Solo The Over Confident Debtor (Job Thread)

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The Over Confident Debtor (Job Thread)

Postby Vasin on February 4th, 2019, 3:43 pm

Timestamp: 5th of Winter, 518 A.V.
Vasin stepped out from Goldfinger's Loan Agency and took in a breath, finally some work he thought as he gave a stretch. When Vasin had gotten up this morning he had found himself up earlier than usual. Instead of going back to sleep he had decided to get to Goldfinger's earlier than usual. He was pleased to find that someone had been skipping out on loan payments. Not only that, but he had made it on time to be assigned this debtor. Based on what he had learned someone had decided to secure a loan so they could start up a stall in the Seaside Market. Apparently however they were a newcomer who probably thinks the lawlessness of Sunberth means they can skip out on paying Goldfinger back. Bet they felt really proud of themselves coming up with that plan too. Well, nothing was for certain, except that Vasin was off to go find them and get what was owed one way or another."Seaside Market huh?" Vasin muttered to himself crossing his arms trying to remember the quickest route. They would need to use a ferry, but then again so would his prey should they try and escape. Breathing out he opened his eyes and began to walk down the street observing his surroundings. Would do no good if he allowed himself to run into trouble along the way.

It was just a bend around the building before he found himself staring at the waters that separated the gated community from the seaside market. Looking up and down the waterway his eyes scanned along the edge. Ah there, he spotted a ferry not too far off. The one he had taken to reach here had already left, but there were always more boats to hire for a crossing. It was an old ship's boat, salvaged from somewhere no doubt with a set of ores to propel it. Vasin would approach seeing a rather muscular and scared up man laying back in the boat. Shirtless his skin was tanned deeply. While at first Vasin thought he was sleeping, he then noticed their eyes were not completely shut. Through the slits of his eyelids, the man stared at him. They locked eyes for a moment before he would slowly rise with a breath."You need something?" the man asked in a deep voice. Vasin said nothing for a moment the man studied him and he studied the man."Yeah, just need to cross into the seaside market." Vasin said just pointing across the waterway to the other side."That all? Heh, no problem." the rather rough looking man said."Hop in, won't take but a minute to cross." he said gesturing Vasin into his boat with a small gesture.

Vasin took out the usual fair and dropped it into an open palm. The ferryman took a moment to count the coins before seemingly pleased stowed them. Vasin would sit down facing them as he grabbed the two rows. Kicking off from the edge of the waterway he would start to vigorously paddle a look of concentration on his face. Then just as they said they were on the other side within a minute."Come back any time." the man would say as Vasin got out replying with a nod."Sure thing." Vasin added before stepping off onto the other side. Now back on dry land he would walk in venturing deeper to the Seaside Market. The place was bustling with business, both legitimate and shady. Vasin felt as if he was being watched and then recalled a passage from a journal he had read in the library. Vasin paused, picturing what the Mercenary in their journal had described. This would be a good place to try it out if anything. So taking in a breath he adjusted his stance, trying to appear more open and confident. Then he walked forward though kept finding himself coming back to the way he usually walked, more defensively. He kept forcing himself to try and walk the other way as he went. So much so he almost walked right by the stall he had been looking for. He took another couple of steps and then paused. His head turning as he would then look to the stall owned by the debtor. He was currently trying to sell a pot to someone. How overly confident, they stood there as if no one would come for them.
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The Over Confident Debtor (Job Thread)

Postby Vasin on February 4th, 2019, 5:15 pm

Vasin stood there among the crowds of people moving through the Seaside market, staring at the debtor and his stall from a distance. He watched as they haggled with their customer over the price of the cooking pot. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he saw the way he quickly spoke. A talker eh? Seemed so Vasin thought as he would stroke his beard a little in thought. What would the best way be to approach this situation? He looked at the situation as a whole over. Vasin did not see any signs of guards, no doubt they could not afford them while this small. He saw no weapons on his person. He could have hidden weapons, or maybe he was confident no one would mug him out here in the open? Hidden weapon or not that gave Vasin an advantage, as drawing a hidden weapon took just a tad longer than one that was not. They were scrawny and lean in appearance. Not very tall either, in fact not at all threatening at a glance. Vasin continued to size him up a moment longer noticing the alleyway next to the cart. They wouldn't have the chance to run, not when Vasin was on him. It was decided, he would confront the stall runner. If it went smoothly they would cough up what was owed. If not, well he would have what he had ripped from him. A simple fact is that you always pay your debts to Goldfinger, and Vasin would make that known one way or another.

Vasin stepped forward squeezing past some passerby's eyes locked on his prize. They seemed to be finishing up their deal. They seemed to not take notice of Vasin as he approached the stall. On approach, he placed a hand on the hilt of his sword before coming to a stop. Vasin then reached out and knocked with his free hand on the wooden stall. Three loud knocks that slightly shook the table."Will be with you in a minute sir." the shop keeper said trying to return to the other customer."You'll be with me right now. You owe gold finger money." he said in a deeper voice. The stall keeper paused and would look to Vasin. A worried expression coming to his face."Hey listen, we can work something out right?" the stall keeper said as the customer slowly backed off."Fraid not, cough up what you owe... Or you won't be able to walk back home." Vasin said somewhat intensely, his sword arm tensing up a little."R-Right! Uh... Just let me grab it... it's right under here..." the stall keep said as he would slowly reach under and into the stall. He did so with both hands as he took up a large coin purse."Right here..." they said Vasin's eyes went to the coin sack. But then, the stall keep brought something else up in a quick motion! He threw at Vasin's face a handful of flower which clouded his vision immediately.

Vasin blinked, the flower not entirely in his eyes but they watered from irritation. Annoyed he says the stall keep grab the coin sack and bolt away from Vasin and the stall. Vasin trying to wipe the flour from his face would with his other hand take a step and try to grab them as they ran past. No dice, he grabbed at their clothing and it had slipped through his fingers."Bastard! You should have just made this easy on yourself!" Vasin said gritting his teeth as he took chase. The fleeing debtor took a turn down the alleyway. They were speedy! Vasin was having trouble keeping up as they also had a head start. He chased them down the alleyway jumping over a passed out bum. To which Vasin nearly stumbled over losing more ground on them."Tell Goldfinger to send someone more competent next time!" they taunted back at Vasin as he continued the chase. Barely keeping track of them as they rounded a corner. Vasin had to really pump his legs! His heart raced as this man seemingly went into full sprint slowing down only for corners! This man was an experienced runner for certain! Vasin breathed in and out, his heart racing as he chased fueled by anger and a need to get the job done. Pushing his limits he ran faster propelling himself around the next corner.
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The Over Confident Debtor (Job Thread)

Postby Vasin on February 4th, 2019, 5:44 pm

Vasin was not used to running like this, it strained his body for certain making him use muscles he didn't even know he had. The added resistance of his stuffed leather armor, the metal plates sandwiched between two thick pieces of leather weighed him down. Made some movements awkward as he rounded corners and navigated these back alleys."For someone so scrawny you sure can run!" Vasin shouted nearly between his teeth."For someone so slow you sure are persistent!" the debtor shouted back disappearing around a corner. They were running him in circles trying to lose him in the back allies. Vasin knew he couldn't escape easily, they were trapped here and would have to use a ferry to get out of this area. Vasin just had to keep at it as he ran. Vasin felt as if he was slamming into a wall over and over again, the air running through his hair. It sort of burned in a way as he approached the same corner. Rounding it he saw the debtor up ahead. Eyes on the prize once more Vasin pushed forward. But then something unexpected happened! The debtor tripped! Ha! This was his chance! Or so Vasin thought as it became clear what had tripped the debtor. An outreached foot from an intersecting alleyway. Vasin began to slow down trying to catch his breath and approached cautiously. Hand back to the hilt of his sword.

The figure that had tripped the debtor came out from the alleyway. Vasin could practically smell them by sight. They were visually dirty, their head shaved and they were missing an eye. They smiled at Vasin with a grin missing his two front teeth. The rest of his teeth were very clearly rotting away. They wore a tattered hood, and they wore stained padded armor. Multiple stained brown holes punched in it indicated the fate of its previous owner. The filling could be seen falling out from said holes and other rips and tears. Their hand was purchased on the handle of a rusted Cutlass."Well well well, what have we happened upon?" the mugger asked before spitting something foul to the side."Looks like someone running around with a fat coin purse, and a would-be chaser." they laughed as another man came out from the alleyway. They stomped on the back of the debtor as they tried to scramble up. Their boot firmly planted Vasin got a good look at them as well. They wore no armor but a cloak and hood. Their clothes were dirty and frayed in places. Their teeth yellow, and their face having a grinning scar on each side of their mouth."Seems us bottom feeders get a chance at some good loot. Runoff dog, this one is ours now." the first mugger laughed."That man owes Goldfinger money. Best you back off." Vasin replied rather sternly and then punctuated the point by drawing his sword."Goldfinger? Boss, I don't think--" the second began to say a bit intimated by such a notion."Shut it! Goldfinger won't find out if we kill this one eh?" the apparent boss mugger said flashing a gnarled grin."Fine boss, but if Goldfinger's goons come asking around..." the second one started to say."They won't, this one is just some debt collector. You stay there and keep our prey nice and secured." the boss mugger said not intimated like his apparent partner.

"I'm warning you..." Vasin said raising his sword in a high guard as he had read in that journal. It was sloppy, untrained, and even looked a little silly."Warning me? Time for that is over. You and your little ballerina pose won't save ya if you are really intent on fighting me!" the mugger laughed finding the pose amusing. Vasin shifted taking a more aggressive stance, trying to not ground himself too much as he had read. He tried to bounce on his heel a little his eyes watching the approaching mugger. Their confidence is obvious as they studied one another on approach. Then the mugger bounded forward suddenly! The fight was on and Vasin couldn't run away anymore less he is stabbed in the back! They swung their sword wide towards Vasin's left side. To which Vasin brought his sword down! He wanted to try and do what he had read in that journal! Unfortunately, unlike the mercenary in that journal, he was not that finely honed or well trained. He brought the sword down and it was metal on metal. He stopped the swing and pushed the blade away! All right, he didn't cut their hand off but that was a good start he supposed! The blade of the cutlass was bitten into by the long sword on the repel. However, the mugger had put too much momentum into their attack and they kept barreling towards Vasin! Quickly thinking almost practically on instinct Vasin elbow checked them with their buckler arm! The strike went into their upper chest and halted progress! Thanks to his more aggressive more forward stance Vasin had been able to hold his stance only needing to steady himself a little.
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The Over Confident Debtor (Job Thread)

Postby Vasin on February 4th, 2019, 6:04 pm

Seemed not only did the mugger visually smell, but they smelled pretty bad for real this up close. While Vasin's elbow check had given them pause and stopped them their padded armor no matter how tattered minimized the effect. They then suddenly headbutted Vasin in almost a flash! Vasin stumbled back from the hard-headed attack. Quickly while on the back foot they rounded up for another attack! This time they raised their Cutlass up for an overhead slash! Vasin tried to halt his stumble and managed to get a solid footing. But he didn't have time for another deflection with his sword! So Vasin instead brought up his other arm horizontally up to the vertical slash. His buckler in the way the blade came crashing down onto the small round shield. Vasin then pushed forward knocking the blow to the side! At that point now more stable in footing Vasin bounced somewhat forward, not slashing but thrusting! He stabbed at the mugger with his long sword The pointed tip coming within inches of it's intended target. However, since they had been up so close Vasin had to pull the sword back more than usual to have a good thrust! The mugger seeing this sidestepped, the sword stabbing through the loose padded armor. To which Vasin then swung outwards cutting a slash out before he swung back towards the mugger.

The mugger proceeded the bring up his cutlass in defense halting the swing but was forced to take a step back. This fight was turning out to be more than he had bargained for, and it showed more and more like the look on his face became more focused and worried. Vasin did not relent, pressing his sword against their's locking them together as he brought them close once more! With an outward kick, he kicked at the mugger's knee! Which buckled from the attack causing them this time to stumble back. Their swords no longer crossed the mugger having yelled out in pain caught himself on a wall. Slowly he started to limp backward his sword raised as Vasin approached once more for another thrust. Vasin bounded forward and the slowing Mugger quickly tried to swipe the sword away. But he only managed to redirect the sword a little. It stabbed through the padded armor and through their abdomen avoiding the bones in the chest. They yelled out as Vasin then withdrew the sword as he reflexively tried to swing for Vasin's arms. Vasin just barely managed to pull out, the Cutlass knocking down his long sword instead of cutting off his sword arm.

They brought up their Cutlass for another slashing attack to which Vasin responded quickly. As they brought it down Vasin would swing his buckler at the fast approaching blade. At the point of contact, he knocked back the swing and then went for the kill. He brought his sword back and swung remembering what he read. He aimed for the other side of this mugger's neck and tried to follow through. Thwack! The sword cut deep into their neck a terrified expression on their face and blood was gurgled up. Vasin breathed, the mugger dropped the cutlass his sword halfway into their neck. Not a clean cut, the sword had hit bone, and at that moment of feeling resistance, Vasin had stopped his swing. He failed to follow through, but as he withdrew his sword and the mugger fell dead, well it did the job regardless it would seem.
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The Over Confident Debtor (Job Thread)

Postby Vasin on February 4th, 2019, 6:19 pm

Vasin stared at the now slain mugger a moment longer, blood dripped from his long sword. Then his eyes pulled away, the world came back to him as he heard the jingle of coins being moved. The other mugger, with a terrified expression, had removed the large coin purse from the debtor. Not only that but they had taken out a wood club at some point. During that fight apparently, the debtor had tried to get away, so they were knocked over the head with a club? These thoughts raced through his mind. Vasin began to approach the second mugger almost without thinking. They were going to try and run off with the money? "You bastard! I-I'll kill you!" the second mugger screamed out with a raised club. Nope, seemed he had expected his boss to win and now wanted some revenge. Either that or he wanted to make sure word of this didn't get back to anyone important. Regardless, Vasin approached a lowered guard his eyes on the second mugger. They bounded up from their crouched position and ran at Vasin with a raised club! Swinging it wildly at approaching Vasin and closing the gap. Vasin's long sword had the reach, but the previous fight had tired him, his reaction time slowed a bit. So this time he defended not reacting in time.

Knowing it was bad news to try and block a blunt thing like a club with a buckler, Vasin brought up his sword and tried to parry it. The sword swung into the club and buried itself into the wood. With some effort the second mugger pulled free, surprising Vasin and nearly taking his sword with the club. But the sword came free as the second mugger proceeded to do a jumping kick all so suddenly! The blow landed right in the middle of his studded leather armor. Vasin stepped back regaining his footing. The second mugger persistent took another swing is very close to Vasin now. They aimed for his head, and Vasin ducked under the swing which brushed the top of his hair. From underneath Vasin grabbed a hold of their arm over his shoulder. Then propelling himself upwards with his legs he stabbed upwards. The sword ran right into their lower chest, and then out their upper back. The second mugger let out a surprised squeak, coughed up some blood, and after a moment went limp. Raising his leg Vasin pushed them off himself and his sword which now ran red with blood.

Vasin breathed, his messy fight was over, and he had gotten through it by the skin of his teeth. He took a moment to recover, blood pooling on the ground around the bodies. Trying to control his breath he slowed it down a little, his eyes coming to the dropped coin purse, then looking to the knocked out debtor."No point in hurting a knocked out man I suppose." Vasin breathed out tired from the very violent and sudden ordeal. With a grunt, he reached out and grabbed the sack of coin, and stowed it. Kneeling there for a moment longer he would slowly raise himself taking in a slow breath. He stood there for perhaps a moment more before shaking the blood from his sword and then sheathing it. This was Sunberth, bodies in back alleys were common, and violence was common. More then all, it was time to return with the money owed. With a start and a near stumble, Vasin left the scene of the fight. The two bodies and the unconscious man left there for someone else to deal with. Vasin would slowly make his way back to Goldfinger's, a job well done.
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The Over Confident Debtor (Job Thread)

Postby Orakan on March 6th, 2019, 3:01 am



● Planning - 3XP
● Logic - 2XP
● Observation - 5XP
● Socialisation - 2XP
● Land Navigation - 1XP
● Acting - 1XP
● Intelligence - 1XP
● Investigation - 1XP
● Intimidation - 2XP
● Running - 2XP
● Acrobatics - 4XP
● Endurance - 2XP
● Bodybuilding - 2XP
● Longsword - 3XP
● Shield - 2XP
● Unarmed Combat - 1XP
● Deduction - 1XP

● Location: Goldfinger's Loan Agency
● Planning: Calculating routes and escape plans
● Sunberth: Requires ferries to traverse the Mudway
● Location: Seaside Market
● Acting: Walking with confidence
● Intelligence: Learning about a mark's mannerisms and personality through careful observation
● Investigation: Looking for armed threats
● Planning: Taking in surroundings and intel to formulate a plan of action
● Investigation: Sizing up a mark
● No one cheats Goldfinger and gets away with it
● Intimidation: Broker no argument
● Intimidation: Threats of bodily harm
● Acrobatics: Heavy gear and armor makes movements more difficult
● Intimidation: Namedropping
● Buckler Shield: Using an opponent's momentum to serve an elbow check
● Buckler Shield: Defensive block
● Longsword: Close-quarter thrust
● Longsword: Defensive block
● Longsword: Lowered guard stance
● Endurance: The toll of heavy one-on-one combat
● Buckler Shield: Not the best defence against blunt weapons
● Acrobatics: Ducking an oncoming blow
● Sunberth: Violence and dead bodies in back alleys are commonplace


Once again, I absolutely adore your approach to and execution of this thread. You play to Vasin's skills while still realistically working to build new ones and you write in such a way that's easy to follow - and fun! Keep up the great work and thanks again for the read! Do let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade and don't forget to delete/edit your request in the grading queue.
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