onboard. Shiress knelt and began gently untangling it from the webbing, a wave of worry washing over her as the beast had gone deathly still. Pulling the little dog free, she brushed back its matted, wet fur from its face, then, with a yelp of surprise, abruptly scuttled crab like back away from the thing.

"That's the ugliest dog I think I've ever seen." Lucas announced.

"That ain't no petching dog, ya fool!" the Captain offered, scowling "Throw it back out there!"

Lucas moved to scoop the creature back into the net, but Shiress threw up a forestalling hand, staring at the animal's furry face. It looked much like a dog, save for its flat, leathery snout, tiny brown, slow blinking eyes, and those extremely long claws looked foreboding, but the way the creature held them, Shiress thought they worked more like fingers than deadly, flesh tearing talons; the animal had a gentle nature about him, but that wasn't what gave the girl pause.

"It's a Kelvic!" Shiress said, staring at the collar encircling the animal's neck. Folding in on herself, she took to her hand and knees and crawled closer, taking the animal in her hands and smoothing back its fur from the collar.

"An escaped slave, eh?" Lucas said.

"No." Shiress replied, shaking her head, "That's a slaver's collar, not a master's."

"And how would you kn...." began the sailor, but Shiress quieted him with a glare.

"Trust me I know."

Hesitantly Shiress ran a finger along the little beast's nose and beneath its eyes, whispering kind words of comfort. Helping herself to one of the sailor's cloaks, she wrapped up the dog-like animal and held it in her lap, stroking its small head.

"When we get back to the city and get that collar off you we'll figure out who you are, little one, don't you worry."

For the next half bell, Shiress cradled the small bundle in her lap and once back on the deck of the city, she placed her tiny charge down on the wooden planks and unsheathed her dagger. "It's okay, I'm just going to get that collar off of you" she said before slipping the blade between fur and leather. With a slight upward jerk, the leather collar fell to the ground, and all three onlookers took a full step backward in unison, watching eagerly to see if Shiress had been right.

Last edited by Shiress on February 16th, 2019, 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Plunge

Postby Itt on January 28th, 2019, 6:46 pm

Itt needed to rest for a bit. He had been swimming for who knows how long and his little body shook with every stroke. So in hopes to recover some more strength, he stretched his arms out and put his face down in the water, gently floating along the waves of the water. It was really cold out here. He missed land. He missed his tree. He'd take back what he said about crawling on land if it meant he'd get to do it. He just wanted out of this stupid water! Let him out! Birds! Take him to that city! Please! He won't try to touch you anymore! Please?

As Itt was waiting for rescue, his face submerged in the water, he heard the semi-familiar sound of the water rippling on the surface. It wasn't big like the men who fell in earlier, but it was still there. However, Itt figured it was yet another speckled fish, as many had come by periodically to check him out and pluck the algae from his fur. But then he heard voices. And his name? Is someone there to same him?

Itt lifted his little head out of the water to look out onto the surface, and sure enough, there was a boat! A wonderful boat! The birds had heard him! With the new energy he gained from sheer excitement, he started to paddle towards the boat, his safety, his temporary land. But he started to have second thoughts when they pulled out a net. That looked a lot like the thing those guys used on him back in Syliras...

Swim away! Swim away!

He started to turn around, but they were already too close and he was swept in the net.

At least he could say he was out of the water, even if he was in one of these stupid nets. But now that he was he felt even colder than before. His limbs shook as he tried to move, but he couldn't. He was tired; he wanted to sleep for two days. The net was removed and the warmth of a hand graced his face, which made him internally smile. He couldn't smile externally however, for he was exhausted and his face didn't seem to be working.

Itt didn't fully understand their conversation, but he did hear the word "back". Back? Back home? To his tree? For a moment he was happy, but when he was lifted in the net again, he started to panic. Not the water! He doesn't live there! No! Put him in a tree! Please! He wished he could shift to tell them he wasn't a dog and didn't live in the water! He whined low, mustering up some adrenaline so they could hear him protest. But then that woman spoke up. The warm woman with the hands of a fire. Kelvic! Yes! He was a Kelvic! He whined again to agree.

He looked at her with his brown eyes that barely remained open, reaching his arms out to his only possible friend. He shivered from the heat of her embrace, trying to hold onto her for dear life, letting her do what they will with the collar he was given. As long as they don't take his bracelet.

Itt, along with his collar, also had a leather bracelet with a stone attached with the symbol of a feather on it. The jewelry was wrapped around his shoulder, as that was the only place it fit in his sloth form. He hoped they didn't take it, it was his mother's.

He missed his mother. He wanted to see her. He hadn't seen her in a long time. She was beautiful...

Exhaustion started to take hold of the shaking sloth, and Itt fell asleep to the gentle strokes of the strange woman running her delicate fingers across his face. He didn't wake up until everyone started moving and getting off the ship. The tiredness and the grogginess of just waking up made him relatively unresponsive to their words or to the dagger that was pulled out. But once the collar was shucked, his throat free of restraints, he pulled his bracelet off his arms slowly with his claws and shifted.

The light was brief, just like his energy, and when he was human, his muscles gave, Itt collapsing to the deck's hard face. He was very pale and his lips were turning blue, his body shivering as the breeze stroked his soaked, bare hide.
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The Plunge

Postby Shiress on February 16th, 2019, 5:45 pm

The blinding light took Shiress by surprise, despite the fact that she was sure it would happen. Turning her face away, she had to blink several times to clear her vision before returning her gaze to the Kelvic. A young man now stood shivering in front of her. His disheveled wet hair, sticking up in odd places was somehow adorable.

Shiress had an instant to take in the boy's sharp features and a flash of his keen brown eyes before he was falling. Shiress blinked, the belatedly darted forward toward the Kelvic but was too late to stay his fall. Kneeling, she brushed back the hair from his now pale face and frowned, feeling the young man trembling beneath her touch. Standing, Shiress unlatched her cloak glancing to the befuddled sailors. "Can you help me stand him up?" Lucas and the captain stepped forward quickly enough, though with mumbled curses about better things to do with their time.

The two men somewhat gently grabbed the boys thin arms and hauled him to his feet. Shiress stepped around to the Kelvic's back, slipped her cloak around his shoulders, then moved back around to the front of him. "Are you okay?" she asked, fingers pressing beneath his chin to lift his face. The boy looked....sleepy? Brows arching, she studied him a tick longer, before casting a wary glance around their surroundings.

"We need to get him inside somewhere and get him warmed up.." she added, spotting a nearby tavern entrance.

"We?" the captain coughed "We be need'n to go on about our duties, this be your fish to clean."

Shiress gave the man a sour look. "Fine. go then."

So they did, leaving the Kelvic swaying dangerously where he stood. Shiress quickly slid beneath one of his arms, taking his weight and sighed. "Come on, let's get you inside." she said, shuffling forward somewhat awkwardly. The boy was heavier than he appeared.

Shiress approached the tavern entrance, nodding her thanks to a man exiting the facility and was kind enough to hold the door open for her and her sleepy companion to enter. Not taking the time to examine the interior of the place, Shiress made a beeline for the hearth, happy to see a small fire burning within. One arm pulled a chair away from a table, situating it closer to the fire, the other guiding the boy to sit.

Once she was sure the poor thing wouldn't topple out of his perch and onto the floor, Shiress wound her way to the bar and ordered a serving of mulled wine for her friend. After a short wait, warm wine in hand, Shiress made to return to the fire, but thought better of it and turned back to the barkeep "Make that two mulled wines, please."

With both hands sporting a wooden jug of warm and spicy liquid, Shiress made her way back to the weary and cold Kelvic, pushing the container in one of his hands. "Drink this, it will make you feel a bit better." she ordered, eyes intent, concerned, watching the cup rise to blue tinged lips, then cleared her throat "Now, tell me how in all of Mizahar you ended up in the middle of a lake."

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The Plunge

Postby Itt on February 16th, 2019, 10:45 pm

Although the wooden docks below him were wet from the dribbling streams of water dripping from his dingy hair, Itt found the wood to be warm. Warmer than the abyss that was the lake and its splashing waves. The hard surface seemed soft due to his damp, squishy skin and jello limbs. He quaked under the air's harsh sting, it punishing him for his act of endurance. He couldn't even lift an eyelid or raise a single thought towards the words that went into his ears and out the other. He could barely even feel the men and the woman who moved him to stand.

What he did notice, however, was the sensation of warmth that gradually made its way to his back and shoulders from the protection of the cloak. His mind thawed enough that when his chin was lifted with searing fingertips, his eyes wavered, allowing light to seep in, revealing a fraction of the woman who came to his aid.

Okay? He knew that phrase. It was one of the few he had gleaned from his brief conversations with passerby in Syliras. Was he okay? He was cold— and very tired. But he wasn't feeling pain, so that must mean he was okay. The sloth tried to nod, but his head went up for a moment before slumping down. He slumped more when the two men left him be, leaning in full onto the final stranger, an arm raising heavily to grip onto her, or something, finding a shirt. His grip was tight, immobile, fingers whiter than his already chilled skin.

She started walking and in a blind mimic, he did as well, dragging his feet to keep up. He didn't know where he was going, but the structures of the buildings and homes that broke up the breeze made him eternally grateful, as for moments at a time, he didn't feel battered down by the crisp air.

When they finally entered inside, the sudden warmth ran a drastic shiver down his spine, making him shake from head to toe as he adjusted. But feeling himself thaw more quickly became pleasant, and he was able to breathe properly to due to his chest loosening. The commotion of the chatter simply wafted around him, as he was entirely focused on the feelings he was starting to regain as he was brought to and sat down in front of a fire.

The combination of the smokey, alcoholic smell and euphoria his mind had from his skin prickling back to life was unforgettable.

Itt hardly noticed the woman's absence, his eyes wearily staring at the orange glow of the fire that not only warmed his body but also his heart since it heavily contrasted the greens and blues he had gotten used to on his swim to shore. As his body became less tense from the frigid cold, he slumped more and more, and his brain darkened in an attempt to turn off.

It was so warm. So warm. Warm. Warm...

His hands suddenly became hot, and his eyes opened more and he looked down, finding a container in his hand with a dark liquid sloshing back and forth with his gently quivering grip. It was warm, it was all he could ask for. But it smelled sweet too, which caught his attention a bit more. He carefully raised the contents to his nose, sniffing weakly. It was very... berry like. Itt couldn't identify the oranges or the cinnamon in combination with the alcohol, but it was a familiar type of scent, and it comforted him. Seeing the floating pieces of herbs and fruit on top made him smile, and he brought the liquid to his lips. He flinched a moment as the warmth threatened to burn his icy mouth, but continued anyway, finishing a full sip.

His face contorted in harsh wrinkles of unfamiliarity. It was definitely not any berry he's ever tasted, and he was teetering between whether he liked it or not. But he decided this wasn't a matter of like or dislike, this was a matter of enjoyment, and he enjoyed the warmth and the feeling of drinking very much. He took another few sips in bigger gulps.

Getting lost in the sensations that felt like years since he experienced, Itt had entirely forgotten about the woman, so when she spoke he turned to her with slightly wide, red eyes.

That's right, she brought him here. She wanted to talk. He needed to listen.

The only words he understood was Mizahar and you.

He shook his head, "No Mizahar." He wasn't Mizahar, Mizahar was the world. He was," What the petch is that." He slurred, though not due to his exhaustion, or the wine, but due to his incompetency with the language, making it sound like a foreign dialect. But the weariness probably didn't help either. "You?"
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