Land Navigation +2, Planning +5, Tracking +1, Endurance +3, Bodybuilding +4, Singing +4, Scavenging +3, Logic +3, Wilderness Survival +5, Carving +3, Construction +5, Mathematics +1, Weaving +1
Land Navigation: Travelling upriver, Planning: Gathering materials for construction, Construction: Simple A-Frame Hut, Observation: Finding a livable clearing in the woods, Ixzo: Sings only when sad, Scavenging: Finding the appropriate tree, Wilderness Survival: Building a shelter using found natural materials, Carving: Debranching a tree, Carving: Sharpening sticks, Mathematics: Using self to measure, Construction: using evergreen boughs to thatch a roof, Evergreen boughs: a temporary solution to thatching a roof, Construction: Weaving re-inforces walls, Endurance: Working when you would normally be sleeping, Observation best to fish during the day