24th of fall 516av ♦ mid-afternoon----
robern's reaches----
robern's reaches----
soundtrack :
Sunberth was a city that lacked many things: There was no government to be found, no law, no morals, dubious amounts of hope and, moreover, no sense of faith. That massive, crumbling relic from pre-Valterrian days that stood in the centre of the Castle Commons, sticking out like dog's balls amongst the ramshackle wooden shacks and buildings that made up the rest of the city, was no place of worship. No Gods or Goddesses walked amongst the poor and pitiless here in the city of anarchy. The gritty citizens had no need for masters, after all, and what else were those that dwell within the Ukalas but masters and mistresses of their followers? No, the only belief a Sunberthian needed was that in themselves insomuch it might mean they lived to see another day.
Because of this, the power of the various gangs that called this city of anarchy home was a constant ebb and flow, one rising only to fall. Power was hard-wrought and fleeting; the moment one seemed to rise up and dominate their peers, the city would push back. Mobs were commonplace and helped to keep the balance. Even nature seemed in league with the lawless city, humbling those who wished to make it theirs. Yet the battles would never cease; Sunberth seemed to survive off the blood of the fallen and the three continued their never-ending power-struggle as they jockyed amongst themselves for territory.
But now a new player had made itself known. The Vigilantes.
No one knew where they originated from or why. They were still so new to the city; their presence, nothing but a whisper at the start of the season, now slowly built into a roar with the opening of No Man's Land Tavern and the reveal of what they were. They were recruiting, drawing in those sick of the big three, sick of the constant power playing. The big three had watched. The Daggerhand, buoyed from their successful assault on the Sun's Birth the season prior, felt the need to pay this new group a visit.
Orakan had been chosen as one of the handful of Brothers and Sisters to 'welcome' their new neighbours to the city.. in true Daggerhand fashion.
Smoke billowed up from his pipe, bobbing with his movements as his bare figure moved about the dank, sparse room, paying no heed to the items spread neatly atop the unmade bed before him or those arranged upon the chest at its end. Instead his mind was empty, devoid of his plans, of his task for the day, made free to mentally prepare himself for all that would be involved. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, nostrils flaring wide and open to suck the noxious cloud that drifted and curled before him down into his lungs. Keep the mind free. Keep it all free. Keep the pain at bay. Embrace the numbness.
He released his breath slowly through his nose, doing his best to resist the urge to push it out how his body naturally yearned to. Instead, he tried focusing inwardly on himself, identifying the constriction of his chest, the muscles that tightened there; his stomach and the flex of his abs; the feel of his breath on his skin and how it stung as it tickled the split in his top lip. Easy now, he reminded himself, working to find that place he used to go to in his youth. His place of escape.
Drugs had a way of speeding the process along.
His eyes opened slowly as he drew another breath in and ground his jaw as his cracked and freckled lips sought to fix their precarious grip on the mouth of the piece. They tightened around the stem as he sucked and he watched with his good eye as the contents of the chamber glowed, hissed and billowed. His chest burned against the hot smoked that filled his lungs and he shut his eyes once more, tuning everything out as he held the smoke in deep until the burning dissipated. His hand rose to pluck the pipe from his lips, his jaw growing slack as he tipped his head back, the thin ghost of the smoke he had inhaled earlier slowly creeping up from his opened mouth before, at last, he blew it out slow and steady upon an appreciative groan.
No need to rush. Relax. Feel it. Let it flow. Let it all leave.
He felt the tension in his upper shoulders slowly give way with each and every consecutive exhale, felt his body slowly begin to melt away – no, his worries and cares and fears, drip drip dripping from his fingertips to the warped floorboards below. A comfortable, pleasant numb took its place, settling into his chest and slowly spreading out, nice and warm, stretching and reaching down his limbs and up the back of his neck.
ledger-8gm for Gold Dust (single dose)
wc 816