78 Winter 518 The longer Crylon spent clearing the land, the more trash he seemed to find. Almost as if it was breeding when he was not looking, he half thought to himself. The main bit of focus so far in clearing it all had been on the building on the land, but dotted across the expanse of unused property were other heaps. Small piles, bigger chunks, a mashup of debris and things. Wearing a glove on his right hand he was carefully prying into another such pile with his left arm and hand. Jamming the fingers of the hand like a spike into the chunk to pull something loose seemed a good way to get through the refuse. It seemed whenever something broke or was of no further value it had been tossed in a pile. This one was taller than him, spread out across a space bigger than a bed by several multiples. So far it had been mostly broken mismatched piece of wood, perhaps belonging to some prior version of the structure that had been built and rebuilt over and over till it had almost nothing of the original place. But even to Crylon's eye for buildings, he could not fathom what the pieces had been originally due to their randomness and having been broken into such small pieces. The rain and weather coming after had also warped and distorted it all, making it further impossible to tell what had been its original state. He was thrusting his arm elbow deep again when he felt a piece of something solid running vertically within the pile. Bulling aside a chunk of the pile with his one arm he pulled the arm free and threw bits of wood and detritus flying. This revealed a piece of wood still in one piece, though similarly warped by rain and such soaked through it. This one however seemed intact, and if not sound still in its original shape. The next bell was spent more or less excavating the thing he had found, like the bones of some long dead creature. As he did so its form slowly came into view. The first bit he found was a roundish joint of wood attached to a base he could somewhat see below the pile with some manhandling. It was made harder to identify as it seemed to be tilted at an angle. It had some bits of tarp, torn off and nailed to the structure, implying that at one point it had been covered in such a tarp. Spaced out along the base he found another such piece, and another spaced out the same distance away. This made his mind turn back to his earlier thought of digging up an animal, and of the wooden curved bits being ribs. One intact, the others snapped off on either end at varying length so that it no longer curved across. The more he saw of it the better idea he formed of what it was, though still he seemed to be missing something. A portable tent like structure? It was when he got to the base on the low side and cleared off a bit of the side that he finally puzzled it out with a further hint. Pulling aside a chunk of debris he found an axle, a rod crossing underneath the base. And snapped in half and lying on the ground next to it was unmistakably a wheel. Piecing it all together Crylon understood. It was a wagon. Or had once been. Clearly it was now broken. But then it occurred to him that was why it was there. Like the other things it had been broken, and when it was of no more use it had been left there. And then more debris had been thrown on top of it till it had been forgotten. Such a sight saddened Crylon, that such a piece of work, once of use and meant for a purpose would be abandoned like that. WC: 663 |